The Book that should be

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The Book that should be

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:49 am

Am I the only one who hadn't gotten around to reading this?

Didn't know exactly where to place this but wanted to get the word out....for those that may have put off exploring the Asirimarco back story. I recently finished going back and reading Carol's story of their trip to South America that included The Driver, four of their children and one "loaner" son.....a friend of their Randy's. I had heard folks refer to it but had never wandered over to her web site to read more than the more recent "Travel in Mexico" blogs.

All I can say is that I didn't get much of anything done once I started reading. :shock: :D I have paid money to read far less interesting RV "travel" stories out in print. There is definitely enough fodder there for a complete book. I particularly found myself thinking back to the politics of the late 70's that effected several of the countries that they traveled through. Maybe we can all encourage Carol to explore publishing her story in an e-reader format through Amazon and Nook. And this rig was only 24 feet long people! I don't want to hear anything about "not enough room" from any of us after imagining all the boys sacked out for the night. (And think about the toilet paper stocked in bulk under the bed 8-) ......)

So for any of you that wonder how bravely the two of them can wander Mexico each winter.......I encourage you to read about their first RV adventure and you will appreciate where Alfie and Master Willie stand in the long history of the Asirimarco's willingness to explore the world beyond their doors and face new adventures of learning . :lol: I love Bill's people talent. Yes, speaking Spanish is a big plus but he has an incredible knack of dealing with situations and people and Carol has the sense of humor, common sense and the courage to trust that get them through to the other side of all kinds of situations.

Carol, Thank you so much for taking the time to write your story out.....I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your children (even as I know they are now grownups :) ) There were so many parts that I had to love. "George" coming home under the hat at the airport. The irony of your later food service career in supervising/training food safety after the wonders of opening a restaurant under less than stellar conditions..... Some of the best lessons we learn of what not to do. :? :lol: Thinking of the experiences that your sons gained..... from the responsibility that Randy and John frequently demonstrated to the entertainment factor Gil found in chasing a farting pony. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! And for any of the forum "sisters" who haven't read it. Don't worry about that laundry and dusting....go read a good book. You will be able to tell everyone that you read the manuscript before if was published....... :) ;)
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Re: The Book that should be

Postby Bethers » Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:08 pm

Tina, you make me want to reread it. Yes, it should be a "real" book - and I agree, better than most rv stories out there. I hope all who haven't take the time to go read it.
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Re: The Book that should be

Postby Redetotry » Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:28 pm

I've read it :!: :!: :!: and urged others to several times, most recently after Willy was stolen. I also think she should try to have it published
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