Saturday - the Day Afer

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Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby Colliemom » Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:15 am

Good Morning everyone,

Hope you all had a great 4th of July yesterday, no matter what you were doing. I know from reading yesterday's MC, that some of you didn't really have anything special going on. Well, we had no plans in particular here either other than going to visit a neighbor of my friends who has a big place a bit northwest of me here, then we were going to go to lunch and later on BBQ some brats. Well, we went to see the neighbor who has all kinds of "toys" out there and after sitting on picnic table talking for awhile, w piled into his big ATV (friends hubby and he neighbor) and into an off road golf cart (myself and friend) and took off through the woods up hill to some other property he owns across the road. That parcel has a spectacular view of the valley there. We also went down through more woods (over small fallend trees, mud puddles, etc. and dark woods too :lol: ) plus a little running around out there. Was fun. Had lunch out like we planned and came on home. Pretty quiet around here. Kind of boring. Decided later in late afternoon to go play mini golf, so back to town. Was fun. Course the score keeper won. Friend says she is keeping score next time :lol: Had late supper of Johsonville brats on my grilling machine, nixed the BBQ as it was getting late. Then not long after, neighbors started setting off the fireworks. We also watched two fireworks shows from Washington D.C. and NY on my big screen TV. But neighbors really started getting into it and we wound up watching from my front porch and driveway. Couold see some cause of the trees, but have to admit, they put on quite a show last night. I think there was more than one group involved as it was going over an hour. Have to go thank them for that. First time I have seen them go to that extent. Very professional.

Friends are leaving today. So will be cleaning up the house a bit here and then who knows. Have been busy thinking of other house here I might buy and listing this S&B. Went through with Realtor on Thursday. Happens to be neighbors son and was also a building contractor, so he was able to see if anything looked like potential trouble. House is in excellent condition, no issues that we found enywhere. Also looked mineo ver and same thing. So if I am going to try for this other place, need to get move on. Window of opportunity is shrinking as summer goes on. Peak selling time up here is usually quieting down by Labor Day. Also leaving for the U.P. again a week from next Monday, so things to do this week. Donna, I'm just the opposite of you. I get more done on cloudy days. Sunny days I want outside :)

Okay, enough chatter. Breakfast won't happen here till everybody's up, so will go read more posts. Have another great day all.
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby Irmi » Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:49 am

Good morning Sue & everyone!

Sue, it sounds like you and your friends had a busy day yesterday! I'm looking forward to hearing if you're going to sell your place and buy your neighbors house.

We're camping for the long weekend at a state park with friends of ours. We woke up to rain and winds yesterday morning from Hurricane Arthur, but the storm was far enough off the coast that we didn't get hit hard. By mid afternoon the sun was out and we were playing Corn Hole and our friends prepared a seafood boil for dinner. We'll return home tomorrow and it'll be time to cut the grass and do more yard work.

It sounds like the ladies at the Oregon GTG are having a great time. I hope Liz has a chance to repost her pictures.

Coffee, strawberries, bananas, and cherries are here, so help yourselves. Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby BayouLady » Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:45 am

Good Morning Sue, Irmi and all to follow:
Sue that sounds like a really nice area, by any chance did you take pictures? Would love to see them.

Dogs have already gone out and have reported that the world is still here, fireworks are never fun for them. We could never go camping where fireworks are allowed :(

More yardwork will be done today, I did get 90% of the poison oak out, but now I'm contemplating whether I need to get over to Urgent Care because the Technu just doesn't seem to be working as well as I heard. Anyone has works of knowledge on poison oak, other than stay away from it?

Strawberries and bananas does sound good for breakfast.
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby avalen » Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:50 am

good morning :D
bbq was good over at daughters for the 4th and then came home to sit on the bed and watch the fireworks from the casino
and also one close by in Mesa. Seems like that one was coming from Riverview, both were oohh awww and Maggie was fine.
Time for breakfast, ya'll have a great day
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby carolb » Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:53 am

G'morning Sue, Irmi, Bonnie & all to follow:) (& Ava, who snuck in while I was typing)

Kept up a bit with all of you while having a great time with Irmi (& Steve & Teddy too). She was good about filling me in on MC happenings, since I didn't take my laptop with me. Now we have the big holiday behind us & summer marches on. Had some good rain storms here in NY too since I returned Wed evening, but have been able to catch up with yard/garden work. Had a nice break yesterday to celebrate the 4th with cuz & friends....Hope y'all had a great 4th too.

More yard work today, then some serious planning for a privacy fence. Cuz has a great handyman she'll share with me, so may get it done this summer afterall--not having to wait on bro :)

Y'all have a great day! 8-)
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby Liz » Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:30 am

Good morning from the OR gtg. We are having a great time and enjoying beautiful weather. I reposted the pictures that were lost, and adding a few more in the gtg thread.

Tomorrow Birdie and I are driving to My cousin's in Bandon on the coast to collect our mail. They will give us a tour of their part of OR.

Hope everyone gas a good day.
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:57 am

Good Morning All, I',m really glad the fourth is over! The poor cat and dog were so frightened last night with the LOUD bangs from the city fireworks. We had lots of guests here, the swim pool and bar-be-que area were jam packed. I got my pool jogging in early!
Exciting news received yesterday. I will be having my second great grand child in February!!!! This is fun! lyn

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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby monik7 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:09 am

BayouLady wrote:Anyone has works of knowledge on poison oak, other than stay away from .

I grew up out in the country where poison oak was everywhere. I'd ride my horse through it followed by my 2 Australian Shepherds. For awhile, I'd have a constant case on my forearms from playing with the dogs and cleaning my horse's hooves. Later I seemed to become immune to it and freaked out my friends by picking it, tearing the leaves and rubbing them on my skin. I would never get a reaction. But I do remember from the early days that I always found relief from the itching by running as hot water as I could stand on the affected area. Helped a lot. In those days Calamine Lotion was the only other treatment which didn't seem to help much. I don't know what they've come up with now.

When we first moved to our property and built our corral, several pine trees were full of poison oak growing up and into the trees. My mother said she didn't react to poison oak and volunteered to clear it out. Well, you might guess what happened. She did a great job, but a couple days later her face was swollen up twice its size and her eyes were completely shut. She said I freaked out and cried when I saw her.
Last edited by monik7 on Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby dayspring39 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:35 am

GOOD MORNING wow all caps... will keep them... had a banana and coffee this morning... the hide a bed is not a good sleeping place and to think I have had guests sleep there... glad I have the day bed in the front bedroom it has a good mattress as does the trundle under it... think I will either use the MH or front bedroom until the air pump comes for my sleep number bed...
Got up at 4 and am very tired now... have my night gown still on... hope no one comes today...
Oh I missed a message from my Grandson Pete yesterday inviting me to dinner... saw it about 8... after I had made oatmeal and a bowl of strawberries... that would have been fun but another time...
Hope everyone survived the 4th in good shape!
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby Redetotry » Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:43 am

Good morning everyone, Things could be going a little better here. I baked a cinnamon apple cake this morning and added 1/2 cup of pecans to the recipe. I cooked it 10 minutes longer than called for but think it could have used about 5 more. It tasted really good so I took some to friends who sell at the farmers market and had a little encounter when leaving. I started backing out of my parking place and what sounded like my key alarm started going off, I was so surprised I looked down at my keys to find the silence button and guess I kept on backing and hit a car driving behind me. :oops: It was an elderly couple in an older big Mercury and after careful checking, couldn't find a mark on theirs but I did have about a 1/1/2" gouge on my rear bumper. :( She said she started honking when she saw me and I think instead of driving on, stopped behind me. I can't figure out what I hit to make the mark where it is on my car. I drove my Toyota van for 10 years and only put one tiny scratch on it hope I haven't jinxed this one.
Bonnie, my neighbor had poison ivy and used the alcohol with the wintergreen in it, at least I think it's wintergreen, it's the green one! She said it kept it from blistering don't know if it would work on poison oak but maybe worth a try. I hope it goes away soon!
Irmi I'm glad the storm didn't bother you too much.
Take care all and have a fun day. It's cool and beautiful here so I need to get out and do something!
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby chalet05 » Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:58 am

Good Morning,

Sue, sounds like great fun in the woods! Lyn, wonderful to have a baby coming to the family! To those of you doing yard work, better you than me! :) No fireworks in Fairbanks - most save them for New Year's when they have darkness.

After days of rain, it has been beautiful for a couple days. Unfortunately, I am not near the boat tours I want to take, but I have removed some of the dirt in and out after the gravel roads. I will leave today or tomorrow and the rains are returning. The Chena River is quite high, moving fast. Flood warning until 5 tonight. Doesn't hurt that we have eaten salmon 3 nights this week! We went for a 2nd night to the Alaska Salmon Bake last night.

I was all set to leave here and head for Canada due to the extended weather forecast, but I decided I could watch for a bore tide and beluga whales in the clouds and rain! I will stop in Talkeetna and then head on to Anchorage and Girdwood.

Some of you read about my cousin who was 'rescued'. She is having quite the life at her daughter's. Three of her children who opposed her 2nd marriage 2 years ago have all been to see her. Lifelong friends have been there as well. She is surrounded with so much love. She looks much better in photos, but is still quite frail.

Wishing you all a great day and safe travels.
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby cnq50b » Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:59 am

Good morning everyone,

BJ sounds like you're having a rough morning - hope things settle down now.
And Lyn, woohoo!!! #2 great-grand!
Loving the pics from the Oregon GTG - looks like fun.

This morning is overcast & in the low 70's so I decided Sadie & I needed to take the big van out. Drove to a county lake about 30 miles away - couldn't decide where to park so retreated to my stand-by - a smaller lake not too far from the house. Enjoyed both drives & I'm pretty sure Sadie enjoyed our walks near the lake & up the trail a bit. She's sacked out now. :D

Uneventful day yesterday - did get a good start on the garage though. I enjoy walking out there now & seeing it. :lol:
Bagging up more stuff out of the laundry room to give away - still have way too much of the kids stuff here. Little-by-little the local thrift store is getting it.
Continued cleaning today - focus on the laundery room & other side of the garage.

OH, I started reading the blog mentioned by Nikki - RV Sue & her canine crew... very enjoyable. Each entry is short & sweet. Her enthusiasm is like Nikki's - contagious!

Enjoy the day! And stay safe...
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby WickedLady » Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:10 pm

Monty gets very anxious when there are fireworks; Boomer couldn't care less.

Well, it is now time to get serious about cleaning out and throwing out my stuff and junk so I can eventually sell my place. Lots to do in AZ but too hot to go down there. Those plans to make my winter base will have to wait.
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby JudyJB » Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:32 pm

People in this campground must think I am nuts. I have not been outside except to empty trash since I arrived yesterday. My throat is still really sore, and I have pretty much lost my voice. I woke up this morning to a throbbing sinus headache. Took my morning Zyrtec D, two aspirin, and a mucinex, plus finally ate something, so I feel a little better, but might end up taking a nap.

I get sick so seldom, I am really feeling miserable. I keep thinking the next morning it will be better. Only four days so far, however, so I am guessing another couple of days??? Hot here anyway, and even though I am on a lake, just don't feel like exploring or riding my bike. Glad I have my satellite TV on days like this one.

Stopped at an IKEA yesterday and got a package of their frozen crepes--wish I had gotten two. They head up SO nice and with some of their blueberry or ligonberry preserves, YUM. WIll have to stop in Portland in about a month and get two more packages. So much easier than making them myself, although I guess I could do that and freeze them.

Hope everyone is having a better day than I am! I am going to try to change my bad attitude. :)
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Re: Saturday - the Day Afer

Postby BayouLady » Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:07 pm

Thank you Sandi, I tried the hot water and it did seem to help. I have used calamine but I think all that does is dry your skin then if you are not itching from the poison oak, you are itching from dry skin. I feel for your Mom, hope she didn't have to suffer for too long. I just started having a reaction to it about two years ago. Never a problem working in my yard or going on trails along the bayou, now i think it just needs to be in the air.

Judi, hope you feel better tomorrow so you can enjoy your stay. Our last trip we spent more time in the camper because of the heat, even the dogs wanted in instead of sitting outside.

Wicked, have you considered a thundershirt for Monty? it really seems to help Beck a lot and a better alternative to the doggy downers.

Catherine it sounds like you are really making progress. It does feel good to bag things up and get them out.

Redetotry, unfortunately it's already blistering :( but I will get some for the future. Since I really can't kill it with the harsh spray, this will be an ongoing thing. I did manage to get some of the roots, but there is always more there. At least now I know what to look for because the leaves are similar to the Scarlett passiflora, which is planted there.

Going to fold clothes and let the dogs out. Y'all have a nice evening!
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