Last Nov Wednesday

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Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:57 am

Wow, only one more day to November. Friday we'll be in the new and lay month off the year. Where does the time go? But we'll be in a new year before we know it!

Is up briefly at about 8 am, but decided I needed more sleep and am still under the covers. This won't last as Ty does need his breakfast and to go out, but he's so good about my weird hours. He does get out very late, as I take him out for a last pee whatever time I head to bed, so it's not as bad s it sounds.

My major project of the day will be defrosting my freezer. I've been trying to eat from my freezer so this will be a good time to organize and make sure I use up whatever things are older in there before going on a new cooking binge. Or buying binge lol.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:28 pm

Another chilly morning but rain is coming so that will make our mornings in the 40's and low 50's much better. We will see tho how much rain we get. Supposed to have some rain the next 7 days.

Beth I cleaned out my freezer (well some of it) yesterday too and more to go today. I have bought some stuff and then I dont really like it so dont know why I keep it in my freezer LOL Garbage comes Friday so I need to stay on this project ha ha I made myself pancakes and bacon for breakfast. I have not had that for a very long time and thought I better eat that bacon!!! Today I have a pile of stuff to shred also. Got things pretty much filed and sorted. Now lets hope I can find it when I need it. Manager of our park came by today to give us our rent increase notice..yay. $38 increase starting in March. It goes up every year but what can you do??

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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:50 pm

Karen, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought I had one pork chop. I have 4. I thought I had a couple hamburger patties, I have over 2 pounds worth. So I have a pork chop in my fridge defrosting for dinner tonight and I'm figuring out a ground beef recipe to make in the next couple days, then freeze in portions. And I'll still have at least 4 patties left. No wonder the freezer never seemed to get more room. I am down to only 4 premade individual meals, so nice there. I hate having anything I don't like. Sorry you're discovering that. Sometimes, no matter how much we dislike wasting food, it's time to give it up.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:48 pm

I need to go to town but can't leave until the washer finishes. We have severe storms predicted tomorrow and Friday. That's concerning to be camping in. The only place to go at this campground would be the bathroom and don't know how strong that is. I need to look for my weather radio and remember to put the truck under the carport in case it decides to hail.

It got cool last night but it's up to 72 today. Wish it would last thru the weekend.

I am trying to eat all the leftovers out of the freezer but don't make much progress. At least I didn't buy any frozen things at Sam's that come in such big packages.

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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Othersharon » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:27 pm

Afternoon all. It’s been a crazy few days here since Saturday afternoon. My furnace quit again and we’re having some of the coldest days so far. Teens at night with strong winds so feels colder. My furnace guy was here and long story short ordered another part but just heard from him that it apparently didn’t get put on the truck. Said it would be here tomorrow now. Luckily I have a gas wall heater in the basement and the gas heater in the kitchen plus the pellet stove in the living room. No heat upstairs but can’t do anything about that. Just threw an extra comforter on my bed. I had an appointment for today and another one tomorrow and I went ahead and rescheduled both of them just in case. Guess I did something right! We got a bit of snow here yesterday but squall warnings were out pretty much the whole day for the whole northern part of the state. Luckily I don’t think we had any here. Needless to say we haven’t been out for any walks. We did play out in the back a bunch since it’s a bit more protected from the wind. BJ, even though I have a fenced in yard Buddy still manages to get into mischief so I tend to go out with him to keep him out of trouble! He finds and eats anything he can put his mouth on! He’s getting better but still needs to be monitored! Lyn, you asked about the laser treatment GD has had and I think pretty much all over her body since they’ve grafted a large part of her body. Sue, glad you kept the snow up your way! I appreciate it! Those are some wicked waves! Not sure I’d want to be around them! Even from a distance. I’ve been slowly getting my freezers cleaned out too. Not a job I enjoy thus it gets put off! But I’m finding things that I wonder why I kept the leftovers and froze them. Speaking of which I have a couple of things to put in the trash and I need to get the can out tonight since there’s no real time that they show up. Usually between 9 and 10 in the morning. So off I go to take care of that before I forget all about it! Take care and enjoy you evening.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:35 pm

Did a little better sleeping and getting up this morning, but immediately cut my thumb as I was cutting up something frozen to fix myself a late breakfast. Not horrible deep, but had a lot of trouble stopping bleeding, and my late breakfast ended up being a late lunch! Did some online Christmas shopping for grandson who is getting very close to getting his private pilot's license--couple of shirts with planes on them made up of parts of a plane, and two flashlights--one is a headlight and the other is a keychain light. Both have multiple colors of lights because pilots need red or green lights when flying in the dark, which he will start to do in the spring when he works on his next step--instrumentation certification.

Still got one DIL to take care of. Having had two sons, i never know what to get the DILs.

Hot my printer out to print some legal documents to sign for my POA duties. My aunt is in Georgia and has not left there in four years, but the investment companies keep sending tax estimated funds to California because the other POA lives there and takes care of financial stuff. I cannot tell you how often we have corrected this, but they keep doing it, and then California assumes my aunt has moved and owes the money. So we have to apply for a refund and then pay Georgia for taxes. Whole thing is a pain as we both have to sign POA docs.
Last edited by JudyJB on Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:44 pm

Good afternoon gals.

I just posted some comments on yesterdays thread in response to some posts on there.

I went to bed just after midnight and didn't wake up until noon today! :shock: Must have needed the sleep! And that was after taking a 2 hour nap late yesterday afternoon!

It is very breezy today and I noticed there is a little brown mixed in with the blue skies. I looked up our local news online and I guess there was an explosion and fire at a pot manufacturing place just north of here last night, so just leftover smoke from that. Maybe that is why I slept so good! :lol:

Got my trash gathered up yesterday but still need to find a kind neighbor to take it to the dumpster for me. I was able to get around pretty good yesterday. My back is now more sore than painful so that is an improvement. I think if I keep carefully moving around today, I should be able to go to work tomorrow for my 5 hour afternoon shift. I told my manager I would let her know for sure later today. I have been using a prescription ointment I got for my shoulder and knee pain and it is working pretty well.

I used up the rest of a bag of tator tots yesterday in my freezer. Also pulled out a frozen hot dog for lunch today. I have an issue with hotdogs. I only maybe eat one or two per month so if I keep them in the fridge, they go bad before I eat most of them. I put the package in the freezer once but then it was hard to just pull out one or two at a time from the frozen package they come in. This last time I put the hotdogs in individual freezer bags but they still get all ice crystally. Several years ago, some company made a package of hotdogs where each one was sealed individually and could be torn apart from each other without unsealing the one next to it. I loved those! They don't sell them anymore. :roll: Any thoughts on how I can freeze these individually a little better? I am thinking about getting a food sealer machine. I also freeze individual portions of cooked hamburger and get the same ice crystal issue with those.

I better get up and do something constructive...I feel lunch coming on...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby JudyJB » Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:04 pm

Barbie, I am not sure what kind of injection you got in your back, but my mother also got injections to numb certain nerves. One of the concerns that the doctors had back then was if she lost bowel or bladder control, which meant they had hit the wrong nerve, so make sure you tell your doctor about your leakage. That way, maybe they will want to change where they inject you next time.

Hopefully, that leakage has stopped, and you will get some pain relief soon.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby monik7 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:16 pm

It’s Thursday the 30th here in Sydney, Australia. We arrived yesterday and my daughter and I are flying to Alice Springs today and will then drive 280 miles to Uluru (aka Ayers Rock). It’s a huge rock (6 miles around if one is inclined to take a stroll) and located in the middle of nowhere. I studied geology in college and have been fascinated for years about why it’s there and why so few other similar rocks are in the area. Will provide some pics and information once we arrive. So far good weather. Summer is just beginning and ends in February.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:19 pm

Barbie I am like you, I only want hot dog one or two times a month. I usually like to smother mine with chili ha ha I use parchment paper to separate my hot dogs before freezing, then I use my Food Saver to seal the bag. I food saver just about anything I have for the freezer. Always repackage my meat and food saver it. I buy my bags on Amazon instead of paying premium for "food saver bags". I buy them in a roll and can cut to size, seal one end, pack it with what I need, then food saver it and seal at the same time.
I am still working on reorganizing my freezer, found a few other things I tried and was okay but havent eaten since so guess they will go to the trash. I buy some of these things at Costco and think they sound good and then they are just meh. I really do prefer to make my own do aheads. One think I like from Costco is their Orange chicken. It is super good. Sometimes I dont even use the sauce and just dip it in ranch dressing ha ha I bought some tater tots the other day because I want to make a tater tot casserole that sounds good to me, we shall see But at least I do like tater tots if it doesnt work out. Then I need to reorganize my pantry. It is never ending at this house!!!!

Sandi glad to see you arrived safely. Will be anxious to see your pics.

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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Redetotry » Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:34 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Good afternoon gals.

I used up the rest of a bag of tator tots yesterday in my freezer. Also pulled out a frozen hot dog for lunch today. I have an issue with hotdogs. I only maybe eat one or two per month so if I keep them in the fridge, they go bad before I eat most of them. I put the package in the freezer once but then it was hard to just pull out one or two at a time from the frozen package they come in. This last time I put the hotdogs in individual freezer bags but they still get all ice crystally. Several years ago, some company made a package of hotdogs where each one was sealed individually and could be torn apart from each other without unsealing the one next to it. I loved those! They don't sell them anymore. :roll: Any thoughts on how I can freeze these individually a little better? I am thinking about getting a food sealer machine. I also freeze individual portions of cooked hamburger and get the same ice crystal issue with those.
I better get up and do something constructive...I feel lunch coming on...

Barbie when you want to freeze something separately like hot dogs wrap each of them in waxed paper first then put them all in a freezer bag.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Cudedog » Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:23 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:

I used up the rest of a bag of tator tots yesterday in my freezer. Also pulled out a frozen hot dog for lunch today. I have an issue with hotdogs. I only maybe eat one or two per month so if I keep them in the fridge, they go bad before I eat most of them. I put the package in the freezer once but then it was hard to just pull out one or two at a time from the frozen package they come in. This last time I put the hotdogs in individual freezer bags but they still get all ice crystally. Several years ago, some company made a package of hotdogs where each one was sealed individually and could be torn apart from each other without unsealing the one next to it. I loved those! They don't sell them anymore. :roll: Any thoughts on how I can freeze these individually a little better?

Try wrapping each individual hot dog - tightly - in plastic wrap. Then put the bunch of them together in a zip lock bag, making sure all of the air is out of the bag, then pop the bag in the freezer.

That should do the trick!

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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Bethers » Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:25 pm

I pretty much do it how Anne described. It works great for me with many things.
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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:07 pm

Before the flood I had one of the automatic litter boxes, not a $400 one. The cats were so funny to watch when it would go off if they were by it. They would watch it like they had never seen it operate before. Then turn and walk off.

I am trying to pare down my gift giving. Since I will probably see my sister this weekend I have a bag of stuff for her. Unless there is something I know she wants, I just fill the bag with small things, cookies and candy. My step daughter use to give her dad one of the boxes of sausages you can order online. She has continued to do that for me and add other things like cookies. I never know what to buy them so finally ask if we could just not exchange gifts. Then she wanted to make a donation in my name. Then I would have to make a donation in her name. Ask the we not do that either. I'm fine with a Christmas card. I still have to send my grandson something and I send his half sister something since she is only 6. I hope her mother will tell me something she wants that I can order off Amazon and have delivered to them. Postage is out of sight to mail a box.

Sandi, I'm looking forward to pictures of you trip. Have fun.

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Re: Last Nov Wednesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:52 am

So far today, I haven't had any leakage so maybe that is over, I hope. I still feel a little cruddy all over in the late afternoons. Nothing specific, just tired, etc.

Thanks for the suggestions for the hot dogs, etc in the freezer.

I went out for a bit today. Went to my storage area to look for any Christmas decorations I might still have. But I couldn't remember the code for the door or my storage unit number, and the office was closed. Why don't I have that all written down somewhere??? :roll: Stopped at Big Lots and found some mini-lights for my tree and some small white ornament balls. The tree is pre-lit but not very many lights on it so wanted more. And the ornaments I got from HL are too big for this little tree. It will be really cute when I get it all decorated.

Stopped at WinCo for some food and actually came out with good, healthier food. Got a small precooked turkey breast and some ham. Still have some frozen cut up chicken at home. I need to eat more protein.

Actually felt a little cool out today. Was about 72* but windy. I think I was the only one out wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Most had pants and a sweater or jacket. I do run my furnace at night in my bedroom.

Sandi, I have always wanted to go to Australia! I can't wait to see your photos! Ayers Rock is very sacred to the local tribes there. I think they have stopped allowing people to climb it now, due to damage being done.

Back to work tomorrow from 1-6, so I hope it isn't too busy since I have not been feeling quite as peppy in the afternoon/evenings. My back is still sore but not in pain.

Have a good night!
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