Last Friday of April

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Last Friday of April

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:58 am

Morning y’all. Where has April gone? Like all the other months of this year so far, it has just flown. But when one is busy, tine just flies.
Sun is trying to make an appearance, but it’s supposed to get cloudy as the day goes on, with rain tonight. Rats, I was hopi g it would hold off one more day, so I can clean up the pile of leaves and cut up shrubs I gphave laying out here from the porch project.

I finished the step part of the project yesterday, but did not get railings installed. Made a design change, in that, rather than spend time cutting out the board to fit around the posts, decided to mount the posts in top of the board instead. So will be heading to town this morning to get the brackets for that, take some boards I don’t need back to Menards, hit Lowes and HD to get some screws and check out paver stones to lay at the base of the step. Then will mount the posts after I come home. Can lay a tarp over the pile of debris for tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be dry till night, when they say we might have some severe storms :roll:

Karen, what would we do without our Gorlla carts. I fortunately can use my lawn tractor to haul mine around if I have a heavy load. The brackets that hold my bagger system stay on my tractor, so I just slip the handle over one of the uprights. I also have a deeper cart for the tractor too. Thanks for the update on Velda and Chris. Tough road for both of them. Barbie, hesring loss as the others have said, is caused by any number of things. They are still discovering Covid related medical issues, so who knows. But no matter, don’t put off doing anything about it. That can make only make it worse. Studies are starting to show that loss of hearing may lead to dementia, it can cause balance issues etc . You may have fluid in the inner ear which doesn’t always show up on a rountine exam too. If you find you need hearing aids, do so and wear them. There are all kinds on the market, but getting fitted by a certified audiologist is best, becausethry can ubterpret test results, and get you the best fit. I realize that it’s a financial hardship for you, but there are programs out there that can help and I doubt you will need powerful expensive ones like Beth and I have to wear. But I and I know Beth, are both thankful that we have them and the technology that has advanced them.

Martha, I don’t know how small your saw is, but if you get a long enough blade, I would think it would do the job.

Nd to get going here. Things to do as I said and running to tbe different places will take time. So I’m off.
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Re: Last Friday of April

Postby Bethers » Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:26 pm

Wow, Sue, I can't believe no ones followed you. I will do so. And, yes, I don't like what I've been paying for my hearing aids over the years, but it sure beats the alternative. I've actually been hoping that Medicare would start covering something, but not yet and I'm due. I need to find a new audiologist, which I hate having to do. I liked the I've I've been using for about 25 years but she has moved. And like you, I will only see an actual audiologist.

Nothing exciting here today. Ty and I had a decent morning walk. I borrowed a lopper from our landscaping area and trimmed back a tree. Not do I realize how much upper body strength I've lost. Add to that my trying to get up from the floor while I've been slowly scrubbing the bathroom floor. I'm doing it in small sections. Funny how much I've cleaned and it still looks disgusting to me, but I know it's about as clean as it's going to get.

I think the temps here tonight might get into the 40's, then only 71 for a high tomorrow, cold again tomorrow night. Typical desert. I don't think we'll see much more this cold now as summer really kicks in.
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Re: Last Friday of April

Postby JudyJB » Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:04 pm

I'm here, but been lazy today. I went for a bike ride to a nearby restaurant yesterday, and my right knee is bothering me. I think I need to raise the bike seat, for one thing, and for another thing, I am pretty much out of condition, so am taking it easy today. Did some estate executor work. I will ride a mile or so tomorrow to a nearby tourist town. I am hoping I can make it to Publix because I am out of linguini. Not even any spaghetti. And I want to make langostino linguini in a garlic-butter sauce. Had a very small steak tonight instead.

Just put a couple of small loaves of bread in the oven and hoping I can catch one of my neighbors to give them one when they are back. Wife was not feeling well, and went to urgent care this morning, but unfortunately, they discovered urgent care did not have cat scan and they should have gone to emergency room. Still abdominal pain, so went there about three hours ago.

Beth, many years ago when I was in a house and got tired of the dull green tile in my kitchen, I went out and bought some really bright, glossy press-and-stick tile from Lowes. It was not that difficult to lay down--used an old cutting board and razor knife to cut pieces. Hardest part was putting them down with edges touching evenly. I learned once you peeled off the paper backing and touched those tiles to anything, they were definitely going to stick and would be almost impossible to get off. But the result was a lot better than my old dull tile.
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Re: Last Friday of April

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:39 pm

Good evening. Not a bad day today, some rain this morning but only cloudy with a little breeze all day. I had my eye Doc appt today, was scheduled for 3:30 but they called and asked to reschedule to 10:45, well I didnt get out of there until after noon. Came home and had some lunch and that was it for the day.
Tomorrow I will get busy with the housekeeping chores since I will be hosting the Bunco group this week. Not much to do except spiff and clean the bathrooms and some laundry. Then might go out and continue dumping bags of soil in the big raised bed.
I enjoy working in the yard but will be glad when I have these done and can start planting.
I need to catch up on a couple of shows so that is my plan for the rest of the night.

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Re: Last Friday of April

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:14 pm

I didn't do much today. I felt really weird when I got up, kind of a cross between dizzy and light headed. I was trying to be careful so I wouldn't fall down. That lasted until after lunch.

Luna has been scratching so much. I picked up a new flea shampoo the other day but she is scratching more than ever. I don't know if it's fleas or an allergy. I read on one of the Facebook pages for Blue Heelers that some people use Apple Cider Vinegar and water to spray for fleas. I didn't want to put more flea spray on her so tried that. She is on Nexguard for fleas. She won't let me comb her to see if she has fleas.

Tonight the wind is blowing so hard I can hear it in the house. I missed the 6:00 weather so hope we don't have bad weather coming.

I started my list of things I need to load for the campout next week. I am going on Wednesday. Don't know if I'll go to the thrift store or goodwill to look for a hat to wear to watch the derby. Trying to think of a desert or appetizer to bring.

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Re: Last Friday of April

Postby snowball » Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:59 pm

Been raining here for a good portion of the day so we didn't do much till close to noon decided to drive to another town (the old home town) and get catfish it was a breaded whole catfish or 1/2 lb of shrimp two of us got the catfish and one the shrimp we each enjoyed our meal... I'm ok with the whole but think I prefer the fillets more meat :lol: but did enjoy it...then we drove around then back to their house read scriptures and crocheted checked with my niece as they mentioned tornado's in Omaha guess it touched down about a mile from their apartment building but no damage at their place... they both live in separate apartments in the same building... remembered that I have 3 high school graduates and I'd not asked them what they wanted the memory box or cash really expecting them to say cash!!! none of them did so have 3 to make I for warned them that if box it would be awhile before they got them... I'd go somewhere here and get them but don't really want to worry about transporting them home even if I had the room... so think I will get them when I go to the first graduation and hopefully the store will have enough the same size.. and will have quite the project to finish during the summer
really need to get my hears tested I've have several people tell me that one is my sil but she has super hearing to the point it almost hurts her to hear somethings ... so I will discount her saying I need hearing aids... my second dd always mumbles I've always had a hard time hearing her but she said something to me that I didn't catch but her sister did.... in the other room... :o :roll:
I'll bet that your kitties where really excited to see you Barbie probably pretty lonely for them
you all have a great day
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