In The Deep Freeze Saturday

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In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby Colliemom » Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:59 am

Good Morning all,

It's cold outside. -25 roughly. Coldest of the winter so far. You gals out east, get out your snuggles as it's heading your way. Even the dogs don't want to be out any longer then necessary. At least it's a nice morning here after yesterday's wind, blowing snow and near whiteout conditions.

Miss Piper is home and doing great. Keeping this Pup calm and sort of quiet for next 8 days is going to be a big challenge :roll: She wasted no time getting into her routine and dragged anything and everything out yesterday ;) And Molly, after spending Thursday just laying around and sleeping other than our walk, was so happy to see Piper when we got home. She hung with her all day. Guess she was lonesome for her sister. She certainly is a changed dog. Sad part is watching them looking at each other through my window wall when one goes out as I know they want to be together out there. So they will have to deal with gentle playing in the house.

Heading out later to clear snow when it warms up a bit later. Otherwise nothing on agenda. Ran out of photo corners to finishing mounting my pictures, so that project on hold. Guess it's time to haul out a coloring book. Not ready to get into spring cleaning yet. Thinking about summer and RV's etc.

Hoping you all have a nice Saturday out here. Those at the Hardee Lakes GTG, have fun, looking forward to pics. Those in the cold, keep warm, those on the road or off to other adventures, enjoy. The rest of us will live vicariously through you. ;)
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby avalen » Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:00 am

Good morning ladies
Been up too long, already feel a nap on the way but my mind lately hasn't been able
to shut down with so many thoughts racing through it. This one last year of working
is going to be so hard as there are just too many fun things on the agenda coming my way!
A routine Saturday morning means getting the laundry done, a few household chores,
then get a nap and get ready to enjoy the 3 day weekend.
Y'all have a great day, and be safe
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby IrishIroamed » Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:39 am

Good Mornin' Sue, Ava and all that follow ~~~

Sue ~Nice have Piper back at home. We do worry about our furkids and it's hard to make them stay quiet (yea right). But I do think animals heal a lot quicker than we 2-leggers.

Ava ~At least these all good, happy thoughts that are racing thru your head. This last year will go quicker than you think.

Punkin's last 2 weeks of training have been changed to this morning because the other dog in the class just wasn't getting it after 4 weeks, so that trainer is going to work one-on-one with her. So Punkin's going to a different class because he's been pretty good.

Not a good day to have to head out it's {{{{{{brrrrrr}}}}}} outside, but I'm getting taxes done this afternoon also and some other minor errands, so tomorrow will the the stay in and hibernate day.

Have a good day ladies. Stay safe on the road. Stay warm if you're in the freeze zone, and enjoy the GTGs that are going on!
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby Olive6001 » Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:08 am

Good morning Sue, Ava, Cheryl and all who follow. Not a darn thing new going on here. House seems warmer this morning than the last few. I didn't even turn on the heat to take the chill off. My heart and goosebumps go out to those of you in the cold. Sue, -25??? Can't even imagine. Ava, you make me smile. Cheryl, I admire anyone who does taxes before the last minute. I guess I could rake leaves today. The dogs' small patch of grass in the backyard is covered. I bought a rake with a big head last year, so it goes fast. Wish I had something upbeat to report, but I got nothing. I think I need Liz's life. Liz, can I borrow your life for a while? :lol: :lol: No? You say I have to make my own adventures? :lol: :lol:

Stay warm and safe.

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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby Othersharon » Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:46 am

Good morning! Sue, it's cold here too! Right now they say it feels like -12! And yes, more cold coming in this afternoon. I'm debating if I should go out and shovel the sidewalk but the way the snow is blowing I'm not sure it's worth it! Half of it is covered and the other half is bare. Glad Piper is home and I know about trying to keep one of the pups quiet! Poor things just don't understand why they can't romp together. Ava, you'll be retired before you know it! Cheryl, sounds like Punkin is doing well with the training! I dropped my taxes off the other day since I knew this cold was moving in for the next few days! I don't plan on going anywhere for awhile! I'll probably be stir crazy by the time this bad stuff gets done! :D At least the end of next week is supposed to be better! Waiting for that earlier spring!! I always told DH that he he ever wanted to move this would be the time of year to convince me....the rest of the year, not so much! Hope the Hardee Lake gtg is warmer then the last one!

Well, not much else to report from here so will just wish you all a good day and hope if you are in the cold, stay warm! Travel safe!
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby MandysMom » Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:19 pm

And here we are in sunny CA, with record setting temps in 70's and they say maybe 80 Monday ! Then they say will cool again and hopefully rain. Hard to conceive of -25!!!! Yikes.
Not a lot planned here. Maybe a ripon over to the former McClellan AFB where they have a RV show going on. Depends on how Mel feels. He has had a lot of ongoing ear pain and dizziness. Has his first post radiation CT in a few weeks. Praying it turns out clean of any sign of cancer.
Have a good day all.
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby Rufflesgurl » Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:27 pm

Good morning all. Brrrrrr to all you Easterners. What a gorgeous sunny day we are having here in CA.

Velda, wouldn't you just rather be here than there?? I did see the McClellan RV show advertised but thinking there might just be way too much traffic between here and there.

Enjoy this long weekend everyone!

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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby MandysMom » Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:15 pm

Brrrr indeed! So appreciating California today!
Not bad traffic between here in Roseville and McClellan most likely. Having driven that route on our way to UCD so many times, it no longer intimidates me, LOL. My hubby drove to McClellan for 11 years before it closed, going to work 5 days a week. Boy has traffic changed since then!
Where are you Linda?
Trying to get moving here and at least make a show of getting something dome around here. Planning lemon chicken for Valentines supper. Mel is beginning to be able to taste a little again so I'm going for high flavor. Last night he actually ate a homemade hamburger without blenderizing! Took over an hour but it's a huge achievement on the healing trail.
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:22 pm

Morning all. I got nothing for ya either. Just a work around the kitchen kind of day. Still in the process of sorting and throwing out stuff in my kitchen. Normally I do not like reorganizing anything because if I move it then I cant find stuff. I straighten it often BUT now I am moving it around.

Need to make a grocery run as I want to try cooking again in my NuWave, but I need more seasonings and breading so will see how that goes.

Kind of cloudy here today with 57 for the high, might possibly get a peek at a little sunshine. Had some rain last night but was gone this morning when the dog and I went for our walk.

I am enjoying being home and not having to rush to get things done. I was in a bit of a hurry and then went "Wait, I have time", so now I do a project a day. I am on the 20 projects in 30 days program. I do give myself some time off LOL Some days it is a big project and others just a few little things. Still have several to go to reach 20 ha ha Then might have to start over LOL


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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:29 pm

Just after noon here. Sunny, 5 degrees and no wind today. I am glad we didn't get down much below zero this time! That is just plain miserable and painful! Will start warming up tomorrow into the 20s and then up in the 40's by the end of the week! Yay! I think we have some snow coming tonight tho, but not sure how much.

Headed over to my dads this morning and my car started to die when I slowed down or stopped. Came back home and my friend Steve is going to look at it maybe tomorrow. I can still drive it but not too far. Just have to keep my foot on the gas when I slow or stop. PITA! Thinking maybe a hose cracked or broke from the cold. Same thing happened last winter.

More laundry to do today. Got a twin airbed rigged up for now until I can buy a new full sized air bed. Sophie popped mine the other night probably with her claws when she was jumping up on the bed.

Having more pain in my knee again. Got a new soft brace to put on it for now. Am really thinking I need to look into a different line of work. Won't be able to keep working on my feet for very many more years. All my joints have issues and seems to flare up when we have busy days.

Looking forward to hearing about the HL GTG! Have fun for all of us! Am itching for camping weather here!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:30 pm

[/color]Good afternoon.
A chilly start but has warmed up nicely here in FL. I'm actually out of my sweet suit until sundown! Think there are 9 of us here at Hardee Lakes and it looks like the weather will be good all but one rainy day. We have a pot luck planned for this evening.[/color]
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby Rufflesgurl » Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:06 pm

HI Velda - I have been in Mountain House not quite 1-1/2 years. Tried to send you a PM but don't think it went thru?

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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby JudyJB » Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:09 pm

Got up, grabbed some breakfast, and rode it to the nature center here in Usery Park for a ranger walk on edible plants in the desert. Was a really big group, unfortunately. Much nicer when only a few. Anyway interesting, but now I am resting in my Ac-cooled RV and eating the rest of my breakfast as lunch!

Sorry to hear of all the cold weather out east, but at least this is mid-February, meaning you are over the hump, so to speak. It is really a lot hotter here than I like it--highs have been in mid to upper 80s. At least today there is a breeze. I rode my bike around the rest of the park after the hike, so am a bit tired.

After I rest up, I am going to pack up and head out to Walgreen's to get my prescriptions filled for 90 days. Then I might go to the Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix while I am out. Want to get my pills counted out for the next couple of weeks and am running out of chocolate snacks. So which do you think is the highest priority? :lol:
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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:57 pm

I just got back from the Dutch Oven Cookout at the state park. A lady that is friends on Facebook with one of the Louisiana Belles is camped over there for a couple of weeks and I went to meet her. They really had a crowd this time. There were over 100 people waiting to eat. This club cooks every second Saturday of the month. It's mostly to get people to go to the park. I would bring something if they would let me cook it at home. I'm not hauling all the stuff they haul around.

The weather is just right to camp, not too hot or cold. The park is almost full this weekend.

Barbie, my ex-sister-in-law opened a nail shop after she was in a car wreck and could no longer stand up so long to cut hair. She seems to do good but I don't think I could take all the fumes and dust.

Karen, I want to know how the cooking in the NuWave goes. The reviews I have read are not very good but then you hear some people love them. I would think they would be hard to haul around without breaking.

My project last year was to not let all the papers pile up so I moved my tax box next to my computer. It did help to get things filed but that doesn't mean my taxes will get done any faster. The sad thing is I can do them in one day if I'm not missing any papers but that day doesn't get here very fast. :roll:

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Re: In The Deep Freeze Saturday

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:43 pm

Martha, I am licensed to do nails, but I can't handle the fumes from the stuff they use for artificial nails, etc. I have also thought of esthetician but the salons/spas all expect their esti's to do brazilian waxing, and I refuse to do that.

Already did my taxes and got my refunds back and used them to pay off some bills. One was from a collection agency from years back and was doing major damage to my credit report, so hopefully that will help, so that I can try again to buy another vehicle by next summer. Gotta get my FICO score back up!

Just got up from a nap, so now on to laundry. :roll:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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