Saturday Before Easter

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Saturday Before Easter

Postby Colliemom » Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:05 am

Morning everyone. Just jumping in here before I get busy around here. Slept in a little later this morning, 8:45, had some breakfast and am just checking things on the IPad. But really ned to get dressed and get moving around here. Want to clean my bathroom, go over the kitchen a bit and wash the floor. Then can work in the two signs I am making for my cousin. Finished up the DP I as doing and this was a fun one to do. I actually stopped a Hobby Lobby yesterday and bought another one, along with a frame and am going to do it again. Then will gift it to the vet clinic where I take my dogs. They have been so wonderful with Molly’s issues this past few months.

Pretty much same old around here. Weather has been a mixed bag. Got my hair cut Wednesday, went to craft store in Houghton Lake with a neighbor in Thursday. We both needed frames for DP’s. Took her to lunch since she drove this time. Course there’s alway some grocery shopping to do each week.

Beth, happy to hear you are all moved and settled in the new park and sounds like some nice people there too. You will have that TT in good shape before you know it. Always fun making them your own. Judy, glad you got the mirror issue fixed for now. Sounds like a nice spot you are in.

Reading the posts about not being a joiner were interesting. I like to be around people, depending on what’s going on, but I like my tine to myself too. But I know I should be out with people more, living alone and having no family here. I do enjoy dong things, just not one to get into games and the like. But as of right now I’m not I to anything other than helping to host coffee and donuts at church on Sunday, when the group I belong too, is scheduled to do it. They are the same ones I have coffee and donuts with after mass every week.

But right now, I really need to get going. So will wish you all a nice day whatever you get into.
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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:23 pm

I like chatting with people and going out for meals--it is the organized games and trips to places like casinos that I dislike. I used to be on the board of a national non-profit association, and i used to love our twice a year meetings in various big cities, because I could visit with friends I had made on the board and enjoy meals together. So, I am not completely anti-social.

I slept in as usual, but apparently did not use enough eye drops in the middle of the night because I woke up with an extremely dry and sore right eye. I went to a beach state park yesterday and plunked myself down on a bench overlooking the beach for almost an hour, and the sun was very bright. I noticed a little problem that evening, but this morning, I had to ditch the bottle of eye drops I had been using and get out some of my old disposable artificial tear eye drops. Luckily, it is cloudy today and I have my mesh shades drawn because the sunlight is also bothering my eyes. After putting in artificial tears several times, eye is feeling a lot better. Whew. For a while I thought I might have to go to urgent care of an ophthalmologist somewhere. My glasses turn dark in the sun, and I have never had this problem before, so I don't know what caused it other than reflected sun from the sand???

Got almost all my reservations made for Canada next August and September, so that is good. Canadian provincial parks are not as modern as most of ours are, so I have been looking for places in town or along the highway. (I had two bad experiences in Ontario provincial parks last summer where the electric post was so far that even with my extension cord, I had to park very awkwardly at the back of my site because the posts had been shared with the next door campsite. Also, low tree branches.)
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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:36 pm

Sue, I love that and I'm sure your vet will love the one you'll be gifting them.

I made a quick run to Walmart to get my site numbers to stick to the from of my tt for people looking for me. I tried Dollar Tree first but they didn't have them. Both stores quite busy. I did good, only spending about $20 total and all on things I need. We won't talk about how I managed to rip one of the numbers, but I stuck that corner right where it belonged. Lol

I received an email from Shirl with a picture I'm attaching. I'm going to use her exact words to describe it. My additional comment is that there are several of you dabbling in dirt.

Shirl's words: "Guess I am an awful mother. My son gave me dirt for early Mother’s Day. I can’t wait to get dirty hands. lol"


I can't wait for pictures from everyone's dabbling in dirt.
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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:42 pm

Judy, you beat me with your post. I'm not totally antisocial but also don't want to be social all the time. I consider my most social times being when I walk Ty lolol. He's the social butterfly.
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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:35 pm

Good afternoon gals!

Woke up late this morning to high winds and then a lot of rain. Now it is just raining off and on with a light breeze. I am just hanging out on my bed with the cats today.

No word on the showing yesterday but my agent says he may have another one soon. So I will keep the house up for awhile.

Did two haircuts yesterday and then took a nap. Had a headache all day so didn't do much else.

I posted on yesterdays thread about the "social" part of living here. Some people participate in a ton of things here and some don't participate in anything. It is all in what you are comfortable with and no pressure to get involved. I like having the options to do things but I don't always want to go to things. I can pick and choose what I want, when I want.

No plans for Easter. I was gonna go buy a ham steak to have, along with making some scalloped potatoes, but I don't much feel like going out shopping today. Maybe I will change my mind does sound kind of good tho.

Lots of snowbirds heading out now, so it is getting quieter around here. In another month or so it will be like a ghost town for another 6 months.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:22 pm

I don't have any problems with the planned activities and joining or not joining those. It's the feeling that I need to visit with neighbors more than I want to. I'm ok stopping and saying hi, or them doing that at my place if I'm out. But people want you to stay forever. Or stay forever here lol Yesterday I stopped and visited for about 1/2 an hour at one person's. Later those people were all two doors down from me and wanted me to come for dinner (they ordered pizza) and I felt very lucky that I really did already have food in the air fryer. They're all nice, but.... I do stop usually on one walk a day at my immediate neighbors to say hi. I don't overstay though. But she loves dogs and no longer has one and really Ty is visiting her more than me.
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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Mar 30, 2024 10:05 pm

At a campout I have no problem sitting at someone's camp site or sitting around a campfire. But I don't want to get involved in a game with 25 people playing or Mexican train. I don't want to have to pay attention that long. I like the Meetup meals we go to. There is someone to eat out with and then we go home.

I went to mow in Maurice. I got about 3/4 of it mowed and got the mower stuck. I had to unhook the truck and trailer and go pull the mower out of the mud. Thank goodness I had some chains with me. I almost got the truck stuck too. Need to add another chain to my supplies.

Wendy's is advertising Dreamsicle Frosties that look good.

Shirl, I would be happy to get dirt for Mother's day. Can't wait to see what you plant. My roses are blooming like crazy. I will have to take a picture and post it. The last birthday party I went to the hostess had put Camila flowers by everyone's plate. I brought mine home and put it in a cup of dirt. It's still green so hope it will grow. One of my rose bushes came from a flower someone gave me.

I don't plan on cooking tomorrow. I will try to eat light because Monday I have to be on a clear liquid diet for Tuesday. The only thing I worry about is being dizzy from not eating and having to drive to Lafayette. I don't have to be there until 9:30 so if I have a problem I will have my son come get me. He has to go with me anyway.

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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:11 pm

Does anyone remember when Dreamsickles were 7 cents??

Popsicle were a nickle, and fudgesicles were also 7 cents!! That was all at the drug store at the end of our street.
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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby snowball » Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:02 am

plan on going to my #2 daughter's for dinner tomorrow hoping the weather is descent it's not suppose to be nice.... :( I thought that the saying was in like a lion out like a lamb or in like a lamb out like a lion... not in like a lion and out like a lion :o we are suppose to have snow tomorrow... I've not wanted to grumble about the snow but am ready for something else like rain would work :roll: but I don't want to be ungrateful we do need the moisture... I just don't want to drive over the pass in a snow storm my dad and sister were killed in a car accident 50 years ago wow that long ago during a snow storm on the pass I'm sure my reluctance has to do with that
made Hummingbird cake to take over tomorrow... still need to frost it though might wait till tomorrow to do that not sure I did get the cream cheese and butter out it's just going in and doing it... that and finding room in the fridge for it... :roll:

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Re: Saturday Before Easter

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:37 am

Judy, I don't remember how much ice cream cost but I remember being sent down the street with $1 to get milk and bread. That was about 1960.

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