Thursday, 4/25

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Thursday, 4/25

Postby Colliemom » Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:42 am

Morning. Beautful day coming up here. Another chilly night, but heading into mid 50’s. Gong to run vac, quick clean kitchen, wash floor and clean my bathroom, then outside I go. Today is D-Day for my porch project. Time to install the frame work and lay the boards, instsll the handrail posts and handrails. Need to cut out the last board so it fits around the handrail posts. That will be a little tricky. Will check and double check before cutting so I don’t mess up the board. After all the cutting, measuring, checking and rechecking, keeping my fingers crossed that all goes together right for the final time.

Martha, if I lived closer, I would be glad to help you. You didn’t say if you were removing the posts, but the easy way to do it would be take a reciprocating saw and just cut the boards off close to the posts, cut the posts down below ground level and bury the remainder. Course if the are loose at all, you could probably just wiggle them out.

Karen, you are making great progress too. Tell me about the big bags of dirt. Been there done that. Now I use my dolly to move them or slide them off my truck tailgate right into my cart. I think next week I will head south to the composting place that makes Diary Doo and load up. It’s a 94 mile drive, but I want to see the operation. I can get bags of their products here, but am in mood for for a day off and a drive. This is what I am using Once I finish the porch steps, then will clean out last bush and get everything raked up. Need to get something for a border for the flowerbeds on each side. Will just swing the gate on the porch across the old opening and call it hood for awhile. But I want to get my planter box together and get that in place, so I can add the dirt etc. that I will go get.

I have been wondering about Velda and Chris too. But I imagine she is busy with him and trying to get some semblance of routine back. Beth, sounds like you are definitely going to spend some money :lol: But at least you will get some things done you have been wanting to do. Barbie, glad you arrived home safely and enjoyed your visit.

Time to get moving here. Want to get my chores done so I can head outside and get busy. Have a great day.
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Re: Thursday, 4/25

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:01 am

Morning Sue. You are amazing with your building skills. Love all your woodworking people too. Sue I do the same with my bags of dirt I slide them onto my Gorilla cart then haul them to the other side of the house My house is 64ft long so it is a bit of a trek over light gravel LOL I do get my exercise tho. There is no good way to get closer into my backyard except thru a gate from the carport. Oh well I am whittling it down. At least my car is empty of bags. Some on the carport, some in the backyard. When I finish the garden dirt I can start on the 25 bags of mulch I have to spread LOL Next week I will start planting.

Got a text response from Velda last night. She said I could update you all. Things are hard for both her and Chris right now. He still has deficits and pain they are still dealing with so requires alot of help and care. He has been home for about 10 days and happy for that. She said she has read but not posted as by the time she gets to bed she is exhausted. Nurses, PT and OT have been coming to the house to evaluate Chris. This is a long hard road for both of them. So please keep them in your thoughts.

Today a day of rest as it is going to be raining for the next few days. Emma goes to the groomer this morning. So time to get my act together as she has an early appt.

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Re: Thursday, 4/25

Postby Bethers » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:58 am

Karen, thanks so much for the update on Velda and Chris. I'm still worried about both of them, but hearing helps. Such a tough situation.

No idea what I'm going to get into today. Only going to be in the 70's today so no hurry to get a good walk in yet. Like I'm making an excuse now, isn't it. :? I think I'll try to remember a walking stick and get out into more of the desert.

Barbie, I realize your post on your hearing was on FB but just a note, I lost my hearing in my 30's due to an antibiotic. In your case it could be COVID, age related, etc. I'd say be grateful that it's not a worse loss. And I'm not meaning that to be mean, but it probably came out that way, sorry. I'm only a few degrees from being considered deaf. Sue has major loss, also. I know it's not a fun thing to happen, but get the test done and find out. Hearing aids for minor loss are not so expensive anymore.
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Re: Thursday, 4/25

Postby JudyJB » Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:54 pm

Went out to lunch to a nearby restaurant via bikes today with a couple of the women staying here in the state park. Nice fish sandwich, and visit to a couple of gift shops. Actually bought some stuff and could have bought more if I owned a house to put it in, but need to control purchases until I am done RVing.

It's been working its way into the upper 70s, but because of the bright sun and lack of a breeze today, it feels a lot hotter, especially when you are riding a bike. I have shade in afternoon, so RV is cooling down a bit and not using so much AC. I am going to ride down the opposite way tomorrow before it gets so hot. Can't wait until the weekend as it will be another zoo around here. While most of Florida is slowing down from snowbirds, this panhandle is hot with people from Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. And it is past spring break!!!!

I am technically in CDT, but just on the edge of EDT, so TV is on eastern time. I hate the way my iPhone tries to compensate for time zones. Supposedly I have that function turned off, but my phone is showing CDT, and i set my wakeup time for 10 am, just to make sure I did not sleep in. But it actually woke me up at 9 am. Cannot figure out why. Driving me nuts, anyway.
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Re: Thursday, 4/25

Postby chalet05 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:08 pm

Karen, thanks for the update from Velda. We are getting the rain here, too.

Barbie, I agree with Beth regarding the hearing loss. I first noticed the loss in my right ear at the age of 61. I don't know how they could possibly prove it's due to Covid, but what do I know? No matter the cause, it's just a fact of life unless it's more severe like Beth and Sue.

Early day baseball game so I've accomplished nothing so far!
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Re: Thursday, 4/25

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:38 pm

Good evening gals,

I haven't done much of anything today. I woke up with a sore throat and feeling crappy so have been laying low all day. Julie had a cold just before I went out there so maybe I picked it up there.

Beth, I understand that the hearing loss can be from different things. This just came on suddenly when I had covid. Since it was all up in my head, I figured it was an ear infection, but then it never cleared up. I asked my dr to check my ears and she said there was nothing blocking them. By that time, I was over the Covid symptoms so I wasn't sure why my left ear was still plugged up. So that is why I assume it is from Covid. I read that up to 10% of Covid patients get some sort of hearing loss from it. Well,whatever caused it, I am not happy about it, but like you said, it could be worse.

The winds here have been fierce over night and all day today. They are not expected to subside until late tomorrow night. It makes me nervous listening to it howling out there for so long!

Sophie has been by my side all day and demanding that I constantly pet her! Here is a photo of Romeow helping me unpack! Lola never liked bags or boxes but both of these cats do.

Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Thursday, 4/25

Postby snowball » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:09 pm

I'm really glad that I took the route that I did from Nebraska City to Pella really a pretty drive saw some tulips but didn't get out and walk through the garden's will need to do that another time perhaps plan on staying somewhere close by or get up earlier in the morning :lol: went into the bakery after waiting a few minutes to get inside the bakery as I looked at the line winding it's self through the store and remembering one lady saying her husband had been in there an hour already I bolted didn't need anything that bad!!! had I realized that the meat store wasn't far away and no visible line I would have gone there ... :? oh well not sure what time I got to my sister in law's house but made it safe and sound was tired dozed off watching tv not sure if I was coloring on my phone as well or trying to crochet on the afghan but did get my two rows in didn't tonight I finished the shrug !!! now hopefully will catch up with the niece and give it to her on the way back... we will see but if not will mail it...
Today I went to a store and bought some pants hopefully I will like them also two tee shirts... then spent a wad at Walmart not hard to do ... when I get back like the next day need to make baked beans for dd surprise birthday party so wanted to make sure that I had all the ingredients and I got a couple of things that I'd forgotten found a smaller cup for mom's to use I think the other is getting too heavy for her it will mean I will have to fill it more often but that will be ok also got some chips for 3 of the kids one said she had a bag so didn't need one... they either have to get someone to get them or order on line ... one thing I bought was a new hair thing pricey piece but it seems to be doing a better job the ones I've had just didn't work with the amount of hair I have in the back so now I can keep it up I'm still going to see if granddaughter can cut it but figure this will keep to be able to use when my hair gets too long again :lol:
tomorrow it's suppose to rain hope if it does it is over it on Saturday have the graveside to go to at 10:30 makes me have to get up earlier than normal
sil and I went to have Indian food it was good have had better she thought it was pretty bland their mild was really mild :roll:
it looks like you all are advancing in your projects will be fun to see the pictures when you are finished...
it's going to a long process for Chris it sounds like hopefully he will improve faster being a home...
sounds like a nice trip Tina have a fun and safe one
you all have a good night
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Re: Thursday, 4/25

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:36 pm

Sue, I like your idea about using a saw. I only have a small reciprocating saw and don't know if it would be big enough. I know one of the posts has rotted off even with the ground. I don't know about the other posts.

The lady I got Luna from was coming with her daughter this afternoon. I though I could go to Walmart and get back before they got here. Stopped at the deli and picked up a lunch of pork roast with rice and gravy. Luna was excited to see them but she is excited to see everyone. I was wondering if she would be upset when she left but she didn't seem to notice. She was more interested in going for our walk.

Barbie, Romeow looks like if you said boo he would be gone. Hope you feel better. We have wind coming on Saturday and Sunday but they are coming from the South, so not your wind. The weather man said gust 30-40 mph. :shock: There is a big international music festival going on in Lafayette and it's mostly out doors. Hopefully it won't rain.

Sheila, glad you made it to your sister in law's.

Hope Velda is getting some help. Being a caregiver is 24/7 and it's not easy.

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