Tuesday afternoon

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Tuesday afternoon

Postby Bethers » Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:10 pm

Everyone is posting on Monday so I just thought I'd start a post for today. Nothing exciting going on. I'm getting ready to give to a bath. He hasn't been itching as much but started up a little more yesterday and is stinky from whatever he's been rolling in so decided it's time. The one thing I wish I had is an outdoor shower but Ty doesn't shed much. I hated cleaning my previous dogs in the RV shower as the amount of fur they'd leave behind was tremendous. I just brushed Ty and got almost nothing.

Have a great day!
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Tuesday the 30th

Postby Othersharon » Tue Jan 30, 2024 1:49 pm

Afternoon all. Another gray cold day here. I enjoyed the couple of days last week of high 50’s but it is January so knew it wouldn’t last! But at least Buddy got a nice long walk in his favorite area. The creek is running faster and higher than I’ve ever seen it but it was nice hearing it as we walked. I’ve managed to get out and at least walk around in my neighborhood the last couple of days. Not as satisfying for him but the best we can do since the road we like is mostly mud right now and at least I’m not trying to climb over snow piles on the corners from the snow plows.Right now there isn’t much snow left which is fine by me! Judy, sorry your son is ill with Covid on top of him recovering from his surgery. Anita, glad to hear your brother is doing better too. Judy, I was reading your post on General and have to agree that another opinion might be a good idea. Sometimes not clicking with a doctor is reason to change. I had something like that happen to me not long ago. My primary doctor referred me to a kidney specialist but I felt he didn’t listen to what I was saying and when I did inform him that I was seeing a nurse practitioner for nutrition information he informed me that I was to listen to what he said and no one else. I never doubted he well be a good doctor but that absolutely put me off. Terrible bedside manner! Found another specialist and he at least listens to what I’ve said to him. All this because a couple of my blood values are lower than what the range is. And it has been decided that it’s just me since they continue to stay at about the same levels (since 2006!) after numerous times having them done. At least he’s taking a wait and see attitude and isn’t rushing into giving me a pill to take! I’ve never fired a doctor before but realized that I needed someone to hear me and I’m getting older and don’t have time to deal with that kind of attitude. Sorry, went off on a tangent here! Sheila, you asked about GD and she is doing okay, just a long recovery and still having to go back to the burn center for various treatments now and again plus therapy locally. Velda, sending good thoughts to you for your son. Take care of yourself too! I think Buddy is going through his teenage phase now. He has gotten so much more forgetful of his training so I have to double down and remind him that he isn’t the boss! Mostly having to work on his recall. Frustrating when he looks at me and then it’s like he decides naw, not going to listen and goes back to whatever he was doing! Speaking of which, he is telling me that he needs to go outside so better pay attention! Think I’ll grab the tennis balls so I can get him running! Don’t remember if I mentioned I got a laser light and he has fun chasing it around the yard! So have a good rest of your day.
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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby chalet05 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 3:10 pm

All the medical issues among us! I thought January was going to pass with no new bad news then my niece announced last night my 14 yo great niece has Crohn's disease! That's the same age they diagnosed my granddaughter. My niece has already contacted my daughter for info and support. So unfair for a young person.

It's another rainy day here but at least in the 40s since I had to go out yesterday and again tomorrow.
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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue Jan 30, 2024 4:43 pm

Good afternoon. It is a really nice day here today. 63 with sunshine and partly cloudy. YAY have my doors and windows open, the fresh air feels so good. I was outside for a bit cleaning up the deck. I had my sweatshirt and sweatpants on and had to change into some leggings and a t shirt. It was quite warm out there. Cooler in the house tho.
Dusting and bathrooms on my agenda for today. Love it when the house is tidy and I only need to do what I want to ha ha Right now just had some lunch and think I might be done for today except for the rugs in the washer. Will hang them out to dry. Might have to pop them in the dryer before nightfall tho. Rain will be back. Lots of activity in the sky right now. Must be some lessons taking place. Nice day for flying, no rain or wind.
Anita so sorry for your niece's diagnosis. Absolutely miserable disease especially for a young girl. Glad she will have some support from your daughter tho. Sharon I am with you, if I dont click with a Doc no matter what the reason I move on until I find one who listens to me and doesnt just push drugs. Anne I did not take the HRT's either for my menopause symptoms. I just sucked it up. After a few years and they found increased incidence of breast cancer I breathed a sigh of relief.
I am not a good pill taker but will take something if I think it will beneficial. I dont take anything right now but antibiotics are helpful but I am wary of too many of those also so only take them when necessary.
I am getting a tad chilly inside here LOL LOL the sun slipped behind the clouds so might just throw a light shirt on too Geez never happy.

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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:50 pm

It got up to 72 today but was windy so I still had to wear a jacket. My hip wasn't hurting so Luna and I got to walk. She wants to roll in every smelly thing she finds. She is about due for a bath.

I got another email about my gate and it seems they have located it. Supposedly the delivery is delayed because of bad weather. It's supposed to be here Thursday.

The internet tech showed up at 12:00 yesterday. I don't know why they bother to make appointments. The company had one time, I had another and the tech had a different time from either of us. :roll: That was mostly a waste of time. Since my equipment was working when he came he couldn't change anything. I'm suppose to call him if it goes down again. The lens on the dish might be holding water after a rain.

Anita, sorry your family is having more health issues.

I liked the doctor I saw last year but not so sure about the clinic. I had a test in December and an appointment January 24 to get the results. He was sick so they rescheduled me to April 4. I hope i'm not dying. lol

I was digging in the freezer for something for lunch and found a container of spaghetti sauce with hot dogs. Sounds like leftovers from a campout. I cooked one serving of angel hair pasta and had spaghetti. I'm not much of a fan of spaghetti so I should be good for a while. Now I have to find something for supper. I have another Meetup tomorrow at an Italian restaurant so I will have leftovers for Friday. I need to look up their menu and find something besides spaghetti.

When we were having the freezing weather I had put a bucket in the bathtub and filled it with water in case I needed water to flush the toilet. My goofy cats have 4 water bowls in the house and they like to balance on the side of the tub and drink out of the bucket.

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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby Bethers » Tue Jan 30, 2024 9:07 pm

Oh, Anita, I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope your niece (grand niece?) doesn't have as difficult a time as your granddaughter has. And I hope your granddaughter is doing well at this time. Geez.
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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby snowball » Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:39 am

Sharon glad things are going along a well as can be expected with your granddaughter
and Anita sorry that your niece has been diagnosed with Crones most diseases we really don't want some more than other's I think that is one of the latter...
dd came over last night I imagine that she will go home tomorrow... worked like a beaver getting the laundry done... I really wish that there was a way of bringing the washer and dryer up or getting a all in one but can't figure out where to put it that works in others minds
the stairs going down stairs is pretty steep and I get winded doing other things plus the oxygen hose wouldn't make it down stairs although the tanks would be able to but then you are caring a tank and laundry basket ... my girls say no stairs and I pretty much agree with them... my niece has been doing the laundry but her mom I guess is needing more care so dd is going to come over every couple weeks..
I tend to agree with the rest Judy another opinion is in order
made butter chicken tonight it tasted so good...
you all have a good night
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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:06 am

Good late night!

Was a busy day today. Went to play putters this morning. For once, I didn't have to keep score for my group! Played pretty good. I got a $1.25 prize from three weeks ago for coming in third that day. I figured I can't even buy a candy bar for $1.25 anymore! :roll: It was a beautiful morning, a bit warm and no breeze, but no complaints. Still have gorgeous scenery with palm trees, flowers, a lake next to the golf course, with a fountain, and the mountains in the background, topped off with birds singing. :D

Went to work a little while after that. Luckily, was fairly slow, since I was coughing worse today. When I got home from work, I realized I had left my phone at work, so I had to drive back to get it. :roll: I need to make several calls tomorrow morning.

My Spectrum TV is going goofy on me! :evil: It will all of a sudden go from the show I am watching, to the "library" screen and start going crazy on that, flipping to other Spectrum screens back and forth really fast. I have been able to hit the "back" button to try and get to my show again. It takes several times to keep it from switching back to the library screen but usually I can eventually get it to stay on my show for about 15 minutes before it starts in again. This all started several days ago. Tonight, it started in again and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it back to my show, or even back to the channel I was on. I gave up. :roll: So Spectrum is getting a call from me tomorrow...

I texted my agent to see when I should expect to hear from the new agent. My contract runs out after tomorrow. I didn't hear back from him today. I will try to call him tomorrow. He didn't even give me her name so I can't call their office to get ahold of her. I hope I am not left high and dry with no agent! :shock:

I ordered a "black" light flashlight to find all the cat pee on the outdoor carpet so I can spray those spots. Well, a lot of things light up from it but no sign of any urine at all anywhere. That is so strange since I know the stray cats have sprayed out there and I can certainly smell it. I am perplexed. :? Maybe it doesn't show up if it is dried up?

Temps here are supposed to start heading down tomorrow into the 60's and then rain on Thursday. Will stay in the 60's thru next week with more rain on Monday thru Wednesday. We are also under an "earthquake watch" until Feb 8th :shock: . Not sure what we are supposed to watch for. It will either happen or it won't.

Sorry to hear about more health issues with family members on here. :( I need to call my SIL too and find out about my bother's tests he was having earlier in January.

I have the next 2 days off. Will finish cleaning around here tomorrow, hopefully. Also have a haircut to do tomorrow.

Romeow is learning so many good things from Sophie. He is grooming himself a lot more now and no longer gets mats in his fur. He even grooms her too! He plays more, and also lays next to me or on my lap now. (Sophie is always grooming herself and laying next to me, altho she won't lay on me.) He even kneads his paws on the blanket that she loves to do that on. He never did that before. She has been a good influence on him! He is an even better cat now. :D

OK, bed time...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby SoCalGalcas » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:34 am

Anita, what a shock hearing about your grand niece. I’m so sorry. Yes Barbie, we are under an earthquake watch!, because the geysers are spritzing more. The San Andreses and the San Jacento faults may collide! How many of you have earthquake emergency supplies? I don’t. Do you Annie?
We also have a BIG storm arriving tomorrow. The sunrise was a beautiful pink this morning.
I need some advice about my old computer. I haven’t used it for possibly three or four years. I use my iPad exclusively. Our building is having a truck come to collect electronics soon. Question? Is safe for me to give them my computer? I have no idea what is on it.

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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jan 31, 2024 12:54 pm

SoCalGalcas wrote:Anita, what a shock hearing about your grand niece. I’m so sorry. Yes Barbie, we are under an earthquake watch!, because the geysers are spritzing more. The San Andreses and the San Jacento faults may collide! How many of you have earthquake emergency supplies? I don’t. Do you Annie?

Good morning, Lyn.

Well. . . yes and no. I still have my old van that I made into a camper. It has become my "daily driver", and is sitting in my driveway even as we speak. If some (God forbid) "major event" were to happen, all I need do is find my car keys ( :roll: :lol: ) get in my van, and drive away. And, as I am driving away, try to remember everything that I am forgetting and leaving behind that I should be taking with me. :lol:

I also recently signed up for earthquake insurance with my insurance carrier, so there is that. I signed up for the federal flood insurance program when I first moved here, it was one of the first things that I did. There was a very major flood here in my town many years ago. Many people died.

We also have a BIG storm arriving tomorrow.

Here at my place in No. Cal., it looks like the heavens are about to open, any minute now. Heavy rain, and a chance of flooding, are predicted over the next five to seven days. I read online that they are opening the spillway gates up at Oroville Dam today (Wednesday) to let out water (into the Feather River, upstream of me) to make room for water from the coming rain storms.

I'm sure everyone has tired of me blathering about Lake Oroville, so I'm shutting up now.

I need some advice about my old computer. I haven’t used it for possibly three or four years. I use my iPad exclusively. Our building is having a truck come to collect electronics soon. Question? Is safe for me to give them my computer? I have no idea what is on it.

Um. . . no, it is not safe, particularly if you don't know what is on your old computer.

It is possible that a nefarious someone might have your computer come into their possession at some future time. If they are a talented nefarious person (LOL - the worst kind!) they might be able to access the contents of your hard drive. If they do, they will then know whatever is on your hard drive - even if you don't. A potential major problem.

Maybe just old photos on your hard drive? Eh. . . maybe not so much of a problem. Bank account information (numbers and balances), passwords (to anything), your social security number, medical records, credit card numbers, tax returns, loan information, etc?

A potentially very MAJOR problem.

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Re: Tuesday afternoon

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:37 pm

Anne, Can she erase her hard drive? We are also under a flash flood watch for tomorrow. And then another big storm next week! Ugh! :roll:

Lynn, I have earthquake insurance but not much in supplies. I have a lot of Ramen Noodle packs and canned food but no extra water. Bottled water doesn't like to sit in 120* heat for 6 months at a time. I don't really have much extra space inside but I suppose I could put at least one case of extra water in the pantry.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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