Wednesday, May 1st

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Wednesday, May 1st

Postby Colliemom » Wed May 01, 2024 6:58 am

Morning Everybody. Another month starting. And another damp rainy morning here at the 45th. Supposed to clear out in awhile though. I have a haircut appt. this Morning and then stops at Walmart, Lowes and Meijer. So that will take care of the morning. Then maybe I can get back to the last part of my step project. Just need to fit a piece of 2x4 along the bottom of the handrail area to attach the ballisters to, but getting the angle right is taking time. Playing with a scrap piece of 2x4 and changing the degree of the cutting blade on my miter saw till I get it where I want it, then out to see how it looks and back for a wee more trim. Once I get the two pieces done, then I can attach the ballisters and done. Want to get the dirt pile, cut up shrubs and debris out of the flowerbed and cut the last shrub down. Hopefully by end of week, should have that area under control. Want to get it ready for planting. Painting the new wood and touching up areas on the other parts of the balustrade can come later.

Judy, if you get a tryke, but sure your bumper can handle the weight of a carrier necessary to carry it and the tryke itself. Friend of mine had to get hers rei forced to carry her bike rake. I agree about tbe bike seats. They have so many different ones out now. I’ve risen those 3 wheel ones, they are pretty nice. Glad you got your reservations in for your trip across the Trans Canada highway. A bit of advice. Keep your gas tank close to full going across Saskatchewan and Alberta as towns are far and few between and there are miles and miles of nothing out there and I mean nothing. Two and a half days of very boring scenery. Flat as a pancake. Same as U.S. prairies, but I think the U.S. Prairie is a bur more settled. I’ve been across the Trans Canada twice.

Martha, have fun in your camping trip. Shelia, glad you made it back to your brothers safely. Evening.Anita, enjoy Port Angeles and the train ride. Taking a train trip and a cruise on the Mississippi are on my bucket list, but whether or not that happens, remains to be seen.

Need to get in the shower and get ready to leave in awhile, so wishi gbyou all a nice day.
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed May 01, 2024 9:34 am

Good morning. I got busy yesterday and forgot to take the 5 minutes to post LOL I kept getting distracted hah Slept in this morning until 6:30 I got everything done yesterday for the Bunco gals and just have to set up the tables and bake my cake. My neighbor will be bringing over her card table later this morning so will run Henry over the living and family room. Have a load of laundry to throw in the dryer and I will be all caught up on that.
Remembered to say Rabbits this morning, wonders never cease. It is Heartworm day here too. Pretty nice day here so far but the weather people say rain showers this afternoon then pretty good weather for a few days. I will finish putting more soil in the large raised bed then will go plant shopping. Have some seeds to plant also, beans, beets and my onion sets. I will buy the tomato plants already growing. I have never started them from seed as way easier just to buy them already growing.
Sue your porch is almost done, amazing. I am anxious also to get back to my painting in the bathroom but that can wait for a bit. I have way more to do outside first. Once I get the watering system tweaked and everything planted then it will be bathroom painting time.
Off to get some breakfast and a shower. Then will bake my cake.

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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby PeggyinCT » Wed May 01, 2024 10:17 am

Good morning Everyone from cloudy CT. No sun yet, but it’s warm and since it rained during the night I don’t have water. The spring trees and shrubs are in full bloom in my garden. Nice…
I’m finally going to Alaska! It’s my last state to visit and I’m looking forward to it. I’m flying; not driving the Roadtrek.
Enjoy your day. Peggy
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby chalet05 » Wed May 01, 2024 11:39 am

Happy May!

Glad to see April end! Taking my own sweet time this morning. No matter when I leave, I'll have a ferry to catch and I never check the schedule or I'd feel the pressure to get there.

Sue, that MIssissippi River cruise has been on my bucket list, too, but it's so expensive. May bite the bullet one of these days. Peggy, you will no doubt enjoy Alaska and will be anxious to hear your plans. Martha, enjoy the campout.
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby JudyJB » Wed May 01, 2024 1:53 pm

Thanks, Sue, but my bike rack goes on the heavy-duty hitch on my motorhome--not a bumper. And the trikes weight the same as my current bike, but I will need a new rack, but it also will weigh about what I already have. Hitch is set up to pull a 5,000 pound car with a decent tongue weight, so it will easily handle even two trikes.

Got to go outside and scrub picnic table cover and then bike cover, so I can pack up to move tomorrow. More later.
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby Redetotry » Wed May 01, 2024 2:51 pm

Good afternoon all and Happy May Day. I didn't leave flowers for anyone but did cut a few peonies (with approval) from my neighbors yard. She has an amazing yard and is a fabulous cook and often shares special treats. Yesterday it was a fresh from the oven rhubarb pie which was baked in a vintage pie pan the one with little holes in the bottom. The crust was made with half butter and half lard that she had rendered herself. It was really flaky and beautiful. I was so happy to finally reach my weight goal of 120 pounds today!!!! I stopped weighing when I got down to 107 and It has taken about a year and a half as I don't really get hungry to get back to a reasonable weight. Another 10 pounds would be welcome though. It is already too warm for me so I am not looking forward to summer or to the cicada that are coming. We live in the zone where they are expected to be very large numbers. They make a noise which is extremely loud day and night :shock:

It sounds as though a few of you will be 'off to Alaska' this summer. I can't remember if that is part of a song or from a book. I think I'm with you Peggy I would fly. Karen I hope your Bunco party goes well.
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby IrishIroamed » Wed May 01, 2024 3:15 pm

Good afternoon ladies~~~
I remembered Rabbits! in the middle of the night, but comforted Punkin first, so it may not count. I know he was dreaming, but think it may have been a nightmare since it woke me up abruptly.

Enjoying reading everyone's plans for cruises and Alaska. I haven't planned any travels yet for this summer, even going back to Illinois for a family wedding, but still keeping fingers and toes crossed for travel. The hope is to get my paintings I put in storage since I wanted to keep them and no longer had Dad's house to store them. I need something on the walls here, but the bedroom is done being decorated.

Repairs to the mobile are slow. I should say scheduling is slow. The repair team finally got here on Monday, but just to confirm the fixes. They've been stuck in Flagstaff working on a unit that was flooded 3" due to a bad water connection done at the factory. But at least the supplies have been ordered and received based on what the inspector submitted. Pending another catastrophic emergency that may arise, they are estimating my repairs should be done within 2 weeks. Fingers and toes are crossed! Sure would like to be on the road by June, but it's getting tight to plan around Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day.

Happy May ladies. Enjoy your warming weather. Just wish personally the tornadoes would stop. They're to early. National news said last night this is the second worst outbreak of early tornadoes.
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby Bethers » Wed May 01, 2024 3:31 pm

Cheryl, I talked to Ty before saying rabbits, so not sure mine counted either. For those going to Alaska, I'd love to tag along. I hope you've got plenty of time as Alaska is so big, so much to see if you can. Judy, I knew you'd be using the hitch. It's made for that. And if I should try a trike, I'll remember the seats you've mentioned. Or ask you again lol. BJ, I gained about 5 lbs. I'd gladly send it your way. It was my goal to lose that it more this past 6 months. I'm getting more walking in again, so hopefully I drop at least what I gained. As for traveling, the only place I know I'll be heading later this summer in SD to renew my driver's license. I miss the Black Hills, so will try to get around a bit. I know I didn't want to arrive until Sturgis is over!!!

I'm being way too lazy today. Maybe I'll get some get up and go this afternoon.
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby Shirlv » Wed May 01, 2024 6:48 pm

Evening All, just checking in. I did say Rabbits after midnight. Waiting until after midnight to say rabbits is how I have managed for many years. #1 did thought it was a funny superstition and ask where it originated. I didn’t know where the folklore came from but it has been fun. The houseplants loved the grow light. I have planted veggies in the raised bed. We have hard heat and humidity already this year so trying to find solutions to be able to care for garden. Spend most of my times still watching garden shows on YouTube. Put a soaker hose in the raised bed so only have to turn on the hose and set a timer. Splurged and bought aqua pot self watering inserts for four large pots, Happy Birthday to me. Fill the three gallon revisor every few days and water wicks up to Juliet tomato plant. Garfield the cat visits and talked to me. Sometimes he is irritated and paces while continually meowing. If I follow him to the door it’s usually the neighbors dog. He doesn’t want him in our yard but comes in the house He is very intelligent. lol Everyone take care and be safe

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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed May 01, 2024 10:56 pm

Been a busy day again. I did say rabbits after midnight but not sure if I talked to the cats first. :? I talked to a SS Disability lawyer this morning. He thinks I may have a good case. I don't have to pay him unless his firm wins and then only pay him a small portion of the first check I receive. His firm has 5 star reviews on the BBB and A+ rating. So I answered a lot of questions and need to get a couple things done this week that he asked me to get from my dr., like a note saying I can't lift more than 20 lbs. Will see how this all goes altho it could take quite awhile. I read thru my medical file on-line and was surprised by all the stuff I have had issues with over the past 5 years that I had forgotten about. Was pretty interesting!

Then I went to the WorkForce office and met with a really nice lady for awhile talking about what my current situation is and what my options are for finding another job and possibly some training to help with that. I need to figure out what I want to do, so I will look into things I can also do at home/on the road, for later. Maybe some software courses. Haven't done anything with that kind of work for about 25 years and things change so much with that stuff so I would have to relearn and update my skills (ie; spreadsheets, databases, etc).

Stopped at DQ for lunch and was shocked by how high their prices are now! Since the minimum wage for fast food workers in CA went up to $20 per hour in April :roll: , the prices have soared! I ended up ordering off their $5 menu - 2 chicken tenders and a small sundae for $5. If I would have ordered the small chicken tender basket and a small Blizzard, it would have come to just over $20! :shock: Actually with my little appetite now, the meal I got was just about right for me. I have lost about 6 pounds in the last 2 months. Another 10 would be good! My shorts aren't quite so tight now which is nice. :D I try to eat one decent meal per day. I have little to no desire for snacks anymore which was not good for me anyways.

Need to take care of a few more things tomorrow morning with the dr stuff needed. I also need to get my laundry done before that gets out of control again. :roll: Sunday will be only 81* so will work on getting the trim back up on the deck so at least it doesn't look so unfinished. Also need to get to that one last spot on the deck with a second coat. There is a small gap between the edge of the deck and the side of the house that I want to plug up with caulking so when I hose off the deck, the water won't go down under the deck, but run off onto the driveway instead.

I have lots to do for awhile, but lots of time to do it now, too.

All the park models and RV lots on the other side of my street are all empty now for the summer. The park is getting very quiet now.

Have a good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby snowball » Wed May 01, 2024 11:47 pm

a quite day did laundry still need to fold a load while doing that read scriptures and tuned into a couple pod casts so really nothing to report... I have to move the concentrator here more than I do at mom's house so when I go to my room and move the machine for the night I will quickly fold clothes
good to hear from you Shirl and Cheryl
Barbie will you get more from disability or from SS? I heard of a job that a lady mentioned in Women's World that was I think doing oh hate it when the word won't come when one wants go to someone and get them to witness your signature and she stamps it... I had hopes that the magazine was in my bag but it's not it's on my bed in a bag...anyway it was geared to a specialty not just general so in that aspect it wouldn't travel well
hopefully you will find the trike you want Judy I think it's only way I would ride a bike now... I can't remember the last time I road on probably as a pre-teen if then even
perhaps someone here will know my dd want's to plant mint probably spearmint and she knows that they spread what I was wondering if they can be contained by putting a bearer in the soil that will go down quite a ways? she gets field mice coming in and that is a plant that is suppose to deter them... she has found two entrances and filled them in but it's so hard to find with all the stuff she has to go through she emptied her storage shed and is trying to find a home for everything even my stuff ...
so irritating the page that opens when I go on line has a bar with places that I go to all the time and places they think I should want to go ...and for some reason the drop one of the ones I go to nightly and now I can't find the right one doing a search so aggravating found it last night but so far tonight I haven't my 40 thieves game...
the right one the one I am used to not a bunch of others... :( so guess I will look again
have fun Anita
Peggy where are you going to be in AK? if you go to Sitka and remember Kerry I don't remember her old name on the old site to help you remember her either... anyway Kerry is working in Sitka for the season... helping people get from the ships to town and back to the ships again...
Sue you could see if Amtrak goes south take it and come up the river on the boat Chris (Red) and her husband took a cruise on one of the great lakes that sounded fun think it was for two weeks
I remembered something I was going to mention... saw a "reel" on FB 2 ingredient cake .... so looked at it and guess what the two ingredients were? pineapple and angel food cake mix but think she did it with tidbits two cans and all the juice then into a bundt cake pan as she didn't have a angel food cake pan...
you all have a great night
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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu May 02, 2024 3:08 am

Sheila, yes disability pays more than SS. I am not holding my breath that I will get it, but it is worth a try. I have had a lot of people tell me I should get on it, with all my issues.

That pineapple and angel food cake sounds good! Seems to me there was a similar recipe someone posted on here before. I like quick simple recipes.

I think you are thinking of a notary public. They have to work and reside in the state where they are licensed so not a good traveling job, but would be pretty easy.

Good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Wednesday, May 1st

Postby Bethers » Thu May 02, 2024 10:27 am

That cake is good. I like it best when including the mandarin oranges. Here's the link to the recipe and questions/comments about it here:
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