Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby grammynmaggie » Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:22 am

Good morning all...beautiful sunrise this AM..but it will be another hot one
but I will make the best of it...I think I will try and go over to the church with
the crafty ladies...work on bazar stuff...that will take up most of the day..so happy
to see all the travel plans...it will give me something to do ...reading about them
this hot summer (looks like I will not make it north) ...so please post about them...CArol nothing I would love more than to hitch up with you & Maggie heading west...never been there so that would also be great...so everyone have a fun filled day & B safe...donna ;)
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Postby Colliemom » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:12 am

Good Morning Donna and all,

Thanks for starting coffee this morning Donna. Sorry you might not get north, but you never know. It would have been wonderful if you could have joined CArol or even myself out west this summer. I just made a big jump on that trip by making reservations for Grizzly Bear RV park in West Yellowstone. Soon as they are confirmed, will set ones for GTNP.

Anita, thanks for the desert pics. I would have certainly been much farther away from that snake for sure. O'Sharon, you definitely have a case of "hitch itis" even though you don't have anything to "hitch up" :lol: Certainly hope FL weather cools off for you gals down there. Sure has here. Back in the 3o's. But trees are budding and birds and squirrels around. Miss Molly is going to get a crick in her neck from looking up at trees and sky :lol: Carolb, look is like you visited Beth at just The right time. Have fun on your homeward travels.

Off to the store this morning. Payday, yea! Nice to have green back in the checkbook again. At least till I go shopping :lol:

So guess I had better get a move on. You all have a great day today ;)
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Postby Irmi » Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:51 am

Good morning Donna, Sue & everyone!

Donna, have fun doing the crafts at your church. Sue, hopefully it won't be too long and you'll be seeing more spring like temperatures eventually warming into summer temperatures for your trip west. Your trip sounds so exciting.

The weather here is central FL has been beyond awesome the last couple weeks, with temperatures in the high 80's to around 90. It's perfect weather for sitting in our yard relaxing with a good book or chatting with our neighbors. Sarah has been at Wandering Oaks for the last week, and we've taken her to a couple of our favorite restaurants. Liz and Nan joined us yesterday at a small mom & pop type restaurant we found last year. Riding up and down the roads, the Dogwood trees and azaleas are in full bloom. Enjoy your day everyone!
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Postby chalet05 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:25 am

Good Morning!

A day with no plans other than cleaning and more cleaning! I am hoping to leave the park April 1, spend a day or two in Quartzsite before heading to California so I have much to do. The days have been very warm which makes riding in the desert way too hot, but we do it anyway. :D We have a couple 'big' rides planned yet - one an overnight to an old mining town (now a tourist 'trap') - Crown King, AZ.

I took Marda for a RZR ride Sunday - unfortunately, no critters but lots of cactus. She is headed home to Washington today.

Fun reading about everyone's travel plans and other activities! I'm especially excited for Sue as Yellowstone is one of my favorite parks.

For those who have asked, my grandson who went through a bout of depression has progressed and the therapist has ended his sessions. Goodness knows depression can return, but for now, he's good. My poor granddaughter with Crohn's disease is still having a rough time. I am very concerned.

Wishing you all good health and safe travels!
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Postby SoCalGalcas » Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:55 am

Good Morning All, Same ole, same ole for me. Now that March madness has arrived I'm watching more basketball. And, softball. Love that best. SIL had 6th chemo yesterday. Bad nausea so he will be getting marajhuna (gads, no idea how to spell) prior to his next chemo. I've known no one who has tried it for nausea, so it will be interesting to see how and if it helps SIL. Sue, love your travel plans. Donna, sorry to hear you have to stay down in very warm Florida.

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Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:21 pm

Good morning gals!

Sue, maybe if you spend a night in Lacrosse, WI, I could meet you there and camp with my tent for the night. It is not that far a drive down there for me and it is beautiful along the river there. Let me know when you get that part of your trip planned.

Leaving here shortly to take my dad to the doctor. Will be seeing if we can finally get his G-tube removed.

I am meeting up with an old friend next week I haven't seen in 5 years. She retired last year and she and her husband just got back from a one year trip around the country in their 5th wheel. Am anxious to find out all about their adventures!

Cloudy and cooler this week, in the 40's, but still not bad for this time of year! I might go looking at cars this weekend. Now that my credit report has been adjusted, I think I can trade in my Jeep for another used (nicer, newer) vehicle and get a loan with much lower monthly interest and payments. Will have to see about that anyways. Still need something I can pull a trailer with, tho.

Hope you all have a great day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby dayspring39 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:50 pm

Hello from Normal! we are experiencing such nice spring like weather... the trees are beginning to show some signs of life...
Today is the day that Kelsie comes... she got sick last week so she did not come... it really helps when she vacuums and cleans and makes my bed with fresh linens... I strip the bed and wash the covers then she makes it back up!
So glad to know that you are making more plans Sue... an adventure for sure... Barbie hope your dad gets a good report... Donna we lived in Fl for 8 1/2 years I guess it was good the heat did not bother my husband... hope you can go back to Pa next summer... Irmi how nice to get with friends and gab and eat!! Lyn my friend Jere takes the marijuana pill after his cancer treatments... do not understand what it does... good to hear of your adventures Anita!
Have a great day everyone...
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Postby MandysMom » Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:02 pm

It looks like a beautiful day out here as well. Intermittent clouds with sun. Hubby finished his radiation Monday and is in the still getting more tired phase with 6 to 12 months recovery they say and still on hormone treatment which will continue for two years which also contributes to tiredness, as well as other complications, but we can deal with it. Medical marijuana can be a touchy subject for some. You can message me privately if you have questions. Best not to smoke it because you add in lung exposure to smoke. Pill form is synthetic, which does not act as well in most opinions. Key component in the natural plant material is the CBD ( pain relief) vs the THC ( makes you high). Obviously medical use is usually the high CBD types, which are harder to find.
Have a good rest of your day.
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Postby sharon » Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:14 pm

SoCalGalcas wrote:Good Morning All, Same ole, same ole for me. Now that March madness has arrived I'm watching more basketball. And, softball. Love that best. SIL had 6th chemo yesterday. Bad nausea so he will be getting marajhuna (gads, no idea how to spell) prior to his next chemo. I've known no one who has tried it for nausea, so it will be interesting to see how and if it helps SIL. Sue, love your travel plans. Donna, sorry to hear you have to stay down in very warm Florida.

Lyn, my mom was a Hospice nurse and she always recommended Marijuana for chemo nausea to those that were open to the idea. Her recommendation was to smoke one before and then one after, but your SIL will probably take internally. Don't know how that works. It worked wonderfully for my Jack, but of course at the time, we had to get one of the kids to get it for us and it was really expensive. But so worth it. Wouldn't work for me, I happen to be allergic to it...remind me some time to tell you that story around the campfire, it's hilarious!! :lol:
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Postby MandysMom » Thu Mar 19, 2015 1:36 am

Sharon, around here medical marijuana is about $300 an ounce! I would not recommend smoking it! Can be ground and mixed in food such as scrambled eggs ( the fat you cook with helps activate the chemicals you want) or put in a smoothie, again with a little fat such as coconut oil or nut butter. New research is on using raw leaves and bud either in a blender ( 5 to 6 fresh raw leaves plus one bud once a day either juiced with other vegetables or in a smoothie in a good blender such as VitaMix. Best to use high CBD strains for no high but excellent relief from pain, nausea and other symptoms. The heat in smoking and in drying the buds causes activation of the THC which is why raw is preferable.thus using in cooking also activates THC. My husband has done lots of reading on the subject.
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