Fun Friday

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Fun Friday

Postby Oma » Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:48 am

Good morning everyone :D

Headed out to Hardee Lakes this afternoon after work. Come join us!

Hope everyone is doing better now that spring is starting to peep its head above the snow. It was 88 and muggy here yesterday. I think spring skipped us and we're headed right into summer.

It's been a stressful week at work but I have next week off so I can relax then. We're headed to the 12 Hours of Sebring race. We line up in our campers on Tuesday night and when the gates open Wednesday at 6 am it is an orderly rush for the best camping spots. Crazy but fun :lol: We enjoy the races but it is really more of a friends and family reunion for us.

I keep reading about all the gtg this summer and wish I could join you. I really enjoyed the one here at Hardee Lakes.

Take care and may all your troubles be small ones.

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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:16 am

Good Morning Vicki and all,

Thanks for starting coffee this morning Vicki. Hard some days to think up a title to start with and something worthwhile to post. Sounds like you're in for some fun between Hardee Lakes and Sebring. I have a friend down in Sebring right now, helping an older friend of the family get his place ready to sell. His health is not good but he wanted to make trip down to take care of things. She said he won't use the A/C in the hot, humid weather you are having so she is suffering through it. Going to be glad when they can head back home.

Beth, sounds like you are going to have some decision making to do this summer. Pros and cons on both ends. But I know you will make the right decision when the time comes. Donna, glad you are feeling better and even heading back to Hardee Lakes. Sarah, nice to have dinner awaiting upon arrival. I keep hearing about how great a cook Irmi is. Going to have to find that out for myself one day. Alice will be heading back to AZ and Carolb will be on her way east pretty soon. Linann, sorry to hear about the sinus infection, hope it clears up fast for you. The gals in IL are enjoying some nice weather as are we here in MI. Going up to 50 today here. Needless to say the snow is going down and bare areas are appearing now. Be glad when it's all gone but that will take a while yet. We need nights above freezing. Looks like Phil finally decided he had enough too so he made arrangements to change the weather :lol:

Am busy working on trip west. Going to make reservations for Grizzly RV park in West Yellowstone soon as I set the date. Will be in early June, probably around 7th or 10th. Then will set reservations for area near Beth in SD someplace for just prior to that. Hope to leave here right after Memorial Day no later than June 1st. Looking at campgrounds in Grand Teton area as well. So things are rolling along here. Sheila, when are you heading home?

Time to get cleaned up and ready to head for town in a little while. Nothing particular on agenda here today. Want to vacuum and clean winter out of my truck later on. Can't do much else as outside work has to wait for melting snow and frozen ground to thaw. So just puttering around with odds and ends. Watching Miss Molly having fun exploring new things out there.

So you all have a nice day too and enjoy the spring weather those of you in the north and wherever else you are having it :)
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby Redetotry » Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:29 am

Enough rain!! The back yard is turning into a pond. I've been awake since about three AM when the sump pump which is right under my bedroom started kicking on and off :( We are supposed to get 2-3 inches before it is over. Sue, I think my dogs don't want to be out much because they miss the snow and cold weather, especially Mitzi. Havanese originated in the Canary Island and were taken into Cuba by the trader ships so one would think she wouldn't like the cold, guess she has evolved or else she really is part Husky :lol: :lol: It sounds as though spring bypassed you all in FL and went straight to summer. I hope that isn't a trend setter, I am not looking forward to summer.
Nothing on the agenda today so will probably try to get a nap! Hope everyone has a good day.
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby JRKERMIT » Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:35 am

Hello I am new I attended to introduce my self in another for and it did not work so for now just seeing if I can post here by using reply. I mean girls just want to have fun thanks for letting have a test run in Fun Friday
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby avalen » Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:54 am

good morning ladies
ahhhhh slept good last night but I did wake up COLD, ha ! I left the kitchen window open...brrrr. Throw on a robe and turn on the foot heater.
Don't have any plans for today but will say good bye to Carolb as she makes her way to her next stop and starts moving eastward. Its been great
having her here and she's left plenty to remember her by, love the jasmine Carolb :D
Had a little toast for breakfast and time for another cup of coffee. Ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:08 am

Good morning everyone...cant come to HL this week as I will be back in a couple
of week...but would love to go..anytime you are going to be there Vickie let me know
or anyone for that matter...summer like days here also...I was just sitting out on my little
patio I made up behind the rig brushing Maggie...things going thur my mind..what I wanted to was just sit there as long as I could (until it got to hot ) and read a new book CArol gave me...but what is real...when there is a sticks & bricks involved there is always something to fix, do, take care of a never ending list...I don't want to do it...that is why I am selling my house in PA...I just want to take care of my little house on wheels...consequently I am unhappy and resentful ...and stressed...what to do.... ok rant done... so after all this I am not sure what I will do today...yesterday I cooked up a bunch of stuff so I don't have that chore to do all weekend...anyway you all have a fun filled day and B safe...donna ;)
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:15 am

Good Morning everyone... coffee is cold but oatmeal and blueberries is hot! take your pick...
Welcome to JR...
Have not felt much like posting as I am still fighting with this trakfone grrrrr... finally am adding numbers manually... It makes a loud noise about 4 and does it several times... I had to shut it down! its all a learning curve...
Sounds like plans and travel are on peoples minds... good luck and enjoy yourself...
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Re: Fun Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:40 pm

Good evening!

Finally over my cold, sinus infection and sore back! Whew! Thought that would never go away!

Yesterday morning, I woke up to major vertigo! I think it may have been triggered by all the coughing I had been doing. The room was spinning like crazy and I couldn't walk straight without running into the walls! Then I got really nauseous, which I haven't had happen with that before. I tried a couple of different exercises and finally found one that worked. It is the one that Beth posted about awhile back, where you get on your hands and knees with your head on the floor. I did it several times before it completely went away. Was a little lightheaded at work for awhile but was able to work OK.

Got my new picture window in my studio today! Yay! Finally something getting done in there! They are also redoing the shoreline with huge boulder retaining walls and fixing up the beach area. They are having to really hurry with that since the ice is melting quickly with our sunny 60+ degree weather lately. The big equipment they have on the ice to move the boulders are starting to go thru the ice from their weight. Luckily it isn't very deep there but they have to drive the tractors across the ice to the launch site about a block away to get them off the lake when they get done with this project. Hopefully they were able to finish it earlier tonight.

We may end up with an early ice-out this year with this unusually warm weather. The ice is already getting dark which means it is sitting in the water now. Can't wait to get my kayak out there!

Got tomorrow off. Will try to spend some time outside since it will be 60ish again. Lots to do inside tho, too.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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