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Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:55 am
by dayspring39
Good Morning everyone... have coffee, honey bell oranges boiled eggs and toast for anyone interested... tea for Sue...
Went to pain doctor yesterday and will have injections when he gets insurance approval...
Think the bug may be starting for me... rolling stomach yesterday and this morning... ugh...
So much happening with everyone cannot keep up... GTG's on both coasts... wish you all a fun time...
The Fitbit is making me aware of steps... I could never (at this time) do the 10,000 not even the 5,000 so reduced to 2,500 and will try to do that for a couple of weeks... several are in the group... sure helps with motivation...
Have a great day everyone...

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:19 am
by gingerK
Good morning gals!

Sometimes trying to keep up with all of you makes me dizzy! So much going on with my WRV friends!

Light duty day here today; one dog to walk and my MIL's house to clean. Do need to call my horse vet out for some blood work for my mare, Cody as she's having some troubles lately.

Have had a few medical problems of my own recently but all tests are coming back good; only 2 results that are just slightly elevated. They want me to see an endocrinologist so off I'll go.

Cheryl (IrishIroamed) and I are going to go do an "eagle walk" at a forest preserve in a nearby town on Saturday the 31st. They are offering it during the week with free hot beverages but neither of us can make it so we'll just head out on our own on Saturday. Why they only offer it at a time when not too many people are available is beyond me but that's our local forest preserve district for you! Hopefully we will see some and have some pics for you all to enjoy!

I'm off, enjoy your day!

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:04 am
by BarbaraRose
Good morning! Cloudy, gray but warmer today. 26* already with high in the 30's.

I posted yesterday about getting a large check from my MN health care agency. Didn't know why I got it but I just called them and it seems I have been overpaying them by $22 per month for quite awhile now. Yay! So I have a nice check to cash and my monthly premiums are now only $50! Yay!

That news, combined with that cosmetology class I started and got certified for before even finishing, is starting this year off very well! Now if we can get my dad into a care center permanently and get his house sold, that would be even better! Not holding my breath on that one tho!

Hope you all have a great day! :D

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:07 am
by BirdbyBird
Like your streak of good news, Barb.... :)

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:35 am
by avalen
Good morning
that's great news Barbie
I'm so glad its Friday and a nice relaxing weekend to actually clean house
at my own pace. I'm ashamed to say a thorough cleaning hasn't been done
since before Thanksgiving. Things are starting to calm down but still.......
2015 has not started out so well, hot water heater, car, and now the fridge.
I guess when it rains it pours.
Ya'll have a great day and be safe.

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:45 am
by Bethers
I'm in Ava's driveway. Slept in my own bed and got about 10 1/2 hours sleep. Still in bed! But going to be up and visit with Ava shortly, then head to Q.

I had my mail sent to Ava's, but what I needed wasn't there so scheduled it to be forwarded again today. Hopefully this will have it and she'll be nice and bring it to Q when she visits next weekend.

RV place called me yesterday. The new screen door replacement arrived damaged so needs to be reordered. I'm hoping they can have it so I can get the rest of the warrantee work done before starting my volunteer stint. We'll see.

Oh, no, Ava, the fridge?

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:06 pm
by JudyJB
I slept in this morning also. And WOW, I woke up to an actual sunny day! I can even see all the way to the horizon on the ocean. Wind is still there, but the sun makes all the difference. It is still only 52 and not expected to warm past 55, but tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, so I am going to drive up to Fort Matanzas National Part. Yea!

Might stop at Marineland on the way back, but it focuses mostly on dolphins these days, and I have a lot of reservations about supporting an organization that keeps dolphins. Still need to think about it. Will dump my tanks before I go but then put several gallons of clean water down my toilet and use the drive to slosh it around to finish breaking up any toilet paper that is down there.

My only other project (other than beach walk) today is to put the snaps on the mesh curtain I made to block the sun out of the front of my motorhome. Will post photos if it works well. Well, may post photos even if it is a failure. Getting tired of having to us my light-blocking curtains when the sun is coming in, and thus not being able to see out at all.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:57 pm
by BarbaraRose
Judy, I heard that putting ice cubes in the tanks before driving around, helps break up the crud really well. You might want to try that. :D

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:13 pm
by chalet05
Good Afternoon from Lake Havasu,

Turns out we are not in the Marina park. I thought my Good Sam was just getting me a discount when I made the reservation. Turns out it was putting me in their park. Unlike the marina, it is dirt but sites are large. Not sure how it will work for morning photos as we are west of the balloon field. We'll see.

Dropped the SS off at the Q GTG. Carolb, who said in the beginning I didn't need to offer her a ride, wanted the keys! :lol: So excited to get there tomorrow!!

No quiet time to think here so hope you are all having a good day!

Re: Friday Warm Up

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:16 pm
by Acadianmom
WooHoo, the sun is out and it's 58. Almost shorts weather. lol

Ava, sorry to hear about your refrigerator. When mine went out I ordered an apartment size refrigerator from Home Depot. I searched and searched on the internet for one that would fit where my Dometic was. I don't remember the brand but I think it starts with an S. It fits perfectly where the Dometic came out. I think it actually has more room. The only bad part was they had to take out a side window to get the old one out and the new one in. They would have had to do that anyway to change the refrigerator.

Harold was just here with a guy from France. The guy speaks very little english and I speak very little french. Harold speaks cajun french but they seem to understand each other. He is staying with a horse trainer friend and riding cutting horses. He has horses in France but I don't know if he is a trainer or wants to be a trainer. We are keeping a colt he bought for a month and then it is being shipped to France. I don't know all the details on that but bet it's expensive. I don't like to just cross the border to Mexico not speaking the language. I can't imagine going to another country and trying to buy a horse and have it shipped.

I need to go to town so better get on the road. I never can get going early unless I have an appointment.
