Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:39 am

Good morning, it is a chilly one here 32 but the sun is out. No wind so we should reach a high of 64 The next several days will be low 70's to high 60's should be some fantastic weather. Not too hot so I should get alot done in my yard. Still working on the bathroom but slowly. Work inside when too hot or too wet and cold. Work outside when it is cooler and not really hot. I just pace myself as I am not in a hurry. I will be soon because I will want to buy some veggies and flowers. Ya know get that itch to make things pretty.
I have Bunco this afternoon so cannot really get into anything. Might put my other round raised bed together this morning. Then will take them both outside and finish connecting them. I really like them so just might buy a couple more for the back yard, we shall see. Just plugging along ha ha

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Postby Bethers » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:38 am

TT moved. Laundry in car. Going to go to Laundromat outside park. Can't find my quarters. I know I got them out a couple days ago knowing I'd do laundry today. Off to the office to buy a roll. Then you know they'll magically appear. Just need to fill my water tank for travel yet today and unhook electric in the morning, hook up the car and hit the road.

Not it's gotten dusty in here lol. Vacuuming and dusting just added to today's to-do list.
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Postby Othersharon » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:24 pm

And to no it’s another rainy day but at least not heavy downpour. Possible thunderstorms later this afternoon. But on the up side we had 2 warm and sunny days. I pulled my lawnmower out of the garage yesterday afternoon but as usual it didn’t want to start. I’ve found if I just let it sit out in the sunshine it’ll start which it finally did. Been like that since we bought it years ago. Hadn’t really planned to mow the backyard but figured why not, it’s running and the grass keeps on growing. I’m thinking this is one of the earliest dates I’ve mowed. I didn’t do any edging but at least it’s looking better than it did. Beth, sounds like you’re all ready to leave tomorrow and Barbie, you’ll be off on your trip too. Karen, bet you are itching to get your beds filled with plants and watching them grow. Judy, hope your bites are healing even more. Not sure if the panhandle will be much better for mosquitos but you can hope. We always went to Panama City Beach the end of September so we didn’t have to deal with them. Buddy and I went for a nice long walk yesterday in anticipation of today not being a good day to get outside for walking. We might try for a few blocks in the neighborhood between raindrops! Just so we can get back home quickly if it really decides to let loose. Otherwise not much else doing around here. Hope you all have a good day.
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Postby chalet05 » Wed Apr 17, 2024 3:04 pm

Surprise, Surprise! Gastroenterology department just called after a week - they can see me in July!! I told her no thank you. This happened with Steven when they couldn't see him for 3 months so we went to ER - he passed away about 5 weeks later with cancer! I think I have things figured out on my own diet wise so not going to worry about it.

Brother's blood count was up so he had treatment this week! Sunday was sunny so took a decent Sling ride and later had a visit with my daughter - the plan was to sit on their deck but the wind really came up. Rafters and kayakers are now on the river.

Karen, glad you enjoy your gardening! Both my daughters do, but they don't know when they've gone too far for upkeep - their dad was a bit like that! :) I kept it pretty simple when I lived alone, but I fought the deer and a cat! Beth, almost on the road! Barbie, enjoy your visit when you go. My aunt just told me a story that there was a leak at my cousin's house. He's not terribly inclined to take care of such things (and can well afford to hire someone), but his wife is such a terrible housekeeper, he was afraid a plumber would report them for unsafe living conditions! :lol: Funny but not funny. I haven't been in their house for probably 24 years.
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Postby Redetotry » Wed Apr 17, 2024 3:33 pm

Sunny and 84 here but seems much warmer. I'm not ready for summer but guess it will be going away in a couple of days as the forecast for Sunday is a high of 60 and low of 39! While they were doing the yearly check on our A/C today they said the outside faucet was leaking and there wasn't enough pressure to use it. They had extra hose so were able to use the faucet out front but meanwhile DH informs me he has very little pressure in the shower he uses in the basement. So now I have a call in to the plumber. I need to go to the DMV after I finish my afternoon snack. They bake the best English Muffins at the Coop and I love them toasted with lots of butter and local honey. I am almost to my weight goal with only 6oz needed to get to 120!!! I quit weighing when I reached 107 so not sure how much I had lost with the trigeminal neuralgia but it has been a definite struggle to gain it back. Another 5-10 pounds would actually be welcome.
Judy good to hear your bites are better, maybe you should switch you FL visits to another season. Barbie have a great trip.
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Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:45 pm

Good afternoon gals!

Just taking a little break. I went to the Ear Dr this morning. He checked my ears and said "the good news is there is no build up of wax in your ears. The bad news is there is no build up of wax in your ears. We can fix wax build up but you might just have hearing loss." :shock: Yikes! I now have an appointment for a hearing test in May. I was just reading that Covid can cause hearing loss, and this started just after I got Covid in January. :(

Got my hydro-massage and stopped at WM where I worked. Said hi to a co-worker and my manager, then just picked up a few things. I took my spare change in to get the cash for it. It came to over $50! So that is my spending money for my trip. :D Then stopped at the storage unit again and found the box of gourds I was looking for. From there I stopped for some gas and a car wash.

Now I need to pack, put what I can in the car that I won't need before I leave. Also add windshield washer fluid and check the radiator levels. I didn't get everything cleaned in here so will do some more of that and then relax tonight. Will head out by 8am tomorrow. It is a 5 1/2 hour drive without any stops, so with stops for gas, lunch, and stretching, it will be a little longer.

I have been waiting for a package from Amazon (actually shipping from China) and it said it was delivered yesterday but I didn't get anything dropped off or in my mailbox. It might have gone to the wrong house here so will see if someone drops it off here by the time I get back. Otherwise I will have to contact the seller about it.

Beth, have a safe trip!

Karen, can you take pics of your new garden areas?

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby JudyJB » Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:51 pm

I am going to be at Grayton Beach SP for 13 days on the Panhandle. It is right on the gulf and temps are predicted to be in the mid-70s instead of the upper 80s in the rest of Florida. No doubt there will be a good breeze to achieve that. Second place will be on a long peninsula also on the Gulf, so I am hoping the cooler temps and breezes will help with mosquitos. And yes, bites are slowly getting darker and almost none are blistering any more. No pain and just a tiny bit of an itch, so that has been helping me sleep. Also, the funny colored skin and the swelling around my left ankle is much better also. Blotchy, but not swollen or red anymore. I have had the prednisone/antibiotic combo several times for bad bites, and it really works.

Barbie reminded me of the time many years ago when I cat sat for my neighbors. They had two older, very unfriendly cats who always hid when anyone came in. However, after one day of figuring out that I was not only company but came with food, they changed personalities completely. They would now meet me at the door, purring non-stop and rubbing against my legs. I was suddenly their best friend and they would just follow me around, with more purring and rubbing! It was really pretty funny at the time.

Drove 215 miles from Jonathan Dickinson SP to Colt Creek northeast of Tampa today. Tomorrow, I will be at Suwanee River SP, driving about 180 miles, then the next day another 215 miles to Grayton Beach. Only problem today was that I lost a hubcap. Haven't lost any for about 4 years, but before that I had lost several, and at that time got a deal of four hubcaps on Amazon for $150. Hope I can get same deal now. Will put one new one on and then store other three for when I need them.

Hotter than heck around here, by the way, but they say the whole country is having a heat wave. I stopped for a few groceries and ended up driving a few miles with rig AC and vehicle both going, along with a cold washcloth on my head, to get cool.
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Postby Acadianmom » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:18 pm

It was overcast yesterday and today. It was very windy yesterday but not so bad today. It got up to 79. I need to mow tomorrow or Friday because we have rain coming. I went to Lafayette to bring my son something and went to Walmart. I got Luna a new bone so she has worn herself out chewing on the bone.

Anita, that's ridiculous that you can't get an appointment until July. Glad your brother was able to get his treatment. Years ago I had a corner of the yard fenced off for a vegetable garden. It was too much for someone that was working and it usually got away from me by August. I remember how good some of the vegetables were but I'll just go to the store. One tomato is all I need a week so waste of time trying to grow them. I thought about stopping at a fruit stand in Lafayette to get some field peas but I'm trying to get food out of the freezer and I would have to freeze some of the peas if I made them.

Barbie, what is the name of the vacuum you used to clean your car? Do you get fluid behind your ear drums? My son has had that problem all his life and had tubes twice. I notice that he doesn't hear me sometimes. Have a good trip.

Judy, hope you have a better time in the panhandle. Being near the water should help.

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Postby snowball » Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:33 am

it's been a day!!!! I got woke up just before the alarm went off telling me that a dear friend passed away back in Iowa .... we visited for a bit... at first I didn't plan on going to the funeral but the more I thought about it thought I would see if I could go... so checked with the brother to see if mom could stay there so I could go... and she could so then I was thinking of figuring out what to do first... as I thought I would need to leave tomorrow in order to get there then the friend that called to tell me about Vi called back a bit stressed out talked things over so then in order to get correct information I called her kids oh my almost 40 min. later I still didn't know much other than the funeral which is going to be a graveside service after being cremated wouldn't happen till next week perhaps tues or later which gave me a bit of a breathing room... and at the same time giving thought to the dishwasher brothers feel I need to get a plumber although my brother where mom will be said that I could just deal with it when I get back sounds like a plan to me
even tonight it seems that I've been on the phone more than normal however the graveside will be on the 27th so still have more breathing room but it also may cause an issue with brother will reach out tomorrow... he has to take his daughter to SLC periodically for treatments and I don't know when the next one will be... if I can't I can't would like to but also would like to spend a bit of time out there instead of rushing out one day there then rush back... so guess I'm in Jello mode :lol:
however one of those calls this evening was the dr and mom has no infection which is good news... just to keep an eye out on it let him know if it gets worse..
I guess it might be possible to leave on Monday and then leave on Sat to return they usually leave on Tuesday so as long as I was back on Monday we would be ok I think I was just hoping longer....
the murder she wrote story line takes place in Jackson wy... haven't seen anything recognizable other than a partial shot of Mt Moran at least I believe it was
ought to check and see where it was filmed at...
have a safe trip Beth and Barbi and Judy
Judy have you tried Zeva I hear it advertised quite often it would be for indoor use though
as to weather report we had a dreary day even snowed it won't stick long but still trees flocked again and the back yard that was down to lawn has snow on it... front lawn still has lots of snow it's a north facing lawn
it will be fun to see your planters Karen
so early to be mowing lawns Sharon a long summer ahead of you
you all have a great day
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Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:34 am

I managed to get pretty much everything done today. Tomorrow morning, just have to get dressed and put my face on (as my mom would say), and load up the car.

Sheila, I checked gas prices in Q and there is a gas station next to the McD's with gas at $3.66/gln. I planned to get breakfast at McD's anyways.

The ear dr. checked my ears for fluid too but none of that either. My problem isn't so much the volume, but everything is muffled-sounding like I have cotton in my ears. I can hear someone talk but don't always understand what they are saying.

Off to bed...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:03 pm

Barbie, welcome to the age of potential age related hearing loss....not fun but oh so common....
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Postby chalet05 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:48 pm

Barbie, I went through that muffled sound with my hearing last fall.
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