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Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:17 pm
by Bethers
Hopefully we can all be happy, whatever our weather. Yesterday I had hot chocolate; this morning I'm having a mix of honey, lemon and cinnamon. I'm not sure why, but this seems to stay hot longer than the hot chocolate. Maybe I just drink it faster.

I have my water back connected and hopefully for the rest of my stay. But who knows with the crazy weather everywhere. I will be emptying and cleaning my water storage tank, but will wait till closer to leaving time because I'll be using it more then. Or maybe I'll do it soon and do it again. Nice to know it's good to go.

It's 45 out right now, getting to mid 50's, but only dropping to about the current temp overnight. Hopefully this is heading your way, Martha.

Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:50 pm
by Othersharon
Hi Beth and all that follow. Temps here started in the minus this morning with the wind chill. Figure anything after 0 is too cold for me! We had another couple of inches of snow yesterday but I was able to get the snowblower out and get it cleaned up. After a couple of sessions of chipping ice I think I have a handle on it now! Plus having the de-icer on the sidewalk I think helped. I did manage to get some of the mess off of my neighbor’s sidewalk but luckily he returned last night from 8 days of storm duty and did the rest today. So I think we’re all ready for the next storm on Friday! I had thought I might be able to get Buddy out for a walk today but wimp that I am I just don’t want to be outside for any time that I don’t have to be. Next week the temps are forecasted to be in the 40’s. So maybe we can catch a break! I’m still thinking spring! I have a vivid imagination! Beth, glad you have water again. Saw that Liz came through her surgery and is doing well. Been wondering about her. And Carol and Bill made it to Mexico so glad they were able to go. Barbie, hope the showing goes well today. You’ll probably sleep well tonight! Hope work isn’t too busy. So that’s about it for me! Just checking in. Right now nothing exciting happening which is good! Have a great rest of the day and stay warm!

Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 3:53 pm
by Irmi
Hi Beth and all!

I enjoyed reading Carol's blog about their trip to Mexico. Both she and Bill sound so happy.

I will refrain from talking about the weather although I'll admit it's put me in a mood.

We ran errands this morning, got the car out of shop and put the truck in. Neither had major issues but keeping things in tip top shape. The truck is 25 years old but still looks good and drives like a charm on top of being comfortable. We're considering having a paint job done on it and if that's done, get a cover for it to protect it from the hot summer sun.

There will be a fish fry in the clubhouse Friday evening that we bought tickets for. There's always a good turnout for that. I've been adding recipes that I find online to my recipe book. I like the ones that sound good and are easy to make.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:13 pm
by Acadianmom
It didn't get colder than 19 last night, it was 21. It's up to 52 now. It's suppose to get up to 70 tomorrow and then we will have freezes again Friday and Saturday nights. I haven't found a problem outside yet. Sharon, I have ice in places where it rained and the sun doesn't hit. I have to walk around the house to get on the old carport because there is 3 feet of ice across one end. I don't know if we can even buy deicer. There were big problems on I-10 with the icing on bridges. The 20 mile bridge going to Baton Rouge was closed most of yesterday. There was a big mess at the two big bridges in Lake Charles. People were stuck for hours.

I have been wanting to make cookies so I'm baking some Toll House cookies that were in the refrigerator. Like I need cookies. I am still trying to use things out of the freezer. I still have half a container of gumbo that I got out yesterday. I really want to make some corn and crab soup if crab meat wasn't so expensive. I guess I could use frozen crawfish but that's not cheap either. The crawfish season is a bust so far because of the drought and the freezes haven't helped.

My son's first ex-wife wants to come visit in April. If it wasn't for all these darn cats I would find a trip to take for the month of April.

I really need to take Luna for a walk before the temperature drops. She has calmed down a lot. She is busy at night trying to keep up with Inky. He will get behind the recliner and Luna will walk from one side of the chair to the other for an hour. Cuts down on the retrieving. lol


Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 5:18 pm
by Redetotry
The sun has been out all day and the temperature is a balmy 30 degrees! I went to my massage appointment and it was wonderful, both the massage and being out. One of our friends made their coffee out of snow this morning. Their cat pushed a door to their crawl space open and their water froze, hence the snow for coffee. :lol: I laugh but in a similar situation I might also be that desperate.

Martha you could plan a trip, tell the son's ex-wife and then at the last minute cancel. Does she want to stay with you for the entire month!? You better bake a lot of cookies for your freezer if she stays that long.
Barbie I hope the people like your house. That would be a really great birthday present. Irmi good to hear your truck is running well. Seems as though I remember you were having trouble finding parts to fix something. I hope your weather improves, it does take a toll on a persons feelings.

It's almost time for Emma to get home from 'school' so it will be crazy for a few minutes around here.

Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:39 pm
by BarbaraRose
I am in a lot of pain today! Every muscle in my body hurts from cleaning the house yesterday! :shock: And now I have a sharp pain in my ribs from coughing so hard. That really hurts!!! Even just breathing or moving at all, never mind coughing! :shock: Feels like I broke something but I Googled it and sounds like a pulled muscle in between the ribs. I hope that goes away soon! :shock: I am sure the rest of my muscles will still hurt tomorrow before they start to feel better. I think there will be a lot of Ibuprofin in my near future!

My agent texted me and said the showing went well and the guy seems very interested. Will see how that pans out. I am cautiously optimistic. :?

Work went pretty well. Slow-steady the whole shift. Made good tips. Two $10 tips and a $20 tip were very nice!

Now I need to dig out all my personal stuff that I hid away for the showing :roll: . Hope I can find it all! I just shove things into where ever it will fit!

Debbie and Dave brought over some cake and ice cream for my last night. I also bought a gourmet-type slice of cake for myself at WM.

Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:48 pm
by OregonLuvr
Good afternoon from rainy and foggy Roseburg. Same every day. We are a bit warmer today 52 but with a breeze so it feels colder. I played Bunco this afternoon and it was fun. Cost $3 to play and I won $5 so I made $2 yippee. We play twice a month and that is enough. I didnt want to join anything where I had to do it every week...nope that doesnt work for me. But twice a month will be fine. Was nice to socialize with someone besides the dog.
My next door neighbor invited me to her hubby John's birthday party. It is his 80th. So we are going to Sizzler for dinner and then back to their house for cake so that will be fun. His birthday is Feb 10th I have to take Emma to the groomer tomorrow for a much needed bath and nails. Then will go to the grocery store and pick up a few things. I want to make another pot of soup so need some fixins

Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:17 pm
by JudyJB
Sue, I remember way back in 1976 going out and buying our first snowmobile clothing, and it was Refrigiwear. I had a one-piece suit with a drop seat, which was the envy of a lot of other women because without a drop seat, you would have to take your entire suit off, or at least the bib pants if that is what you had, in order to use the outdoor "facilities." Note that the facilities were often just a semi-private space in the woods. Could seriously freeze your tush in the process!! We really liked Refrigiwear because it was windproof and really warm without being bulky. (It was developed for people who worked in cold storage freezers.)

Son has had a couple of tubes removed, namely his nasal drain and one IV for the pain killer for the epidural. Also no longer on oxygen and no catheter, but still has at least two IVs and two tubes in his stomach, which are making it hard for him to move in bed. Just started eating jello and frozen lemonade.

I went for a 16-mile bike ride today at Shark Valley in the Everglades. Had to wait in line to get a parking spot, and the only RV spot was parallel parking, but it was large and the ranger guided me in. My biggest mistake was misjudging the temperature. The sun had been out earlier, so I did not bother with a jacket, just wore shorts and t-shirt, but by the time I finished my ride, I was really, really cold and glad to get indoors. Got back just in time to hook up in campsite before dark.

Even with my electric bike, it was very tiring, but I did see an actual crocodile, along with several alligators. The crocodile was a big one and should not be there because they live in salt or brackish water, but the rangers said this female showed up a few years ago and seems to like it there, even with there being no other crocodiles to mate with. Mostly, she was sleeping along the bike trail, and I got some good photos. First time I had ever seen a crocodile in the wild.There has been drizzle or rain almost every day for the past few days and weeks, so there is a lot of water in the swamp. The pond here is almost overflowing, and parts of the wide open grassy areas have several inches of water in them.

Re: Happy Wednesday

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:45 am
by snowball
it was weird last night I typed up my usual submitted it and got an error message so hoping tonight will be better that was a first for me...
I've not looked at it BUT there has been a map on the weather app on the phone that it looks like for the most part the nation is in for a warm up mostly across the nation not in Texas though it was yellow for whatever that means we can hope but at the moment warmer would be good.... however today was warmer up to 31 at times when I'd check the weather app just out of curiosity ... however we have gotten so little snow that we need what we can get... suppose to get 2 or more inches tonight... and read in the daily that the latest storm brought 3 ft in the mountains one person died because of avalanche.
went to the store yesterday because of course we were out of milk but waited until we were out but also till it was suppose to be warmer it wasn't I needed to change the oxygen tank to a new one because it was out when I hooked up the new one it just kept releasing oxygen would turn it off try again... decided that perhaps it was due to a faulty tank so tried another one it did the same so went to the store... figured I've accidentally forgotten to turn the tank on so figured I'd be ok drove around the store (I use a electric cart) getting grocery's and hoping that perhaps the problem was it was cold as I keep the tanks in the car where they are handy with the plan of going to the RX and see if they had any idea of what the problem might be... by the time I got to the RX and got a pharmacist to come out and talk to me so started to try hooking it up again and it worked she did say it was probably due to being cold guess single digits is too cold... I probably should bring the tanks inside
had french toast for supper sure tasted good
hopefully Barbie you will have good news about the house..
was thinking you said you put some stuff out that is suppose to take away smells you might have someone that isn't used to the smell of cats come by and do a sniff test and see if they can smell anything
there as been a commercial on tv for something called .... can't remember the name of it but good around animals even cuts skunk odors... of course when you want to hear the commercial it's anything but... :lol:
watered plants today seeing new growth on a couple of orchids and the bromulaid has a new shoot coming out of it not sure what to do about that
really glad that your son is improving Judy
and that Carol and Bill are in their happy place
Anita also glad that your brother is improving
and things are good with Liz

you all take care