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Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:19 am
by Bethers
I'm awake, it's just past midnight here... I blurted out rabbits and decided to start our check in/it's a new month morning post.

Nothing exciting going on here... I've put myself on a tighter budget... Have been spending too much and I'm not sure on what :roll: so I'm going to be keeping track better for awhile. I wish I could say I've been doing something fun that emptied my pockets lol With the extra insurance money coming out now for Medicare, I need to be more aware until I have an income again come May.

Time for sleep. Here's hoping we all have a great final month of 2017. I can't believe how fast this year has gone.

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:08 am
by monik7
It’s 12:02 am and for the first time ever I said, “Rabbits.” I need to go to bed. :lol: I’ll make my way later to Quartzsite where I sure hope they’ll be able to fix my solar system on Saturday. I’ll also meet up with Sheila and also Sharon if she’s still there. A mini GTG will definitely make the trip worthwhile.

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:25 am
by MandysMom
And the very good news is, the MRI was much better imaging of the spots on Mel's spine, and showed them to be much less menacing than the CT had. So, as long as he has no pain or nerve symptoms in back or legs, which he does not, there is no treatment by radiation needed. Add to that the cystic structure they saw near kidney is just that a harmless age related cyst. Now on to oncologist to see what he wants to do about chemo either same or another. That will be next Wednesday afternoon. We can relax somewhat for moment and prepare for Christmas.

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:32 am
by avalen
Good morning, I remembered rabbits, and I was up at 3. About time to go back to bed but need to set the trash out first. Willl make a trip to Wal-Mart today to get some spray paint to do the hardware on Jacks treasure box. Also need to get another filter for the hose.
I hosed down the tree yesterday trying to wash the pollen away. I think it helped because the Twinkies less. No more gagging when I go out. Will get the yard raked today and then wash it all down again. I think Maggie's eye looks better but it could be my "wanting it" imagination.
Not a whole lot to talk about so I'll just if at that. Y'all have a good day, be safe.

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:53 am
by Colliemom
Morning from northern Michigan. Sun’s beginning to rise too. Velda, that’s good news on Mel. You two deserve a break from everything that’s been going on. I was awake around 3 this morning too, but mostly cause Molly wanted to go out. Forgot Rabbits again. Beth, I hear ya on the budget. Same here as think I’m going to need new water softener :| Current one has quit regenerating. Had it checked over and although he cleaned the valve etc., reset it etc., no guarantee it will work. Monitoring it for awhile as it usually regenerates once a week and won’t be a week till next Wednesday.

Heading to Petoskey later this morning. Need a new remote for the cable box/TV etc. and the cable company has an office over there. Also want to check out some scrapbook stickers at a store there. Actually it’s just an excuse to go for a drive before winter arrives next week. Cold air heading down from Canada for many of us.

Okay, enough jabbering. Y’all have a nice day today :D

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:04 am
by Carolinagal
Good Morning!!! Rabbits??? I didn't think and muttered to myself before getting out of bed. I'm sometimes not happy with myself :lol: One month and we're into a new year! Where has this one gone?

Realtor emailed another site I'm interested in seeing. I really liked the looks of pictures, but they sometimes are so deceiving. I'm trying to keep myself on one thing at a time here, but mind races and want my sale complete, repairs to RV done and my stuff out of DD's house and somewhere i will be comfortable etc etc :lol: and then onto visiting around.

One day at a time, and I need to make them count more then I have lately. No real news here, think grands want to put tree up sometime this week end that should be fun. I thought yesterday it's time to write my cards. I still have some writing friends and family. I've always enjoyed sending greeting cards at Christmas. Yesterday was my granddaughter in Colorados18th birthday. December is full of family birthdays!! And our wedding anniv. Used to be the happiest month of the year, now it's what I make it, the best that I can!!

Hope you all have a great day, and weather is nice for a change, beautiful day started here and I need to get moving. Mr P, do I have to tell you is still sleeping :lol:
Stay safe,

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:05 am
by Irmi
Good morning everyone!

Velda, that's great news about Mel and I hope things continue to look up for you both.

I, too, remembered saying Rabbits. Beth, we need to watch our budget, also. Medicare is also coming out of checking and the beginning of March, it will start coming out for both of us, not just one. We need to tighten our belts until we decide to start drawing social security.

The afternoon temperatures here are topping off in the low 80's but I just turned on the heat to take off the morning chill.

Whether you are on the road or home, be safe!

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:47 am
by bluepinecones
Rabbits check in....I actually remembered for a change.
Can't believe this year is almost gone already. Lots of medical appointments this month, including a CT scan this afternoon. Will be a lot of poking and proding getting the year end tests done and hopefully out of the way for another year.

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:22 am
by chalet05
Happy December!

Velda, glad you are having a break! Sandi, thought maybe I had missed the end of your solar story - hope it's an easy fix - and on the plus side, you'll get to visit. Budget? I know where mine went and it wasn't all fun. CArol, I hope you find a place you like so you can cross that off your list! The new homes for Donna and Barbie are exciting! Martha, you and Harold are always in my thoughts. Ava, sorry for the loss of your friend.

I'm suppose to be in Florida, but the need for a root canal had me extending my stay in Mississippi. Picked the best dentist at least! It's all done and I'll head to Florida Sunday.

My day isn't off to the best start. My niece, after days of labor, had her baby last night and he had to be airlifted due to breathing problems. He became distressed during delivery and they did an emergency C-section. This couple is having some fast growing up lessons. Prayers would be welcome.

This park allows vehicle washing with a $5 permit. That was my plan for today, but it is quite wet out after yesterday's rain and fog.

Always good to hear from so many on the 1st. Yes, I did remember 'rabbits' - not that it helped last month (or maybe things could have been worse!) :)

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:51 am
by Acadianmom
Anita, hope your tooth problem is fixed and you don't have any more problems with it or anything else. Good idea to wait around to see. Hope your niece's baby is ok.

I was thinking about Rabbits at 11:30 last night and then forgot about it. I might have gone to sleep.

I'm wondering if my motorhome is going to be ready today. You know how people and equipment get well on Friday. :roll: I would like to pick it up but they close early and I have to bring the dog for his check up this afternoon.

It looks like the cold weather is going to get here for my campout next week. They are saying it might freeze on Saturday night. The club has the use of a building for Friday night but guess we will be sitting around the campfire other nights. Just hope it doesn't rain like last year.

I better get gathered up and head for town.


Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:58 am
by SoCalGalcas
Good Morning, No rabbits for me! I forgot again! Good news from Velda. Hope that hangs on for awhile. Love the pictures of Barbie and Donna's new to them homes! Keep looking Carol, you will find it!
I too do not know where Nov went. I am really not busy right now and doing lots of reading. Found a book (don't remember where) of Taylor Caldwell that I had not read Published in 1976. Don't know how I missed it as she is a favorite of mine.

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:37 pm
by carolb
G'afternoon all :)

Velda, great news for Mel...Anita, sending good thoughts for the new baby....

Didn't say Rabbits. Now, afternoon, & good to read all the roll call posts. Martha, hope you get your MH back. Sandi, I'm jealous that you'll be in Q today! I've really missed the desert. It'd be so great to see Sheila & Sharon again, & Kerry or whoever else is there.

Hoping to hear from mechanic soon. HarBor had to spend the night in the shop since they couldn't get a part they needed until this a.m. In the meantime, I got some lights strung on the outside of house. That & my little tree will do it for this year.

Wishing y'all a great day to start off a new month--yikes, yes the last of this year! 8-)

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 6:54 pm
by Liz
Happy for your good news, Velda!

I was awake several times in the night, but forgot the rabbits. I did remember Thistle's heart worm meds this morning, though. I went kayaking again today on a new-to-me section of the river north of here. I am really enjoying all that there is to do here. I may decide to stay longer this winter, and start west later. Bu then I red about all the fun those out west are having. Wish it was just a day away, lol.

Excited for all those moving into new homes or looking for new homes. I am sure happy in mine. Tomorrow I will prep the RV for a week-long trip to Ocala, Silver River State Park. I have a bunch of appointments during the week, but hope to meet up with a few friends sometime during the week, and hope the weather cooperates to get on the river at least once.

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:12 pm
by snowball
trying to get my Christmas decorations up...part of the tree decorations are on hopefully will finish tomorrow...Monday am heading up to Vegas to help my sister. She had her knee replaced on Tuesday...I guess something was done wrong in the billing last time she was in the hospital and or rehab she thought she had more time for rehab but she didn't so now is
hanging out at the hospital....for as long as she is allowed can't go to rehab till Jan...I am not sure what the outcome will her husband has Alzheimers and her son has some health issues of his own going up for a couple of weeks..then home then if I have to will go up for a week...her husband now has Medicare so perhaps he can be accepted into a respite home for awhile...took Shadow for grooming yesterday he looks so much better but poor boy is cold...that is the reason I didn't do the grooming this fall that and so many other reasons...
Carol it would be so good to see you...have been enjoying Sharon...although we are a low key group we know that they are there and we connect...Sharon Sandi and I went out to supper tonight...and didn't even think of food pictures but was good...
I really wish I didn't have to leave so I could spend more time with Sandi think Sharon is leaving on Monday as well getting a cool front...and for that reason being in a house will be good as well..

Re: Rabbits Friday

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:43 pm
by dpf
Long past morning but I did remember to say Rabbits shortly after midnight. November was a busy month and it doesn’t seem possible that it’s over.

We had our Thanksgiving on Saturday with the family at Ryan and Ashley’s. My sister had come on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving so we had two days lazing around before we had to cook! Avon has a Parade of Lights so we went to that and did some other things.

The last week has been a roller coaster ride with my friend Faye. Her sister went to Denver before Thanksgiving to spend the holiday with her son. She ended up in the hospital with a ruptured gall bladder. She was released from the hospital on Saturday and ended up with pneumonia which lead to cardiac arrest which left her unconscious and seizures which they had to control with sedation and lowering her body temperature. They couldn’t successfully do an MRI because she couldn’t be sedated and the body temperature had to be risen to do one. Which they attempted to do that she would start to have seizures. Today they were able to do the MRI and found that there was no brain activity. She was taken off the ventilator midafternoon and passed shortly thereafter. Faye and one of her sisters from this area went to Denver on Monday. This afternoon Missy and I had gone to visit her mom and see if there was anything that she needed. Faye texted me while we were there to tell us to make an exit because her nephew was on the way to tell Alice that life support was going to be removed. While we were there Alice was quite certain what the outcome was going to be. Needless to say we have had many texts and phone calls back and forth in the last days.

So we will be planning a trip to a funeral in the next couple days. Barb lived in Hastings NE which is about four to five hours from here. Missy and I will be able to go for sure, the rest of the girls will have to see if they are able to get off work. If it was summer we could do it in one day, but since none of us are really fond of driving in the dark (damn deer) and there areas going through central Nebraska without towns for miles and without reliable cellphone service we will probably turn it into an overnight trip.

Glad to hear Mel had good news. Hope you find a residence soon Carol. If I’ve missed anything for someone I apologize. I read everything but not sure I comprehended!

Sorry this is long and not uplifting. It’s just been a difficult week going through this with a friend.