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Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:00 pm
by Bethers
Yes, it's easy to fall back into being a night owl. I was one most of my life. What's not easy is the people who don't understand and think I should be up lol They are the reason I fight it. But I got 7 hours sleep last night versus the 6 the previous night.

It's a gloomy day so not planning on doing anything. I thought about calling a couple people about their trailers for sale, but so far haven't done it. A part of me is saying not to spend the money this year. I know I want to get my hearing aids replaced and that's a big chunk. So I'm trying to be frugal. But if the right one falls into place, I'll jump on it after I didn't on one I think probably would have been close to perfect. It's easy to say that when I never saw it. Sometimes things aren't what they appear in ads. That said, it sold in 3 hours so someone else was thinking like me.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:32 pm
by SoCalGalcas
Good Morning, Boy, I sure understand what you’re saying about buying an expense item. I don’t remember how many times that happened to me! It’s difficult not to kick yourself in the BUTT over and over.
Thanksgiving holidays almost over. I have enjoyed the quiet streets in my walk with Hazel. I have to be so careful crossing the street. First it’s people running the red light. Then it’s people making a right turn against the red light. They don’t stop and look, just slide through.
Not much news today. Lyn

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:44 pm
by chalet05
Good morning!

Beth, the misleading ads can be such a disappointment! The people who think I should be up early are the ones I'd like to call at 10 o'clock at night - put them on my schedule. LOL. Now people/businesses think they can e-mail/text at any hour. I just can't seem to remember to restrict my phone at night so that's on me.

I chuckled over the cats and the tree. Will be interesting to see what happens when the pretties are dangling from a branch, Barbie. Reminds me of the year my brother turned one and our tree was put in the playpen to keep him away from it. Lyn, I agree with Karen, no advantage to paying for YouTube.

Monica and I are going to a play in Leavenworth later. We'll be heading there early as the winter weekend traffic backups have started. I am so excited my grandson is using Instagram to tell of his experiences in Ho Chi Min! Found water under my coffeemaker this morning. Have been thinking I need a new one since the 'Clean' light keeps coming on after I clean it. I have had it awhile.

Hope everyone has a great day. I'm hoping for quiet from upstairs tonight - last night was a nightmare!

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:04 pm
by SoCalGalcas
Just read an article about the new Flu going around with the dogs. They cough and cough and then they go into pneumonia and die! Sounds horrible. The article said Vets are not sure what is is because it is so new. Recommend keeping your dog away from others right now. I spend so much time reading on my iPad I don’t know where I read this. Take this under advisement and talk with your vet. Lyn

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:07 pm
by JudyJB
I have also been a night owl all my life. This was compounded when my younger son was a bed-wetter until he was almost 8, and that was long before pull-ups came out for bigger kids. He had bunk beds in his room with plastic covers on the mattresses, and I almost always had to get up a couple of times each night to change him and the bed. Just having kids makes you a light sleeper, but that made me a lifelong light sleeper.

My parents always accused me of being lazy when I was a kid because I slept in late whenever i could, even doing that when I was at our cottage when my kids were young because I always was sleep-deprived. My dad used to think it was funny to play loud music early in the morning. When I was working one regular job and teaching online, I often, especially on weekends, stayed up until 2 am grading papers. WHen my kids were still home, taught two nights in a classroom after my regular job, not getting home until 11 pm, so I often did housework and stuff at midnight. I worked a regular job and taught half-time for 21 years before I even started RVing and quit my regular job, so I hardly think I have been lazy.

Packing up my outdoor stuff today because I will be heading out to another campground tomorrow. I like to be ready so that all I have to do in the morning is unhook electric. It's been off and on drizzly during the night and this morning, so I better get moving before it gets worse.

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:26 pm
by Redetotry
SoCalGalcas wrote:Just read an article about the new Flu going around with the dogs. They cough and cough and then they go into pneumonia and die! Sounds horrible. The article said Vets are not sure what is is because it is so new. Recommend keeping your dog away from others right now. I spend so much time reading on my iPad I don’t know where I read this. Take this under advisement and talk with your vet. Lyn

Lyn the mysterious dog disease has spread to many states. One of mine I think has it but still very mild. I did take him for him in for a bordetella vaccine which was due. Here is some of what is known. If your dog isn't up to date or almost due for the vaccine you might was to ask your vet about giving it now. My dog or I didn't get out of the car the vet tech brought it out and since my dog will not let anyone near the car she just gave it to me to give as it was the oral type.

"Because there is no test yet for the illness and because many of the symptoms are similar to other respiratory infections, such as canine influenza and Bordetella (kennel cough), it’s unknown exactly how many dogs have been affected. With hundreds of cases identified by symptoms reported only in Oregon, it’s likely there are thousands.

Normally, to determine what antibiotics might work best against a particular type of bacteria, labs grow the bugs in a petri dish and then try to kill them with various medications. Needle and his colleagues have not been able to grow the new bacteria in the lab. Nevertheless, its structure offers some clues about which medications might be the best choice to fight it, he said. The antibiotic doxycycline may be effective, he suggested."

Here is the link to the article ... rcna125992

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:06 pm
by Acadianmom
The rain we were suppose to get last night missed us completely. It was in the 70's and sunny today. I think it's suppose to be colder tonight. They are predicting rain this coming weekend but we have a big club house to hang out in.

I went to the dinner in Lafayette. It was at a restaurant at Vermilionville. Vermilionville is a historic village of old houses and buildings. Lunch was a buffet and it took them a long time to get things set up. At least we got a small bowl of gumbo while we waited. I stopped at Home Goods and wandered around for a while. There were so many people it was hard to get around with a basket. I picked up a couple of things for my sister. I'm trying to get her Christmas present together in case I see her this weekend. Then I stopped at Big Lots but didn't buy anything.

It's hard being a night owl in a world that mostly functions from 8:00 to 5:00. Harold would get up between 4 and 5:00 and go feed. At least I didn't have to get up and cook breakfast. He would go to the local hangout for farmers and drink coffee or go to town to eat.

Anita, I put stuff around the Christmas tree to block it off the year my youngest was one. I should go through the picture box and find the picture of it. And the picture of the cat that was laying in the tree half way up. Hope your neighbors aren't wearing their special shoes tonight. lol


Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:11 am
by BarbaraRose
Good evening gals.

Did a couple haircuts today and took the cash to the gas station and filled my tank. I was on fumes!

I worked an 8-4 job for many years so I got used to getting up fairly early (except for weekends and partying when I was younger). My mom was always one to sit up and read her books until 3 or 4am and then sleep until 11am or later. I told her she was missing out on half the day. Now I am doing pretty much the same thing. I try to be asleep by 1 or 2am and get up by 9, altho no matter what time I go to bed, I usually wake up at 7am. I am trying to get to bed before midnight lately tho. Once I wake up, I sit up in bed for a couple hours on my laptop or reading. Unless of course I have to be at work.

I put some ornaments on the tree today. I don't have very many and so far no interest in the tree by the kitties. I am gonna check my storage unit and see if there are some left over smaller ornaments from last year that I kept. Some of the ones I bought this week at HL are too big for this little tree, so those will get returned. The stockings are hung by the TV with care... :D

I didn't get a whole lot else done today other than I did move the "free" pile from my driveway up to my deck so no one complains about it all sitting out in front. My "free" sign blew away last Sunday so I don't think everyone coming by knew it was all free stuff to help themselves to.

I had a coughing fit earlier tonight. Got a dry spot in my throat that triggered that, and in the process, I pulled some muscles in my lower back so now I am in pain from that! Always something! :roll: I am not allowed to use heat on my back for 2 weeks after the injection so all I can use is an ice pack for now. I hope it feels better tomorrow. That might put the kibosh on me going to Joshua Tree NP this week. :(

I lost my new pair of glasses just one day after I got them earlier this week! :o However, I did find the ones I lost coming home from Idyllwild last month. They were wedged in between my car seat and the console. Also haven't found my new watch yet. I think the stress of this house selling thing is making my memory worse than usual.

My agent texted me the other day saying he checked the listings here in the park and nothing has sold since September 1st. He is still pushing the rental idea, but that isn't an option. Not much we can do but just wait and see what happens the rest of this winter. It is what it is. I am disappointed tho. I did hear from a client yesterday that the Canadian dollar is up to about .73c to our dollar now so it is coming back up some.

Am off to bed now.

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:19 am
by snowball
I start chatting about what I did or didn't do today and by the time I do I forget what I want to remark about
lets see if I can remark first and remember what it was I wanted to say not that that was much :lol:
Anita I was wondering if you have talked with your upstairs neighbors perhaps they aren't aware of how the noise goes through the floors... maybe if they put down some area rugs that would help that is unless it's fully carpeted ...isn't carpets suppose to help absorb the noise?
for days now Martha I've been wanting to ask you another question or comment on something and can I think of it now??? not on your life .... I wanted a wreath for my husbands grave so made one but we keep forgetting to take it and it's also a issue as sometimes that type of thing disappears.. spent way to much money on it to have it disappear ...
I don't think Judy you could be classified as lazy wouldn't have thought that ever and after reading what you just said well I think you dad didn't see it all... I think it was different back then if you didn't do the expected line of work perhaps you were thought to be lazy... who knows...
Beth there maybe a reason you either see them too late or there is something wrong with it... hearing aids maybe needed more... and don't we always tell those looking that when the right one happens you will know???
so my memory has turned off on to my day
started out late church starts at 9:00 so I set the alarm for 8 got up at 5 for the potty and went of course back to bed I woke up at 9:45 so really late options was to turn over and go back to sleep or get up hurry to 2nd hour and then stay for 2nd wards meeting which is what I did which made everything late made hot dogs for lunch went in and read scriptures sorta kept falling asleep so took a nap one of those you struggle to wake up from so the soup I was going to make turn out to be soup from a can... so every thing was a late to happen
I'm toying with getting a new laptop but what to get ... a chrome book ? or just a laptop and what is the difference anyway? or an iPod
not sure if the WIFI is just slow or if it's the laptop.... it's old was used when I got it and that was when I stayed at dd in Utah for the season.... so it's years old
I remember something that I was going mention days ago... think we were talking about not sure what but something to do with stuff popping up on your phone or whatever... I was given a lotion last Christmas decided that I was wondering where to get it from and what it cost as I really like it ... bingo the next time I was on FB it was literally the first "ad" I saw... it is scary
you all have a great day

Re: Sunday, Heading into Afternoon

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:36 am
by SoCalGalcas
BJ, Thank you for that very interesting article. My Haze” is due for her rabies vaccination and I will make sure she receives others that are necessary. Thanks again, Lyn