Good morning Sat...

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Good morning Sat...

Postby grammynmaggie » Sat May 09, 2015 6:31 am

Good morning everyone rise & shine!!...beautiful sunny and hot Sat. in Melbourne FL...hope its good where you home on wheels is a today I will clean and organize so I can go out and play at the park tomorrow...Me & my Maggie girl...that will be my mothers day...anyone in the neighborhood stop on over Wickham Park...I wont be hard to a nice card from my DD & family yesterday...nice they are thinking about me... :D yesterday I was very lazy did not do much of anything...hate days like that...well better get going and do my thing..have a fun filled day & B safe...donna ;)
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby Liz » Sat May 09, 2015 6:59 am

Good morning, Donna, and all who follow.

Wow, wicked weather everywhere...tornadoes, flooding, snow, and now a tropical storm on the east coast. Glad Nan and I decided to leave the coast and head inland. We are in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mts., and so far the weather is nice.

Yesterday we visited Thomas Jefferson's secret retreat from Monticello....Poplar Forest in Lynchburg, VA. I stopped there last fall on my way south, so will not do another blog post about it. Today we are going to Walton's Mountain....where the author and creator of the fictional TV family grew up and based his writings on his own family and experiences. Should be a fun day.

Please stay safe out there everyone in the stormy weather.
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby BirdbyBird » Sat May 09, 2015 7:23 am

Everyone have a good day. The pups and I got our stuff together last yesterday after work, jumped in the rig about 8 ish and drove to Tallmadge, Ohio for a dog show. The fairground was asleep at midnight when we pulled in and we were asleep on soon after. :) Now they have to go get bootiful. 13 year old Grandma Blondie road with us this weekend so she could see her first Mamma Linda. Nice weather so far. :)
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby Colliemom » Sat May 09, 2015 8:02 am

Good Morning,

Liz, I'm glad you and Nan are inland too. Funny you should be heading to Walton's Mountain. I've been watching a lot of the old Series on week nights since this winter. Donna, I need to clean my house attached to the ground too. Tina, good luck at the show.

Been raining here this morning and maybe part of the night too. We sure need it. Think I can see the grass growing :lol: m Molly just went out and brought in her plastic milk jug fom the deck. Guess she decided she doesn't want it to get wet :lol:

Haven't got my trailer back yet, but that's okay. Too wet to do anything out there anyway. So will spend time with maps etc. just getting an idea of campground along my route. Getting things together as well. Now hopefully won't get blown back to MI from the plains or buried in snow in mountains. Hope those in the plains and families are all okay. Know that's pretty much the way of life out there, but think it's about enough for now.

This isn't getting house cleaned, so need to get a move on here. Have a nice day everyone ;)
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby avalen » Sat May 09, 2015 8:16 am

good morning ladies
ten school days left, can't wait, but so much to do to get the place buttoned up for my road trip. I'll most likely be gone
until mid July. Oil changed on the car yesterday and the multi point inspection completed. Since I got the ac fixed I feel
I can safely use my own car on my trip vs renting one. Glad that decision is made and over with. Daughter comes over
sometime in the next couple weeks to get her cat. No more worries about the cat! whoo! Todays cool weather gives me
time to get out there in the shed and do my organizing and tossing. The next decision is....go to las vegas for the wedding
and then come back OR....pack up and go, stopping in las vegas for the wedding and continueing on from there. Will look
at the map and plan that out as well.
My friend Jon is doing well, although he's still needy, that part will never change and of course being an alcoholic will
never change either. He has a good job and moves into his own apt today. That will be better for him and his dad. Too
much "parental" fussing was going on and not sure who was being the parent or the problem being they were both trying
to be the parent. I do look forward to some fishing trips while up that way and then of course my trip up to Vancouver
to visit my own dad.
Time for more coffee, a little breakfast and get dressed. Need to get my day rolling.
Ya'll have a great day, be safe ...the weather is wicked in some places.
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby bluepinecones » Sat May 09, 2015 9:32 am

Good morning
What a busy, expensive week!
Eye exam, good news: cataracts have not gotten worse, bad news: need new glasses. Dental check up, need bone graft to try to save a tooth in jaw but too late to try that on tooth holding bridge so will loose that and require a partial at some point - not good.
The two trees lightening struck have been removed. Also had all the volunteer bushes/weeds cleared from rocks (most of front yard is limestone boulders as you can see in photos), then got someone else to clean up years of leaf accumulation in the rocks. Hope that is not going to create an erosion problem but also didn't want to leave an environment that might encourage snakes. Have someone coming Monday to plant monkey grass along lower edges of rocks to help slow water flow when it rains and hold soil in place.
View from street level - you can actually see the house again. First tree down
View from front porch looking east(straight ahead toward street)
Another view from front porch looking south toward driveway
While others busy working in yard I've been working on porches. Trying to clean and completely redo lower back porch (lower veranda as my friend calls it) including painting outdoor furniture. The plastic pieces are going from a silver grey to a bright green apple.
Also washed down the front porch tho it is not used much; it looks a lot better without that heavy coat of pollen.
My best friend locally put her house back on the market about a week ago. It sold yesterday and she left this morning to look for her new home in the New Orleans area near her son. I will sorely miss her but she has until mid June to move.
Guess I've played long enough, need to get started on something productive now that coffee all gone. Hope you have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby Othersharon » Sat May 09, 2015 10:24 am

Good Sat morning. Goodness, so much going on for so many! Liz, glad you and Nan moved inland! Tina, good luck to hou and the pups at the show.Sue, plans coming together for your trip! Now just to get on the road, eh!? AVA, days are counting down fast. School will be done before you know it.

Took a "day trip" with oldest son yesterday. He had a meeting in Harrisburg in the morning and then wanted to go to Philly area to get something for his backhoe or whatever it is! All went well until we were heading back, we got caught in a traffic tie-up in Harrisburg and it took about 2 hours of stop and go to get out of it! Unfortunatly in H-Burg there's only a couple of routes to filter back to SR 322 to get back to our area. And we were on the wrong route! But not sure the other would have been any better! So instead of getting home about 9 I didn't get in until 11! Thank goodness I had asked SIL to put the dogs out for me! 16 hours would have been asking way to much from them! We finally stopped at what I considea a halfway point home and got to take care of important things! He got something to eat so asked me to drive...did I mention we were hauling a small trailer? I haven't driven with a trailer since he was a small tot!! But decided I could do it! What the heck, if Grandma can drive an RV she can handle a small trailer! And even got through the construction zones with the "cattle chutes"! Luckily, I only had to drive forward! No backing up in the dark! So I'm moving slowly this morning! So much to do outside but no inclination! But will get to it later! Hoping everyone has a good day and travel safe!
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby Redetotry » Sat May 09, 2015 12:12 pm

Looks like I missed morning so will say Good Afternoon. Everyone is so busy, Sarah I sure don't envy you all the yard work,we don't have as many trees but we have enough to know how much work they can be. it is very pretty and I like the new color for the lawn chairs you picked. Ava, I didn't realize you had such a long trip planned I am so happy for you!!! Good luck at the show this weekend Tina, I'm surprised Blondie could leave her 'job' to travel with you.
I sold my new Subaru Outback that I bought last spring and am buying a Toyota Sienna van. I drove them for 15 years and just could not get used to the Subaru, especially the hard steering. I bought the Toyota online and over the phone. Easy way I dislike going to the dealer. Now all I have to do is the paper work and see if I can figure out some of the new gadgets. I don''t know why some places are unwilling to deal on prices when it is easy to see what the going prices are now days.
Have a good rest of the day. Oh, has anyone heard from Carolb or have I missed her post?
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby Rufflesgurl » Sat May 09, 2015 12:32 pm

Good morning all.
BJ my daughter has had her 2014 Sienna for about a year and loves it. She's got 5 year old twins so there is plenty of room for the whole family. This van should last her a long time. There's so much area to haul groceries, etc. and it rides nice too. Enjoy your new ride.

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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby Bethers » Sat May 09, 2015 3:36 pm

Originally winter storm watch here was for 4 pm this afternoon to 6 pm tomorrow when we may get 2 feet of snow. So why in heck was it snowing at 7 am? We got a few inches, then late morning it stopped. BUT, that doesn't changed the winter storm watch for tonight/tomorrow. And it looks like it's starting - right now with a mixture of rain and snow. I will admit it's gorgeous out there - BUT I'll be glad in a few days when it's all gone and hopefully for the rest of the spring/summer! And I'll take this over the tornados, etc many are experiencing.

I'm at the store - will keep it open for at least a little longer - but will close early and if the storm does hit as predicted will not open tomorrow, or open for a very limited time.
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Re: Good morning Sat...

Postby avalen » Sat May 09, 2015 4:42 pm

heard from Carolb yesterday, she is home now and her wrist is still healing.
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