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Wednesday the 20th!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:47 am
by carolb
G'morning all :)

LOL Anita, good suggestion about the date! But if you trust me to have the right one, we're all in trouble :roll: :lol: I had to double-check before I knew it was the 20th....& I'm jealous of your Yellowstone trip :!:

Sarah, I too missed info re Nicki's surgery, so I'm glad you explained. Brenda, forgot about your near tragedy, & I'm glad Anita caught you up on hand torquing. Hope you're back on the road soon--& safely!

Off to get April to the vet--teeth cleaning for her. Liquid diet for me today--tomorrow I have my first c'oscopy. I'm actually looking forward to the fasting--might feel good to have a good purging of my intestines :lol: Today, we get delivery of 6 cubic yards of crusher run for the garage floor. I'm pretty excited--it doesn't take much to make me happy, eh :roll:

Okay, so yew all have a great day & be safe always! 8-) (there yew go--a little nostalgia of my days of not having a "u" key) :lol:

Re: Wednesday the 20th!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:36 am
by grammynmaggie
Good morning Carolb.... And everyone else... You are my kind of gal Carol
That kind of stuff would make me happy well it is raining here
has been all night... there is a big blob of rain and storms sitting on top of us
Looks like it will be here all day... so that means an inside kind of day...
I think I will sort thru things' I think' I want to take with me.... I'm getting anxious to get this sale over salrwith
for me that means a big moving forward leap.... get this health stuff taken care of... and I will be
ready for some GTG... Keep me posted about any around and in Florida.... Well that's it for now
better get out it. Have a fun filled day and be safe....donna :P

Re: Wednesday the 20th!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:05 am
by Dawn309
Good morning Carolb, Donna and everyone else.

I am sitting here drinking my coffee and wondering what Lori and Irmi are going to offer us for breakfast. :D

We got Mz. Deb off to the airport early yesterday morning. She has flown back to New England to spend time with her kids and friends. She drove down to spend the day and night here with me before she left. LOL, I am babysitting Duncan, her truck and all her refrigerator and freezer items. Duncan is doing really well. He is starting to pick up some of my dog's habits. Not sure Deb will like the bad habits he is picking up. He and Belle took turns taking food from the feeder and dropping it on the floor. They then picked out the bits they wanted and left the rest in the floor. No problem, what they don't want will get picked up in a few when I get started on my chores.

I didn't feel very well yesterday. I had been out in the heat way too many hours on Monday. After I got back from taking Deb to the airport, the dogs and I spent the day napping off and on. I feel much better today. Since it is supposed to be hot again today, I will spend most of the day in the rig. We are supposed to start getting rain again beginning tomorrow. That should cool the temps down, I hope.

Vickie, have you picked up your new furbaby, Penny yet?

Have a great day everyone. If you are traveling, stay safe.

Re: Wednesday the 20th!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:55 am
by Acadianmom
Carolb, I know what you mean about the date. We have one of the atomic clocks that shows the day and date. I use to laugh at Harold because he didn't know what day it was but now I have to check sometimes.

I'm up and dressed. I'm usually up but not dressed very early. I have an appointment to see about my retirement accounts. My investment strategy must have been to not put all my eggs in one basket. I have about 10 baskets. :lol: I have to start taking money out by next January and need to see how much. I hope I have found all the papers I need. Bet I'll be missing something. :roll:


Re: Wednesday the 20th!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:12 am
by Carolinagal
Good Morning Everyone !! I sure thought it was later then it is. Maggie and I, just got back in from our short walk, soooo hot out there already. have to throw a few things in a bag to go over and stay with my grands tonight. My DD is taking a class of some sort of marshal arts, can't say it let alone spell it :D Thinking of taking my laundry too, but then will be hauling back and forth more then I feel like doing. Will decide later.

When I read of what all you ladies accomplish, plum wears me out, so figured that's why I don't get much done myself, all your fault. Well, it can't be mine, right ??? :lol: :o I'm thinking that word "lazy" might fit in here somewhere.

Not much news from here, Oma (Vicki) and I are trying to meet and have lunch the week end. Will be one of the highlights of this week, looking forward to meeting her. The only problem being I'm not that familiar with places to ear here. One place I liked had a car run into the front of it and it's all boarded up. Still servicing in their outdoor area out back , BUT to hot for me. We'll find someplace.

Sarah, so sorry about this problem for Nicky. Thanks for repeating the info, boy I sure need to read some back post, several things have been mentioned that I'm clueless about.

Better get movin and get that bag packed. Hoping you all enjoy your day, be safe,
CArol :)

Carolb, does your ph have date, day and time, that's how I keep track. :roll:

Re: Wednesday the 20th!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:43 am
by chalet05
Good Morning!

Carolb, thanks for checking day and date then postng - now I won't have to check! :lol: I'd get excited about a construction project, too!

I am realizing there are posts I've missed or didn't read well enough.

Sorry to read more of you aren't making it to the Kansas GTG.

I went to the Buffalo Bill Western Museum yesterday - 7 acres worth. Like a lot of things, sometimes I've see too many but always find something interesting to learn. Their display of firearms is overwhelming with thousands of weapons.

The big news of the day was finding a laundromat with decent parking!

Everyone have a great day.

Re: Wednesday the 20th!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:35 am
by jwillis54
Good morning all!

I am still at home, finishing my sabbatical projects.Tango is snoozing on the cool tiles lining the fireplace hearth this morning. Reentry into regular life is not so easy, however. I loved having only tent walls and zipper windows between me and the outdoors. My senses were always alive to the animals, plants, the wind, and the sun’s daily movement.I woke up and fell asleep looking out the screen windows and listening for coyotes. I knew the moon phase without checking my Kindle. Drinking coffee outdoors on my recliner, I could jump up with my mug and take a long morning walk with Tango, while still wearing jammies. At night, I would lie on the recliner and stare at the sky.

I let the solid walls of my lovely home separate me from nature. Last night I sat out for some time watching stars. Without a garden, however, I don’t feel the impulse to move around outdoors during the day,not as readily anyway. I have a huge yard between the house and the Church that is shaded with mature trees. I think about setting up out there this morning, then the little voice says, “Oh those lawn sprinklers will drench my chair later”, or “Oh the neighbors will see me in my jammies”. But I know those are excuses. I will set up there a bit later (fully dressed) and just get over my own objections.

I am understanding again the vital importance of being outdoors. Sensory interaction with the wind, the sunlight and the rest of the natural world softens the stresses of modern life. Even more important, time away from the trappings of life help us to get some perspective on over-consumption. I enjoyed living on less (okay, I know the shoe thing seemed excessive but I wore all but one pair). I had time to reflect once again on the ineffectiveness of our government–a process fueled in part by John Mayer’s song “Waiting for the World to Change”. I could feel the possibilities for healing the people and the planet, however hopeless it seems today.