Snow Covered Monay

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Snow Covered Monay

Postby Colliemom » Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:13 am

Morning all,

Another week has begun. Lately for me, they are flowing right into each other thanks to the 4 legged tornado that's keeping me plenty busy :lol: Just plopped for her early morning nap after about an hour and a half of being outside, running around inside and so full of energy that she doesn't know what to get into next. If this place survives the week, they will be lucky :lol:

We got about 4 inches of heavy snow from late yesterday afternoon to this moring, so there's another "play toy" for her". It's a bit breezy and it's a damp breeze but temps are in low 30's so it's mild out per say. More snow coming tonight into tomorrow too. So no worry about White Christmas up here that's for sure. I'm hoping to take a run to Marquette later this morning as temps clear the roads more. When it's wet like this, they can pack down but then later melt off to pavement. From looks of upcoming weather forecast, it's either today or not at all. Want to check out a couple of pet stores. Need a couple of new toys. Getting to be same old for her right now :roll:

Sorry to hear a few of you are under the weather or having the holiday blahs. I had the blahs every holiday since my mom died back in 1996 as we always did the holiday thing together. Did put up a tree and so forth while my dad was still here but got to a point where I didn't care anymore. But since I started coming up here about 3 years ago, it's changed my perspective on the holidays, at least for Christmas. Guess one just needs to get a change of scenery and create a new tradition to revive oneself. Usually I spend he month of December up here but this year it's just one week instead.

Helped out decorating the church after mass yesterday, so that was fun. Smells so good in there with the fresh cut trees and all. Now we are waiting to see if this big storm is going to impact us or not. Services will be cancelled if the weather is too bad, much as anybody hates to do it on Christmas Eve. , Mass is scheduled for 5 p.m. so there will be some after dark driving required and in a bad snowstorm, well.... It's a small church and many of it's members are older retired people, widows etc.. They only have one service on Sunday and the one service for Christmas, Easter etc.

One bright spot, we are now past the shortest day of the year and it's all uphill from there :D

Carolb, so nice to see you posting and glad you made it to AZ okay.

Enough jabber for this morning. Need to get cleaned up and dressed and wait for Molly to wake up, get her all tired out again and then head for Marquette.
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby grammynmaggie » Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:52 am

Good morning Sue and everyone...I remember when Maggie was a puppy...she would play and run like crazy then all of a sudden she would plop down were ever she was and zonk she was cute and funny...really glad you have been able to find some new traditions for your is almost impossible for me to do that at this time...not that I am unwilling...I would if I I go to back doc..praying that I get some answers and can move snow here 80 today..but there is some snow on my blog...made a post last night if you want to take alook...have a fun filled day and be safe... donna
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby Othersharon » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:24 am

Good morning! Only a few days until Christmas! No big plans here. I planning on going to a small gtg with good friends on Christmas Eve and then a quiet day at home Christmas day. The weather is changing by the hour it seems! So that will be the deciding factor as to what I do. If it rains I'll go but not if it's freezing rain. Molly is sure keeping you busy, Sue! What fun having a new fur baby! Carolb, glad you made it to AZ and got to meet up with Beth.

I spent the week end dealing with my back. I have an appointment this afternoon with a new chiropractor, her office is only about a mile from home so I hope it works out. It'll be much easier to get to her then the one I've gone to for years. I was determined to change the sheets on my bed yesterday, that was interesting! Not a smart thing to do when the back is acting up! :roll: The upside of this is that as long as I stay on my feet and moving around my back loosens up, hurts worst when I sit for awhile. Just can't twist or bend to much! This is very annoying! Sorry about my whining.

Well, Ladies, I hope everyone has a safe day and stay warm wherever you are today. Time to get my day started, coffee is on if you would like a cup! And some cranberry english muffins!
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby Redetotry » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:52 am

Good Morning, It sounds like you have good entertainment Sue, I remember those puppy days with Mitzi. She will be 8 months old Christmas Day and about the only difference is she goes longer between naps and stays up later. :lol: Thankfully she does entertain herself well if no one wants to play with her though. I'm so glad you have found a place you enjoy so much to go for the holidays. Donna and Othersharon I hope you can get answers to your health problems.
I heard about a new search engine called DuckDuckGo that isn't supposed to track you. I just tried it for a shoe search, then went to FB and there were NO ads along side. :shock: Here is a link
I think my blue mood has lifted, what a relief! We went to one of the wineries yesterday afternoon for a late lunch of their homemade brats. They always have a really good band on Sunday afternoon and people come to boogie! DH doesn't dance but it was still fun watching the crowd and seeing all the various styles, boots seemed to be the thing with the ladies. I think the place has hit on a good idea as the music caters to an older crowd and people come up from Paducah and Cape Girardeau. They do are a bit too loud for me, but my little ear plugs took care of that. Oh, and my horoscope said this would be a successful shopping day so I better go get ready.
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby carolb » Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:22 am

G'morning all:)

Go shopping BJ--sounds like your day! O'Sharon, hope the local chiro works out for you, & that is the crazy thing about back problems--keep moving, but not too much :roll: Donna, wishing you good dr appt results. Sue, enjoy those puppy moments...
Beth, was great to see you again yesterday, even though we didn't see the bazillion cranes return ;) The thousands or so we saw were really amazing!

I stayed at a county cg overnigh, that closes/locks it's gates at 5p.m., then don't open them til 9! I've been trying to find many things to keep me busy since waking at 4 a.m. :lol: I managed a sloppy mani/pedi (in daylight, I see many nails I need to redo), washed my hair & did other girl stuff, walked the dogs, finished a book :D Will go to Saguaro NP as soon as I get out of here--they didn't have rv camping...

So y'all have a great day, be safe always, & enjoy this lovely time of year! 8-)
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby bluepinecones » Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:55 am

Good morning

Looks like much of the south will have a mild wet start to the week with rain changing to snow flurries late Christmas Eve as the cold returns. Not much chance of a white Christmas but might get to see a few snowflakes (suits me fine).

Waiting for Terminix to come do quarterly service and hopefully get rid of whatever critter got into garage Mouse or chipmunk) if it hasn't already escaped.

Also waiting to hear from the medical device people about my APAP. Paperwork for Blue Cross approval submitted late last week and they think good chance it will get approved early this weekOne more medical appointment for me tomorrow and I'm finished until early Jan. Tomorrows appointment is with a physical therapist to show me some exercises to do at home for my back. The bone scan from earlier this month showed the development of numerous, some large bone spurs on spine which were not there on earlier scan. The spurs coupled with degenerative disk decease make it hard to do what I want and sometimes keeps me awake.

Niece has completed first week of radiation - so far, so good. We are trying hard not to get her exposed to flu as her immune system is still weak and flu is wide spread here.

Sue, how about posting a picture of your white Christmas for us?

Have a good holiday week.
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:57 am

Good Morning from rainy Normal! Coffee is soooo good today...

New traditions come as younger ones establish their homes... my schedule is a bit busy for me... Wed at 5 choir concert at church followed for family gathering at my grandson Pete and granddaughter in law Shaelyns house for soup and sandwiches... Christmas morning 10 am at my daughters for present opening and brunch... then to my son in laws brothers house at 5 for Christmas dinner...

After church yesterday I went to WalMart... very surprised they were not swamped... have been having a time thinking what to do for son in law... got an idea and bought all kinds of dried fruits, nuts, M & Ms, mini jelly beans and the like for a huge jar of trail mix... boy that was interesting that cost more than all the other presents for family put together!! I sure hope he likes a jug full of energy food! Christmas shopping started in August when I found a new rust on it roofing hammer at a garage sale for grandson Pete... I tried and tried and tried to sand the rust off but to no avail... gave it to John to grind it off... he said it was worth at least $35... love those finds... the rest of the gifts were found on line... I am not a shopper...

Since my family has grown up the traditions change every year... Embrace each year as it will not come back... if you are alone enjoy a movie... be sure to do something special for yourself... last year for me was Florida and a very quiet holiday!

Sue love hearing about wiggly puppy... BJ the tracking on the internet is very evident by the Christmas cards on FB... I think they are great but it is a bit unsettling to me they do not have enough on me to make a card!... Carolb you are so energetic!... O'Sharon & Donna back pain is the worse... up or down cannot get comfortable...

Funky moods seem to go along with holidays... we always wish for the bygones of yesterday...
Have a great day everyone...
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:47 am

Raining again here. No white Christmas for us unless this turns to snow by Wednesday.

Off to work in a little while. Otherwise, nothing much going on here.

Hope you all have a great day! :D
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby chalet05 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:55 am

Good Morning - tho seems like afternoon since I got up at 5:30! Tomorrow when I have to get up at 6, I will be sound asleep!

Carolb, glad you are going to Saguaro NP! East or West? West has the Desert Museum if I'm not mistaken. I want to go back there someday.

Kathleen, it used to surprise me when I did homemade gifts at what things ended up costing! BJ, waiting to hear what great shopping you have! :) Back problems are definitely no fun! Sarah, hope your niece avoids illness.

Nothing exciting here. I did go to storage yesterday - threw out things, retrieved things and moved things - woohoo. Came back to the park and gave two guys a ride in the Slingshot. Thought maybe we'd take a run to Quartzsite today just for fun, but someone didn't sound too interested last night. Enjoyed the Seattle-Arizona football game!

Off to the next task.

Enjoy your day and safe travels.
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:44 pm

I had to temp the chocolate gods last night and ate 2 cake balls and a small snickers candy bar. I woke up at 5:00 with a headache. Had to get up and get a wet wash cloth for my head. That should be enough of a reminder not to eat chocolate to get me through Christmas. :roll:

It was so foggy this morning but has finally burned off. The sky still looks strange. We have some rain and severe weather coming but I don't see anything on the radar. I finally got the pvc pipe frame built for my orange tree. I don't know if I can keep it from blowing over when I put the cover on it. I might have to get some tent stakes. I'm glad to see the days get longer. I think it works out to about a minute more daylight each day.

I need to go to the grocery store but don't want to. The crowds are just going to get worse til Christmas.

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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby MandysMom » Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:18 pm

Morning/afternoon everyone! Sunny day here. Mel finally felt like shopping so I helped him shop yesterday for stocking items. Stockings have always been a big deal for us. We have some wrapping to do but otherwise it's quiet here.
Anita, I'm curious, how do ou secure a vehicle like the Slingshot if you stop to go in a store or walk a trail? I can see it being very attractive. I know you are going to have a ton of fun riding.
Well I better get busy here. Walked over 7000 steps yesterday so slept well and slept in so need to get moving. Ingredients for a green smoothie available to the thirsty!
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby chalet05 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:42 pm

MandysMom wrote:Anita, I'm curious, how do you secure a vehicle like the Slingshot if you stop to go in a store or walk a trail? I can see it being very attractive. I know you are going to have a ton of fun riding.

Velda, that question hasn't been answered yet! I do have cable and locks for now. L has suggested a gizmo for the fuel line - thanks for reminding me so we check that out on our shopping day tomorrow. Plus, I should do some more research online.

Had a park resident knock on my door this a.m. and ask to be put on 'the list' for a ride!
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby avalen » Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:02 pm

good morning, actually past morning but I just got back from an early morning doctor appt for my arm. Xrays and he wants an mri but insurance has to approve that after the xrays. Doctor mentioned something I hadn't even considered and don't want to even think about so please say a prayer that its just a frozen shoulder or similiar. Cause now I'm nervous until I hear what he
says about the xrays. About ready for a nap, ya'll enjoy your day.
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby JudyJB » Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:13 pm

Very weird morning and day so far. I woke up at 9:15 am, got dressed, and fixed some breakfast. After eating, was sitting in my recliner watching TV and falling asleep. I was trying to figure out what to do today and whether the weather was going to be good enough to go out bird watching some more. (It rained last night and was cloudy this morning.) I was really tired yesterday from a lot of bike riding and walking.

After dozing off a couple of times, I went back to bed at 11:00 am again and slept soundly until 2:00 pm! I almost never, ever nap during the day, but I had taken half of a sleeping pill last night, and I have been fighting a slight sore throat, so I think it was a combination of everything. I had taken the sleeping pill early enough that it should not have affected me and I very seldom take one, so I am guessing my body just needed some more sleep. Took some Zicam for the sore throat "just in case" and am going to fix some lunch/dinner right now.

Tomorrow will be out early to get some propane, last minute groceries, dump my tanks, and visit an aquarium and bird watching spot (The Celery Fields). Then I can stay in one place until I leave on Friday morning.
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Re: Snow Covered Monay

Postby Redetotry » Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:50 pm

So much for horoscopes!! It was more like a horror, traffic was awful and viability bad with rain. I drove to the next town thinking their Dillards store would have a better selection than our Macy's. Everyone from there was coming here I think and there was road construction :roll: Consoled myself with a BBQ from my favorite place, it must not have been smoked long enough as there was none of the usual flavor. So back to Macy's and found what I wanted but I don't think it is the right size. Bought it anyway and will worry about that later, at least DH will have a gift. HO HO HO and bah humbug. But hey, my sad mood is still gone so that's a good thing.
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