First Saturday in May

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First Saturday of May

Postby Colliemom » Sat May 02, 2015 7:04 am

Morning all,

Some days it's hard to think of a title to stick up there. But it's going to be a great first Saturday in May here. We are having above average temps, which for me is a little too warm. Not used to jumping from the colder temps of winter and early spring, straight to summer. But sure feels good having the sunshine and warmth. Opened up house yesterday and let the breezes in.

Got a lot of little things done yesterday. Shopping, bit of leaf blowing at neighbors, inventory of stuff in storage area of trailer. Took out a couple of things, made a list of a few things I need. And funny thing was, I had bought a nice lite set of Salt and Pepper shakers last spring at Camping World, the ones with the closed plastic lids. Had them sitting in garage and then couldn't find them anywhere when I went to put them in trailer. So ordered a set from Amazon last month for this summer. Yesterday while I was going through my stuff, guess what I found in my box that stores all my water related stuff. So now they are back in garage and going into the box with stuff heading for the trailer :lol: :lol: :lol: Also gook out my WD bars, sway bar and patio mat. Thought I would clean them up a bit next week while the trailer is at dealers getting ready for summer.

So guess today I will go through inside and also get my winter equipment summarized and put away. Need to put some fuel stabilizer in gas tanks, give them a bit of a bath and cover them up for summer. Then get my lawn tractor greased and lubed. Grass cutting season is here. So's fire season. We need rain badly.

Donna, are you a history buff at all? Maybe you can do a route that takes you through some historical areas from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars on the way home. Nice narration on Cape Hatteras, Liz. Also enjoyed reading all the May Day reminisces from yesterday. And also all the things we used to be able to do when we were growing up. I too was out and about all over and biking here and there like many of you did. It was a wonderful life back then.

So guess it's time to move on here. Be heading out that door pretty soon and get busy before that afternoon sun starts getting a bit too warm. You all have a great weekend out there :)
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First Saturday in May

Postby Othersharon » Sat May 02, 2015 7:24 am

Good morning! Was up early this morning, the sun is shining and it just seemed wrong to stay in bed! Supposed to have a stretch of warm weather so don't want to miss it! I spent most of yesterday on the phone and computer trying to fix my new phone. I've had some problem with it once and awhile but yesterday it got caught in some kind of loop where I kept getting a blue screen and it would shut down and reboot itself. Over and over! Anyway, turns out, no fix, it's broken and I need a new phone! So heading to Lancaster today to a store to, I hope, get a new phone. I had wanted to go to Camping World so will just combine the trip.

I'm watching the weather along the coast, looks like something brewing and may affect Hatteras! So I'm starting to wonder if my plans will get changed for my hoped for trip! I'll just have a keep an eye on it and see how it goes! Wondering how it might affect Liz and Nan. This trip may have to stay in my bucket a little longer!

My RV guy is coming tomorrow to go over Lola to make sure all is well. Still puzzling over the generator and hope it's an easy fix but who knows! I think everything else should be good. I think!! Barbie, how's the kayaking going? Sounds like you have a perfect spot for it. Donna, hope you can head north soon. PA is starting to be a good place to be!!

Got to go get ready to head off on my day trip so just wish everyone a good day. Hope Beth got through her opening with no problems!
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Re: First Saturday of May

Postby Acadianmom » Sat May 02, 2015 9:56 am

The garden section in todays newspaper says farewell to spring as we gear up for Louisiana summer. What happened to spring? It was about 85 yesterday. I was happy with the last electric bill because we haven't needed heat or air conditioning. Looks like it will be air conditioning from now on.

Sue, I wish I could send you a lot of the rain we have had in the last few weeks. We still haven't moved my son's trailer. It's scheduled for May 12 but the weather man says rain again next week. I have a trip planned for the 14 - 17 so they better not mess that up.

I want to extend my flower bed a few more feet so I think I'll go get some more of the edging I used. Yesterday I put up another Hummingbird feeder. I shouldn't have complained that we only had 3 birds last year because now we have about 8 birds. There may be more because they are hard to count. If they wouldn't fight so much they wouldn't need as much food. lol

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Re: First Saturday of May

Postby IrishIroamed » Sat May 02, 2015 10:48 am

Mornin' Sue, Martha and all that follow ~~~

I think Summer is making it's arrival here today and tomorrow also, but next week looks like it's back to Spring with rain expected all week. We need it too, but makes the dang grass grow :evil: Already did that once, and the back yard within a week looks like it would be good for grazing. Maybe I'll get a goat instead of mowing. :lol:

Got Colt dewinterized yesterday, there was a burr inside the coupler causing hitching/unhitching problems. Took 4 guys to look at it and figure out the problem. Seemed to help so far. We'll see, they said if it's still causing major headaches, I'll have to drop it off so they can get a certified welder to take this one off and put a new one on. Other warranty things were basically things a newbie would do :? (i.e. running down the battery when it sits), so the CO2 detector is good. Learned how to disconnect the battery because it would be about $550 to run a disconnect switch. Hey, I'm learning - my curve is like mountain high.

Need to get cracking on the backing up. Getting better, even tried a blind back yesterday to get a feel for it. I'd like to go somewhere for my week off, so unless I can find pull through sites, I need to back up. Or charge $$$ for other campers to watch the show of me trying it. :P

Well off to do the grass & other chores. Have a good day everyone and if you're on the road, stay safe.
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Re: First Saturday of May

Postby dayspring39 » Sat May 02, 2015 11:34 am

Good Morning coffee and oatmeal w blueberries is all gone... got Shadows nails cut yesterday and my hair... then went to my daughter Margies and helped her sort the mound of papers she took from my place on Thursday... I at least had everything in a file box not sorted! what a job that is and was... by the time I got home I was in such pain I took a vicodin had a glass of milk, crackers and cheese and went to bed... did not rest much... not sure what I can do about this insurance company...
Cheryl such fun you are having... hope you keep a diary so you can look back and marvel at how far you have come!
Went back and read the May day stories... those were the times... the only may day I can remember was at my grandmother Lawrences when we three children lived there... not sure where my brother and sister were but grandma and I made may baskets with flowers etc and took them to the neighbors... yes we had to run so they would not see us! those were good memories...
Sue you are so handy... you sure save a lot of money doing things and you know it will last!
Oh, Sarah I do so know what you are saying... life is long at our ages... do what you can and let the rest wait!
Take care everyone...
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Re: First Saturday of May

Postby avalen » Sat May 02, 2015 11:36 am

good morning ladies :D
not happy with these summer temperatures already, seems like there hasn't been spring anywhere, let alone here. But there are only 3 more weeks left of school and then I'm free to do what I want. So far, the only for sure trip I have scheduled is the one to Las Vegas first weekend of June. Going shopping today for a dress, something light and summery. Also need to run to
Home Depot for a couple little hardware items and stop by sons to see about getting my ac charged up in the car. Sounds like I have alot to do, perhaps I'll wait on the dress or do that during the week on my break. Have already been out in the yard and
completed my pooper duty cleanup and measured a few boards for cutting. Maggie and the kitty made their rounds out in the yard and now everyone is inside enjoying the ac. Seems odd for it to be kicking on already at 9:30 but....its Arizona ;) and thats the way it is.
Ya'll have a great day, be safe and smile :D
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Re: First Saturday of May

Postby JudyJB » Sat May 02, 2015 12:18 pm

It's definitely spring here in Tennessee where I am camping. Trees have small leaves and temps have been cool, but sunny, and nights very chilly. In fact, I could say, I know I am heading north because I am noticing the drop in my propane level. Last night it got down to 37, so I had to run furnaces a bit to help electric heater out. Crowded weekend campground and had to close my windows last night because the campfire and cooking smoke was causing my asthma to kick in and I was coughing a lot, even a bit of wheezing, which I almost never do. Much better this morning.

Sounds like a lot of you are getting reading to travel this summer. Might try to bump into some of you. Not a lot to do here except relax and get some work done, but it is a pretty place on Cordell Lake. Oh, forgot. I am going to try to change my own water filter today when it gets a little warmer outside. I have never done it myself because it is a little hard to reach, but I am hoping that it being slightly clogged might be causing my water pump to not work.

Would you believe I am carrying a full drum set inside my RV? It is one that my parents bought my uncle when he was about 12 just before I was born. (They adopted him at age 9 after his and my fathers parents died.) I stopped by their Georgia house that they are in the process of selling. I did not want to have these go to a stranger and am hoping one of my grandkids will play them someday. The big bass drum is tucked under my rear small dinette, the snare drum is on the passenger's seat floor, and a box with the rest of the stuff rides on the rear floor when I am driving. It is only about 11 days before I get to Ohio and will put them in my son's basement.
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Re: First Saturday in May

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat May 02, 2015 12:28 pm

Sharon, sounds like you got the "blue screen of death" like I keep getting on my laptop. The guy who looked at it last week, didn't fix it, so now I'm not sure what to do, maybe will have to buy a new one if it keeps happening.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: First Saturday of May

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat May 02, 2015 1:24 pm

Hi ladies! Am just getting caught up with the past few days on MC here.

...I just read somewhere that some celebrated by making up small baskets with goodies and then running up to the porch of friends and leave and get away before you were caught...ahhh the good old days...

My girlfriend and I used to do that every May Day! We made little paper baskets that we colored together and then would go out seperately and collect flowers (violets, dandilions, etc) and knock on each others doors. She always caught me but I was't fast enough to ever catch her!

We were also "free range" kids! Spent time in the woods exploring and building forts and didn't come home until supper time. We lived on the lake so much of the summer too was down at the dock or at the local beach swimming. I don't remember any adults down there with us. We rode our bikes all over and our parents never worried about us (that I am aware of anyways). So much fun!

Slept until almost noon today! :shock: Took and Advil PM last night. I usually just take a half of one but took a whole one. Maybe better stick to half pills from now on.

Beautiful day outside! Sunny and 80 today and I have the day off! :D I think I will take Mr Moose for a walk outside and then go for a kayak ride. There is a huge fishing contest (crappies) here until 2pm and I don't want to go out with all the fishing boats until they are done.

The annual Walk For Animals is today for the Humane Society in town. I used to take one of my ferrets, Moxy, to that every year. He was so good in crowds and with kids and was so adorable and he loved all the attention! My two ferrets I have now would not be so good in that situation so will not put them thru that. I was always surprised at people who brought cats and other animals who clearly did not enjoy the experience. One gal's cat got loose and took off, running up a huge pine tree. Then it fell from the top, hitting branches all the way down until someone caught it. Well, sadly, the cat got declawed on the way down trying to grab onto the branches. Poor thing! Was awful to watch! Luckily there was a vet right there to examine and treat him.

Better get going and head outside! Don't want to waste anymore of this gorgeous day!!!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: First Saturday in May

Postby Bethers » Sat May 02, 2015 2:13 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Sharon, sounds like you got the "blue screen of death" like I keep getting on my laptop. The guy who looked at it last week, didn't fix it, so now I'm not sure what to do, maybe will have to buy a new one if it keeps happening.

Several places will do free scans, Barbie. Office Max, I believe is one. Probably Best Buy also. Give them a call.
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Re: First Saturday of May

Postby MelissaD » Sat May 02, 2015 9:59 pm

IrishIroamed wrote: Learned how to disconnect the battery because it would be about $550 to run a disconnect switch. Hey, I'm learning - my curve is like mountain high.

Can't they install a switch/disconnect next to the battery? Mines mounted next to my battery inside my front bay. Cost me $15.
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Re: First Saturday in May

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat May 02, 2015 10:08 pm

I have been told that when I get the blue screen of death, that I need to write down the error code on it so I can fix it, but the screen disappears so fast, I can't find the code, let alone, write it down.

Took Mr Moose outside for a walk. He wasn't too thrilled or cooperative tho. Will try again another day. I then took Chelsea out thinking she wouldn't be any better, but she walked really well on the leash and did a lot of exploring and was having fun. She didn't even flinch when someone next door started up a chain saw. If I can socialize her a little more, maybe I can take her on the Walk For Animals next year.

I have been waiting to get my annual visit with my daughter, Naomi, but haven't heard back from her dad about a date getting concerned. They aren't legally bound to do the visits so I worry each year that they will stop them. I know I only have 4 more years before she turns 18 and then we can legally have as much contact as she wants. But that is a long time to wait... I did notice tonight that she has her own Facebook page now but not much on it yet. I don't dare "friend" her since I am sure her mother is paying close attention to what is going on with that. Just so frustrating! :cry:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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