Monday, May 6

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Monday, May 6

Postby Bethers » Mon May 06, 2024 12:40 pm

BJ, a frustrating morning, eh? Sandi, using your help I just moved each bird that the app has sighted into life birds. Some of the birds I saw and heard the other day I'll have to wait until it happens again and I don't lose the recordings.

Ty and I made new friends at the dog park this morning, too. They were much younger than him but you'd have never known it. Both were rescues also and about his size. And I liked the couple, too, but as is normal for me I've already forgotten their names.

No clue how I'm going to spend today. I think lazily.
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon May 06, 2024 1:48 pm

Morning Beth. I was up and at it early. Had to get labs drawn today so thought I would go early before all the people who have seen their docs need lab work...well that was wrong.....I was with all the people who needed fasting blood draws LOL It did go pretty quick tho I was in and out within about a half hours. Of course it is cold out so my veins wouldnt cooperate. I have lousy veins anyway but I do know where to draw from. The little gal was very good and listened to me but she missed twice, She was going to get someone else but I told her we can do this (even if I had to do it myself ha ha) so I had her put the tourniquet on lower, give me a hot pack, and told her where to draw from and she got it. I told her it was a team effort. I dont like to tell them their job but after all it is my arm and I do know where my vein is. She was great.

Came home, had some breakfast and now thinking about lunch......ha ha when in doubt EAT. I see my Primary on Wednesday so that is it for the week hopefully. It is cold out so going to snuggle in the recliner and watch some tv until lunch time. Then who knows. I will pick up some plants on WED after my appt. Rain is lessening each day and then Thursday will start our heat wave ha ha

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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby Redetotry » Mon May 06, 2024 3:24 pm

Yes between having to update my computer which I haven't done since I got this one at least a year ago. Then I updated my phone which had also not been updated since i bought it ,I was ready to throw them all out the door. But all is well now and I think I have everything working. I just took Pippa for a stroll and the bird app said it heard a Tufted Titmouse, cedar Waxwing ,Common Grackle, Fish Crow, and a Tennessee Warbler! I copied Sandi's instructions on saving to life birds and will attempt that in a bit. Whew I need a teenage assistant.
My van is in the garage and hope she doesn't loose it, there had to be 400 cars at least around her shop. I can't imagine how she keeps track unless some are for sale. The A/C isn't cooling and since it is supposed to be cool this week I thought it was a good time to take it in. I'm going to have an adult beverage!
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon May 06, 2024 5:08 pm

BJ, I am glad I am not the only one who gets so frustrated with technology and computers/phones!

This morning I made some phone calls. I found out that my insurance WILL cover hearing aids, so that is good! I had lost the information I wrote down for my hearing test appointment and couldn't remember any of the info about it, so I called the clinic where I had my ears checked and they told me where and when the appointment is. It will be one week from today.

I also found out that there is an issue with my unemployment request. :roll: Yeah, I kind of expected that. So I have an appointment with them in 2 weeks. I wanted to print out all the text messages between me and the GM at Great Clips, so I google how to do that. I wasn't able to get it done with a screen shot to print but I found a video online that said to download an app (Legal Text collector) to get text messages printed for legal purposes. Well they wanted my Google password which I can't remember. I tried a few but none worked, so I changed it. Then went back in to use the new one but the new one didn't work either. :evil: Then it blocked me for trying too many attempts at signing in, not sure for how long. I will have to wait awhile before I try again. :roll: So I have been working on all that for half the day. My frustration level is rising! :shock:

Need to eat lunch and then find something more productive to do. :?
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby JudyJB » Mon May 06, 2024 5:23 pm

Sorry, BJ, but the bail fund is only for getting into trouble for fun activities. Do any of you remember the Jan 2013 get-together at Hillsborough SP? We had parked too many cars in one campsite where we were having out potluck, and someone reported us for the cars and being too noisy. So, two young and handsome rangers showed up. Of course, we insisted that they had to be in one of our group photos and they both turned beet red!

I found a few photos of the occasion, though the rangers are not in the group photo that I have:



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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby Redetotry » Mon May 06, 2024 7:18 pm

I wasn't there Judy but I do remember the incidence and wishing that I had been there.
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby Bethers » Mon May 06, 2024 7:38 pm

I missed that one, too. But I was at a previous one at Hillsborough River State Park. I do remember that incident well, though. So funny.
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby JudyJB » Mon May 06, 2024 8:58 pm

Were any of you at the one at Potter's Creek in TX in October, 2012? Here are some photos of that one:


In this one, Birdie was shooing away the deer that were trying to get our food.


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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby Bethers » Mon May 06, 2024 9:47 pm

Just quickly i see Martha in a couple of those pictures. And Karen who we lost a couple years ago. I'm sure others can pick out more.
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby Acadianmom » Mon May 06, 2024 9:59 pm


Here's a picture of me in my Minnie Pearl hat on my way to the casino to watch the derby.

My sister and I were at the GTG at Potter's Creek. I have been at several campouts where the police were roped into posing in our picture.

Last Tuesday I was on my way home from town and my front tire started going flat. I stopped and decided to try to add air and try to get home. It was after 6:00 and I knew I would be two hours waiting on a tire service. I put air and made it a few miles and stopped to add air again. Two guys passed and came back and put a plug in it so I could get home. I was sure glad they stopped. There was a piece of metal in the tire. I need to go get it looked at but had a headache all day. Then my stomach was upset. I am seldom ever sick so don't know what I ate that was bad. Hopefully I will feel better in the morning and I can go see about my tire.

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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby chalet05 » Mon May 06, 2024 10:11 pm

Some familiar faces! I wasn't at either one, but I do remember about the rangers showing up!

I'm not quite caught up on here after being gone. Sheila, sorry your mother is having issues and in the hospital. The bird app sounds interesting if you are in bird areas! Tina, glad you are out and about. Martha, glad you had some good Samaritans!

I went to Port Angeles Wednesday and came home today - skipped going to the ocean. Weather is to be great here this week - 80 on Friday! I had a great time with my brother - even a trip to the casino and dinner! My niece and her 2-year-old took me on outings - sometimes with her sister's 2 kids - boy 6 (I think) and 3-year-old girl I hadn't seen since she was a baby. We went out for breakfast Friday and headed for a drive when we found streets in town closed with a lot of police activity. Police fatally shot a bank robber in front of my bank branch that I needed to go to (Chase).

Then today happened - brother's labs were off so no chemo this week but a scan ordered. He has new aches and pains so there is concern the cancer in his bones is kicking its ugly head. Daughter saw oral surgeon today about her jaw. It's either an infection in the bone and will have to be cut out or it's cancer. They'll do a biopsy Wednesday and no results for 2 weeks. Going to be a long 2 weeks for us and going to be a tough road for her no matter the diagnosis. Today is the 46th anniversary of my mother's death at the age of 54.

Think I'll see if a TV show will turn off my brain for awhile.
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby JudyJB » Mon May 06, 2024 11:09 pm

I remember the Potter's Creek get together in TX because it was the first one I went to. One memorable thing was stalking a deer to take a photo, when Dawn's brother came by on his scooter and pointed out to me that I was being stalked by two other deer!! They were used to being fed and kept trying to get food from our potluck table.

Later, I told my sons about the weekend, and that is when I got the first comments from them about the dangers of meeting with strangers--"How do know one of them is not an axe murderer?" That was pretty funny considering we were just a bunch of old ladies who were having fun!! I later found out that that comment was pretty common from grown kids and other relatives!!! One group, and I was not there, posted a photo once of the group with someone in the middle holding an axe. Does anyone have a copy of that???
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby snowball » Tue May 07, 2024 12:16 am

looks like you all had fun... I've always wanted to go to one Alice went to one if I'd known she was going I would have snagged a ride with her and made it to one... perhaps someday I will make it to one other than in Q my husband was one that would say something about axe murderer and then at the end of meeting someone on the forum he would say nope no axe murderer there :lol:
mom is home and we will meet with the hospice folk tomorrow... I would like to figure out a way to have a video chat with my siblings not sure it will work out or not... it would help if they would respond to text I sent asking for a time that will work with them... one brother is on the road he works for a ranch so guessing he is after horses so he isn't even in the same state at the moment... and mom actually signed the DNR guess her heart issues have gotten worse and as the NP said there isn't a lot that anyone can do... so if she wants to die at home this is the best way to be able to be at home... mom got a bit irritated I guess because I was asking questions and she either couldn't hear or follow what was being said ... she was feeling excluded we need to be aware of that and include her... it was mentioned that aids would be able to do showers if we wanted that to happen need to find out what all is included guess that is what the meeting is for tomorrow... and yes I wouldn't mind giving up that part
we had cold today plus snow even snow that stuck to the ground for a bit... and of course a delivery somewhat heavy boxes and to be helpful they put them on the bench under the tree which made it further to get to them... and actually I sound ungrateful but I really am glad they did it getting them off the deck would have been hard and they might have gotten wetter ... need to take and put them in the room they go to I need to one day cut up boxes that have been gathering and get rid of them... might make more room...
decided to make chicken and rice by time I got it into the oven it was going to make supper way late so fixed hot dogs and we will heat up the casserole tomorrow night... I forgot some of what the recipe called for was suppose to top the top with a bunch of butter and crackers I forgot might have to fix that it seems a bit dry so might have to fix that as well
hoping that everyone gets to accomplish all that you need to do...
Anita I asked my dd about that restaurant she hadn't heard of it but googled it said it was about 90 mins away on the way to Forks so if we go that way again might need to check it out ...
you all have a great night
if I didn't get so frustrated with tech stuff I'd download that app it sounds like a good one
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby Redetotry » Tue May 07, 2024 7:18 am

Who is the woman in red in the second photo Judy posted. I think Irmi is sitting next to her. I remember so many fun stories and people from all the years we have been together like Little Bunny Foo Foo and of course the adventures of Sparkle.
I did get the Merlin app to work but obviously I have done something wrong as I've had to change my password 3 times. Either I'm not saving it or the internet gremlins are messing with me.
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Re: Monday, May 6

Postby Pooker » Tue May 07, 2024 8:10 am

What fun pictures! And not an axe murderer among them. I guess we have all had the "little lady" and "it's not safe" attitude from folks, strangers and family alike. I always got such a kick out of traveling with Sharon. Men would gather and stare whenever we pulled into a park and then their jaws dropped when this little bit of a thing climbed down from "Hope" after backing that diesel pusher into a tight spot!

Who was the lady who joined us one year at Q and kept us all in stitches with her stories about trying to avoid her kids tracking her with GPS? Every time I think of Quartzsite I remember Sheila's Indian tacos. I sure do miss Q, but my body wouldn't let me walk around the sales anyway. This latest b'day is a reminder of how I'm getting older than dirt.

Sure wish I could have attended more get-togethers before hanging up the keys.

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