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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:44 am
by carolb
G'morning all :)

Slept in til 6:30! Took benadryl last night, so a little "hung over" this a.m. Oh, Sarah :( so sorry to hear about niece....sending prayers....

Anita, what an amazing trip you're having! Sue, too :) Louise, enjoy your R&R--moving is exhausting even if you do have two young men helping :lol: Kinda like laundry--the washer "does everything" ! NOT! I'm waiting for someone to invent a "fold/hang & put-away" machine :roll: Donna, forgot to congratulate you on the new baby :D Ava, seeing school supplies in the stores here--ugh, is summer over? Can't believe you'll be going back to work soon...BJ??? Toby didn't freak when he saw the deer? Wow, he's come a long way.

Project needing bro's help this a.m. so I'm waiting for him to get here. Then mowing with the new rider :D !!

Y'all have a great day & be safe 8-)

Re: Friday

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:39 am
by avalen
good morning ladies :D
well, I must say, since I had the ac serviced last weekend the electric usage is much better, it stays around 4.50 a day instead
of going over that $5 mark. The early morning was delightful today, a small layer of fog hanging over the horizon in the nearby fields. The farmers are tending their fields up the road and I just love the smell of the cut alfalfa. Fed the birds this morning
and Maggie just watched them gobble up their bread crumbs with curiosity in her eye. They are morning doves and there is one that
seems to be a bully and tries to chase the rest of them off.
Later on when my budget allows I'll pick up a birdseed feeder and
also a hummingbird feeder.
Still just getting routine chores done, dumped my tank this morning and cleaned the toilet really good. Still putting away
all my little extra stuff from my projects, no wonder it was looking messy in here. But I'm so thankful for that big shed
I've got.
Off to check other posts really quick as I'm having to conserve on my data now, I'm at 75% and I still have to go until
the 2nd. Too much video on facebook :(
Ya'll have a great day and be safe.

Re: Friday

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:40 am
by Carolinagal
Good Morning !! Where is everyone ?? I'm waiting for my friend to get here. Thought I'd see what everyone is up to, either very busy, or just starting the day late. Going to be a hot one here again and chances for rain and a cool down are slim. Which is ok as I have lake front site these days (nearest real lake is miles) but have loads of standing water and the dog walk is a marsh. All this water has brought the Mosquitos out, sure plenty of places to breed.

Sarah, so sorry to hear about your niece, and she's so young. Praying it's not her heart. Nan, hoping your daughter does well on treatment and her ordeal shortened. Some of us just THOUGHT we had problems, right ??

Maggies prancing, she's been out but think she knows I will be leaving her today for awhile. Think I will take her out for a short walk. Everyone have a great day, whatever you're doing or going Please Stay Safe !!!

CArol :)

Re: Friday

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:43 pm
by BarbaraRose
Late evening here..

Worked all day. Then went home and got Moose and brought him back to the shop to show him to the girls. Then we stopped at the park on the lake where the local festival is happening here. Not much going on yet, but Moose got some attention. I don't think he has ever been outside on grass before. He was overwhelmed (in a good way)! He zonked out on the way home.

Tomorrow I will go back to the park and see what more is going on. There are fireworks at night over the lake there.