Monday movin' on

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Monday movin' on

Postby carolb » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:46 am

G'morning all :)

OM! Anita, a new toy??! G'grief, should let you know right off that you don't need to offer me a ride--I'm not THAT brave :lol: Ava, what a turn of events for you! Congrats on being a "couple" again :shock: Wow, so much NEW news in the past couple days..

I had a great Cmas weekend with bro/SIL! Leaving later this a.m. for Catherine's--still need your address Cath! Weather has been mild here, but I'm really looking forward to getting to the desert!

Y'all have a great day, be safe always! 8-)
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Re: Monday movin' on

Postby Pooker » Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:54 am

You have safe travels, too. Good morning everyone.

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Re: Monday movin' on

Postby asirimarco » Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:23 am

Good Morning to All - just a quick post before we hit the road. We got our storage bay doors back yesterday - they were being repaired [removing blisters] and repainted. So today we continue our journey south. After breakfast we'll get on the road. Tonight we'll probably spend in a truck stop then go on the rest of the way to Mazatlan tomorrow. I continue to try to keep the blog current with our adventures here in MX.
Every one else on the road stay safe.
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Re: Monday movin' on

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:35 pm

Woke up with a nasty cold this morning. Went up to the drug store and loaded up with more Zicam and a couple other things to make me feel better. That stuff is getting expensive!

Am worried about my dad. He hasn't been doing too well the past few days. I was going to check on him this morning but I don't want to give him this cold on top of what ever is going on with him. I called him tho, and he sounded a little better than he did yesterday. I asked my brothers to go check on him after work today, so we'll see if that happens or not. :roll:

I am slowly getting ready for work here for the afternoon/evening shift. Luckily, I have been looking at the Great Clips on-line check-in site and they haven't been busy at all (it shows the wait times for each shop), so I won't have to work too hard once I get there.

Sounds like lots of new changes in the works coming up for a lot of you gals! Will be an interesting year ahead.

Have a good day! :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Monday movin' on

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:12 pm

Good Afternoon everyone... wow what excitement everyone is having...
There was a little here also... my daughter came over Sat afternoon and bought the cutest small real Christmas tree and got my ornaments out of the falling down shed and now I have a tree on my coffee table!! Yesterday after church John got my fire place working!!! I am very contented now...
Safe travels Carolb... and CArol so glad you are feeling more like you used to! ... Oh Ava you have done a lot of work glad you got that black water tank cleaned out... a fella that I was dating opened up both sewers when he was hooked up.... he would not hear me when I told him maybe he should close the black water tank... oops and I am the one that cleaned the mess up with bleach... Wow Anita you will stir up everyone when you take your new toy to the GTG... will look forward to seeing pictures... Barbie take care of that cold... they say zicam works think it is the zinc in it... hope your brothers at least one stops to see your dad...
Carol and Bill your book is very good... hope everyone here gets a chance to read it!
Chilly and damp here so the fire place feels so good!
Have a great day...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Re: Monday movin' on

Postby bluepinecones » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:46 pm

Good evening.
Still slowly working my way thru more medical appointments so not much of interest to report yet. Another test tomorrow, orthopedic doctor on Wed. and oncologist on Thurs.
Other trees had already dropped most of their leaves but the oaks were hanging on until the rain and wind this past weekend. Suddenly even the oaks dropped leaves. got gutters cleaned out - hope for the last time until spring. Drive ways and yard another story. Wish I knew someone who could use some leaves in their garden soil.
Need to go check on Magic sometime this week.
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