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January 2nd - Back to Normal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:36 am
by Colliemom
Good Morning. It was so much fun reading all the posts yesterday, especially hearing from some of the older members whom we haven’t beard from in awhile. Like reading a letter from a long lost friend. As JudyJB said, lots of ups and downs and changes. Thank you ladies for updating us. Hope others will chime in as they an.

It is 13 degrees here this morning, warmer than a number of other places. I hope those of you who are in the south are keeping warm as you go about your daily routines. It’s a dangerous cold and wind chills more so. Bundle up, drive carefully and keep safe and warm.

Am waiting for a call from a drapery place to make appt. for her to come out to measure some windows. Want to install some celluar shades as they are good insulators. Then have some snow to clear from drive, but might go shopping first as looking like a little storm system might come through with more snow. We shall see. Have a nice day everyone and stay safe.

Re: January 2nd - Back to Normal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:04 pm
by RitaMc
Another cold morning here. -18. A nippy wind blowing. Got Grand daughters toys put away. House is small and toys have to be stored in three season porch. This past weekend it was so cold we just drug them into the living room and didn['t put away as opening and closing the door just let more cold air into house. After the first of the year I get energetic to organize the house and it is very big on my list this year. The tree comes down today and I want to make sure all decorations that haven't been used get into the give away pile. For the first time in 40 years I had no outdoor lights. I had no interest in putting outdoor decorations up. And now I am glad I don't have to be out in below zero weather untangling lights off the trees and shrubs to put back in storage. When you have lived in the same house for forty years it is so easy to accumulate stuff. Especially when there are out buildings to stuff the over flow! Well break is over time to start sorting again.

Re: January 2nd - Back to Normal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:29 pm
by avalen
One day at time and I'lll eventually be normal, it had been so long since I've had a cold I forgot what it
was like. I'm about ready to jump in the shower, it will certainly make me feel better. I did get out to take care of some banking business which about wore me out and the sun was so bright it really hurt my eyes.
Y'all have a good day, be safe, be healthy and stay warm! :-)

Re: January 2nd - Back to Normal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:38 pm
by Irmi
Hi Sue & Rita!

Sue, I agree that it was nice seeing so many posters yesterday! (I'm a good one to talk about posting...) It was cold here, especially for being in Ocala. We woke up to 36 degrees and right now we're hanging at about 45. Tonight will get very cold again.

Rita, we took our Christmas decorations down yesterday, but since we are living in our motorhome, it was just our optic fiber Christmas tree, our wreath and a few decorations. Surprisingly, we got lots of cards, which I love reading the messages from our friends. Once everything was put away, that gave me the opportunity to clean and polish the what had been cluttered shelves and dash.

Tomorrow I have an appointment in Lakeland, about 75 miles south of here. It looks like we'll be driving down in the rain and with lots of luck, can drive back on dry roads. Under normal conditions, we don't go out in the rain, but since this is a Dr. appointment, I didn't want to cancel. Hopefully the next appointments will be scheduled in warmer and sunnier weather.

Have a super day everyone!

Re: January 2nd - Back to Normal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 3:47 pm
by Acadianmom
I didn't make roll call yesterday and forgot Rabbits AGAIN. My son and his girlfriend were coming for lunch and I'm not use to standing in the kitchen cooking for several hours. By the time they left my back was killing me. I forgot about the Rose Parade too.

Lyn, my brother tried to teach me how to play the guitar many moons ago. I messed with it until my fingers turned green. That's about all I remember, green fingers.

Diana, sorry to hear you sold your Roadtrek. Hope I get to see you this year if I ever get to travel much.

I am really tired of being cold. I was excited for a few minutes because the thermometer went up to 33 but it's back to 32. :roll: It's overcast so doubt it will get any warmer today. I'm thinking about baking something so I can stand in front of the oven. :lol:


Re: January 2nd - Back to Normal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 4:58 pm
by sharon
Good afternoon groupies, as usual, day late and a dollar short. Checking in for roll call and forgot to shout rabbits. As usual. sigh. Not much going on here, just the usual. Thanksgiving in the dunes and when the kids turned left to go home I turned right and went to Quartzsite for 3 weeks. Got to spend time with Sheila, Sandi and Kerry. I had the RZR so Sandi and I went on a trail ride to an old mine with some friends. That was fun. I really got into the social life there so I'm headed back on Saturday and will stay until the end of January. Then its back home, restock Hope, drop the truck, pick up the RZR and head back to Glamis for superbowl weekend with my jeep club. Who knows after that? Maybe Deming, maybe not. Oh yeah, did I tell you that I bought a truck? Yep, traded in the Liberty and got an F150 for a toad. I have reservations in Phoenix Feb 19 to have a motorcycle lift installed. I'll be able to take a vehicle and my motorcycle with me now. Was kind of a pain not having a vehicle in the spring, just the motorcycle for transportation. Best of both worlds...besides, my motorcycle misses me when I'm gone...

Some of you that I'm friends with on FB know that the Samcat crossed the rainbow bridge in November, just before Thanksgiving. He had over 100,000 miles under his furry butt, most of them on the dash navigating for me. Thanksgiving was hard, first trip in the rv without my main navigator. Miss the hell out of him, but don't have any plans to get another cat at this point. He was my late husbands cat and it was like losing the final piece of Jack when he left. So very hard. Plan is to take part of his ashes to the cemetery to be with his dad and part will continue to travel with me. He did so love going in the rv....we sure had some adventures!

So those of you going to the Q gtg, looking forward to seeing you and catching up...hope the weather is better than last year, it was pretty sucky. Probably the worst in 25 years of going there. I'm bringing shorts and tank tops for good luck....Oh wait...I had shorts and tank tops last year....LOL!

Re: January 2nd - Back to Normal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 6:59 pm
by Bethers
Alice, take care... The flu is getting so many in the area. I've only heard of one death in Phoenix, but it was a previously healthy 20 year old woman who thought she had a bad cold. Scary.

Aww, wish I could head to Q sooner. I should have kept my original plans to boondock the winter away! As it is I have plans for almost all my every-other-weeks now until my commitment here is gone... Yuma to see my bff who'll be there for a grandchild's birth, Q, the last part of the Tucson gtg and hopefully one more trip to my casita, but that might not happen. Next week I won't be going gallivanting as I have an appt for Peaches at the vet and am hoping to make an audiology appt for me.

Dang, already 2018 is going too fast!