Sunday, May 26th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Sunday, May 26th

Postby Colliemom » Sun May 26, 2024 6:16 am

Morning. So, okay, if I start early in the morning as a Beth says, then we get up and moving on here. We shall see :lol: I’m a morning person, so the forum is usually my first stop. Nice I get moving and get into things, then online stuff waits till later in the afternoon.

But I’ve been busy this week with yard stuff while we have sone nice weather and I want to wrap up these projects. Ai got all the dirt in my new flower beds by the porch, the grass is all mowed and trimmed as is the grass at the sub entrance, got two planter boxes planted with petunias and patriotic flag banners hung in my fence. Yesterday was out getting flowers. Haven’t found all of what I was looking for, so may have to substitute for this year. Plan to stop at one place in way home from church today. Wanted to put some hosta in my beds by the porch, but I think there may be too much sun for them there. Haven’t seen any tomato plants around, but forgot to check at the one greenhouse. Decided that I am foregoing doing a garden planter this year. Been spending a lot of green on porch project and the landscaping around it, so am going to just concentrate on that and not buy zumpteen bags of dirt to fill another planter box. Will go to farmers market once produce starts coming in. Thinking of actually selling the big planter box I built this spring as I can always make another. Somebody’s always looking for one. We shall see.

Still getting used to the new truck though and its technology. They changed the dashboard configuration, so have to get used to where what is. And some of the buttons are smaller and hard to see. They say that they are putting stuff in to make driving safer, but to me it’s just adding driver distraction. You can do almost anything in today’s vehicles, but how can you pay attention to the road when you have screens, gps or maps to keep an eye on, various dials, push buttons etc. to adjust, and whatever, plus other stuff that’s available. And then there’s syncing the phone etc. Driving and phone calls do not go hand in hand. Not saying it’s all bad because some of it is good. But I think they get carried away. Like my one friend says, the vehicles are smarter than we are. But it Drives like a dream and has been working since got it, hauling dirt and flowers. Lookng forward to a nice road trip with it. Couple coming up in the next week.

Tine to get my hair asked and get ready for church. Hope you all have a nice Sunday.
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Re: Sunday, May 26th

Postby Shirlv » Sun May 26, 2024 8:25 am

Morning Sue and All, cloudy day predicted here sp solar birdbath won’t bubble and solar birdbath won’t glow. lol. Cookout today so it’s lead or get out of the way. I will get out of the way. Sil man’s the grill and all meats , dad does all sides and it’s like a well oiled machine. Sue, no more jump in a vehicle and drive. Now more like flying, get in the cockpit and check all instruments. lol my garden and pots are set up and trying to deal with this unpredictable weather. There is a soaker hose in raised bed and have self watering inserts in pots. Will try to take pictures before they all die. :roll: No beach traffic and nasty fumes here, yea. I now live about 15 minutes from Chestertown, home of Washington college. The town also have a large Saturday farmers market. The Modern Stoneage Kitchen makes everything from scratch including delicious sourdough bread. #2 daughter keeps me supplied with bread. I go to bed at 11 and get up at 7. I thought I was a morning person until I read the sleep patterns here. lol The sun is peeking through so will get on with the day. Have a safe holiday and give a thought to the reason we celebrate.

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Re: Sunday, May 26th

Postby Bethers » Sun May 26, 2024 11:01 am

Losing that set of keys kept me up late last night. Then I awoke early. I convinced myself to try to sleep a bit more and did but am still tired. Temps are going up this week but overnights still down into upper 50's/low 60's which mean open windows for sleeping and I should continue to get myself out of bed early for nice weather walks. I'm trying.

I love hearing about everyone's gardens.
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Re: Sunday, May 26th

Postby chalet05 » Sun May 26, 2024 11:50 am

Arrived Maggie Valley yesterday. My plan to sleep in was a joke - up at 7:30 but I think I’ve made up for lack of sleep.

Weather is looking good for most of the week so will go later to see about renting a Sling for a couple days and then to dinner. If there are none available to rent, no big deal.
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Re: Sunday, May 26th

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun May 26, 2024 3:07 pm

Just after noon here. I woke up with a lower back ache. I think it is more from my poor mattress than the injection since it is more muscular and all across my lower back. I have had that before recently. I think I need a new mattress. I would like to get an airbed since those can be adjusted from firm to soft and I have always done well with those. I can't afford a good one right now and also need to figure out how to keep the cats from puncturing it when jumping off and on. I have a memory foam topper I would put on top but the sides are vulnerable to cat claws. Will have to think on that... :?

I discovered a small bloom on my hybiscus plant this morning! It seems to be recovering from near-death! I am guilty of over-watering it, I think.

Nothing else much new here. Just watching golf. Yesterday morning, one of the golfers in the tournament committed suicide, so the golf world is shocked and saddened about that. He suffered from depression, anxiety, and alcoholism. He was only 30 years old.

Not feeling too peppy today. Will probably lay low again today.

Anita, have fun with your Sling group!

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Sunday, May 26th

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun May 26, 2024 4:09 pm

Good afternoon. Great day here today. Going to be 80 today and 82 tomorrow. I got outside fairly early this morning after breakfast and a shower. I just needed to water and fertilize so didnt think I would get all sweaty and I didnt. Put the tomato stands together and they are in place waiting for huge tomato plants to grow ha ha
I see some onions poking thru and also some beets. I know I will need to thin the beets but they need to get alot bigger first. Strawberry plants are hanging in there. I think they just need some more sun that we have had.
Tomorrow I will do my watering drip system. It is just too hot to sit on my back deck after lunch. Besides I do my best work in the morning. So better if I dont start playing on the computer until after lunch.
Anita glad all is going well and hope you can rent a sling. Shirl my garden has gotten a late start too but I have high hopes. But again my mantra "if it grows good, if it doesnt it goes". And yes, I am very much a morning person. AND a go to bed by 9 kinda gal ha ha Beth I have a key hanger that I ALWAYS put my keys on anymore. I put them on there right away as I have spent hours over the years looking for my keys. Those days are gone now YAY Hope you find them tho. I spend alot of time looking for other irritating. I can have a flashlight or a screwdriver and 10 minutes later I cannot find it. Or I put something away and have no idea where I put it. Very frustrating for sure.

Time for my afternoon iced caramel mocha and a little tv time

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Re: Sunday, May 26th

Postby snowball » Sun May 26, 2024 11:45 pm

we made it out to the Cemetery arranged flowers and hopefully didn't miss anyone... then went to a park and had a meal we do bring your own meat and a slide or two to share... I did make the cucumber salad as well was good I wish I'd had more time to let it chill out in the fridge... and to let it drain before assembling it... but when you have a half hour to get it together and those processes all call for a 30 min time period... something has to go by the wayside... I think everyone enjoyed their time together... my brother passed away a couple of years ago and this is the first time his family has joined in with us so glad that they did
we ate a lot and finished about 5 now I'm hungry oh well
just started to get mom out of the car when a friend stopped by good timing had help in getting the leftovers into the house...forgot that I was going to text niece and have her stop by after work and pick up some salad but just now remembered that I'd not texted her :?
laid down and took a 45 min nap...
I hate loosing things... keys is one that I really hate to loose!!
Anita enjoy your sling trip hope you get to rent one
it may warm up one of these days so I can even think I can go out and work in the containers
you all have a great day
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Re: Sunday, May 26th

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue May 28, 2024 10:55 am

Just want to say I am reading all the horrible tornado news and hope everyone is safe. It’s so frightening. Gotta get blood drawn today for my Doctors appointment next week. We are still experiencing “May Gray “, however, the sun comes out in the afternoon.

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