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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:01 am
by grammynmaggie
Good morning everyone....
I guess a few rain storms will be around today But so far it's nice
I am still at the camp ground...Liz pulled out about 7:45 a.m.
Not sure when checkout is But I am going to hang Around for a while
I need to go Get Maggie some dog food At the pet store... I am
Halfway there So might this will go get it Before going to The house
The rest of the day is up in the air.... not working on house today
But will be back at it 2 morrow.... all for now have a fun filled day and stay safe


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:35 am
by Colliemom
Good Morning Donna,

Liz sounds like me. Up and at em and on the road early. She's got miles to cover yet before she reaches her destination and Carolb to visit yet.

One more week and I will be out and on the road again, a short road trip, but non the less, out with the TT again.

Today's supposed to be kind of wet around here too I guess, so will give house a good cleaning and then have week free to do whatever else I want. Deck needs a coat of paint and would like to do that this week if I can. Will depend on mom nature.

Following the AuSable Canoe race this morning. Started last night at 9 p.m. Leaders are getting close to the finish line in a couple of hours or less. They are about 9 minutes ahead of the next canoe behind them. If they win, will be 7th consecutive year.

Time ot get busy here. Have a wonderful day all. Enjoy your travels if on the road and if home, well, dream on. Eventually we will be out on the road too :)


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:52 am
by cnq50b
Just stopping by to say Good morning!

Another hot, humid day here in KS.
Just cleaning house & maybe work on creating a screen for the side door of the travelin' van today.

So Liz is on the move on her bday... can't think of a better way to spend a day. :)

Safe travels to everyone out there.
Take care,


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:20 am
by Carolinagal
Good Morning !! Maggie and I, are in the RV, AND this morning before it gets too warm remembered to clean the filter on the A/C !! Now this is news as its on the list (wherever it is :D ) and I've meant to do it for weeks. It sure needed it !!

Only news I know is it's Liz's birthday and she's on the road, heading to Carolb's. I'm not sure how far that is, hoping not much off from the mileage she tried to plan for travel days. I know other peoples business but have none of my own :D :oops:

Not sure what the week ahead hold, but getting close to going back to my sisters and going to try to get however many apps dr wants done this time done in Sept. I'm on another deadline,IF I can't get it done and get my dr lic back I will be loosing my tag on this RV the last day of OCT and then where and what ??? Very hard not to think of this situation.

Oh, sun is hiding, guess we'll have our usual storms and poor Maggie, even with her Thunder Shirt still gets a wee upset, wants to be touching me which is fine with me. She sure has calmed from what she used to be.

had a nice ph call now have to see if this will go or fly away. Have a great day everyone !!I

CArol :)


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 12:35 pm
by Irmi
Hello everyone!

Donna, glad you're able to take a break from the house tomorrow. Whatever isn't done will be there tomorrow. LOL!

Sue, Have fun on your next trip!

Catherine, good luck on your screen door. When we had our Sunseeker, we had plexiglass installed to replace the screens so we could leave the big door open most days when we had either the a/c or heat on.

CArol, sure hopes something happens quick so you don't lose the tags on the motorhome. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

We're home from the campground and The Monster is parked in the driveway. Only because it's so huge have I named the motorhome that, but I absolutely love it. Talked to Carolb this morning and because of the weather, Liz is bypassing stopping for a visit there and will continue her trip north. Safe travels, Liz!

Have a good Sunday everyone!


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:04 pm
by avalen
Good morning ladies
you need a drivers license for tags? Arizona is not like that. In fact, you don't
even have to show proof of insurance...go figure, back in Colorado
we had to show insurance to get the tags. All states do things diff.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:26 pm
by Carolinagal
I'm not sure about dr lic to get tags, but NC you have to have vehicle inspected and pay personal property and buy tag, think dr lic will be required there, registering a vehicle for first time think Fl would require owner to be licensed. In trying to think of everything I'm thinking it will be easier to just renew in NC lic and tag because being a non resident as tag and lic would signify I might run into problems with insurance and possibly more tax on property.

All of this relies on the fact of others helping, sis and DD working makes for a problem in my book, because I hate they miss work , or anymore then either have so far.

Still beautiful here, which is a good sign :) Hope you all are having a good day !!

CArol :)


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:35 pm
by chalet05
Good Morning,

Steady rain this morning after what turned out to be a lovely day yesterday. Tomorrow is to be good and I am thinking I need to go out on the Lu-Lu Belle again!

Other than that just keeping at the chores.

Have a grand day all.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:01 pm
by OutandAbout
Carolinagal wrote:I'm not sure about dr lic to get tags, but NC you have to have vehicle inspected and pay personal property and buy tag, think dr lic will be required there, registering a vehicle for first time think Fl would require owner to be licensed. In trying to think of everything I'm thinking it will be easier to just renew in NC lic and tag because being a non resident as tag and lic would signify I might run into problems with insurance and possibly more tax on property.

All of this relies on the fact of others helping, sis and DD working makes for a problem in my book, because I hate they miss work , or anymore then either have so far.

Still beautiful here, which is a good sign :) Hope you all are having a good day !!

CArol :)

CArol, does NC have any leeway for renewing by mail? It's worth checking into. Just a thought. Linda


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:11 pm
by Liz
Settled in at a COE park in North Central PA after a 5 hour drive. Yes, I called Carolb yesterday after figuring out my route to her house was adding almost 100 miles to my route to my sisters. That and the fact that severe thunderstorms and heavy rain are predicted overnight and all day tomorrow... May delay me. So decided it would be better to skip that stop and get as far east as I can. Will catch Carolb another time I'm sure.

I'll sure be glad to park the RV for awhile. Driving lots of miles nearly every day is wearing me out....ceases to be fun when you can't be spontaneous. Also most of my driving gas been on Interstates...not my favorite. Today was a pleasant exception. Drove a good road, Rte 66, through the Allegheny National Forest...then Rte 6 across northern PA. That one was rough in places, but no worse than the Interstate, and less traffic.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I think I've celebrated enough this month to cover all 66 years.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:20 pm
by grammynmaggie
Glad you have a good trip Liz.... You got out of here just in time.. We have tornado watch up now until 9 p.m.... Azjnd these are the storms You will be getting tomorrow


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:26 pm
by Acadianmom
I was busy this morning. Made my corn and crab soup and a loaf of bread. The soup is good but the bread didn't rise like it should have. The bread tastes good anyway. Harold cooked our Sunday steak. He makes a big fire so I put some sausage and a couple of pieces of chicken for later or tomorrow. I put 6 containers of soup in the freezer. I keep trying to clean out the freezer so we don't go into hurricane season with a full freezer. It looks like every time I make a hole I fill it up. :roll:

It feels like an oven when I walk outside. The local weather people keep saying it hasn't gotten to 95 here yet but it must me close. The outside thermometer sensor quit working so I need to fine some new batteries for it.



PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:01 pm
by Carolinagal
The question of NC renewing by mail, They don't, no extensions for any reason as Dr thought. I called my home area then state office, they could do nothing for me. The only good point was no fine for LETTING :evil: my lic expire beyond my birthday. Thanks for offering another suggestion !!!

CArol :)


PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:15 pm
by BarbaraRose
Cool, windy and occasional rain showers here today. Feels like fall.

Yesterday was beautiful! They lifted the "no wake" restrictions from the lake, so it was crazy busy on the lake all day.

Yesterday morning I went to the first part of our "All Class Reunion" which was breakfast at the high school and then a tour of the school. While I was sitting at a table eating, an older woman sat down next to me. We started talking and it turns out she owns a ferret shelter in Tucson, AZ! So we had a lot to talk about! Then we took the tour. Lots of amazing changes to the whole school. Kids are sure lucky to have all it has to offer now, compared to when I was there!
They said the graduation rate is 97% and the college enrollment rate is 93%. That is amazing!

Went to work from there and then, after work, went to the second part of the reunion. It was held at a large park on the lake with food vendors and a band. Lots of people there but not very many from my class. My class was supposed to meet at a certain place at 7:30. I saw maybe 10 there (out of 650 in my class :roll: ). Ran into more of my brother's friends than mine. I had a nice time tho. Weather was perfect!

I think I am going to run to Walmart here shortly to pick up my new bike. Hopefully, I will be able to get out on it tomorrow for awhile between my dad's doctor appointment and golf. Supposed to be a beautiful day tomorrow. Cool, dry and sunny! Yay!

Have a great night!