Windy, Rainy Friday

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Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:13 am

Good Morning. Been AWOL for a bit here. Been keeping up with all of you though. It’s a damp, chilly and very windy day here today. So will be staying in other than going out for the mail. So, O’Sharon, you know what will be coming your way.

I don’t know where the week has gone, but it and half of April are almost over. Took Molly to MSU on Mondsy. She got a good eye report, so happy about that. Stay with the eye drop routine and add an ointment for a small white spot on the cornea, which could be a little piece of fat or calcium. Suggested we come back in 2-3 months for a recheck again. Piper developed a case of diarrhea, so to her to vet on Tuesdsy. On meds for that. Always something :roll:

Barbie, your deck looks nice. The tape probably stuck because painters tape shouldn’t be left on too long. Maybe you should call your agent and get an updated picture of it, taken for your listing when you are all finished. Beth, sorry about the fridge. But if it’s there when you get back in the fall, you will be all set to go. Velda, good news that Chris is coming home. Judy, hope the storms are gone and you aren’t rocking and rolling anymore. O’Sharon, you are getting tough, walking in the rain even. I know that well. Don’t mind walking in a light rain, but We have gotten caught in pretty good rain and actually have had to stop and seek shelter under somebody’s porch along the road. Usually if there is rain coming, I will just take a quick walk with them around the neighborhood here and back home.

Couple of projects on my agenda, one starting tomorrow. Building a raised planter box to garden in and redo of my porch entrance. Picked up the materials to build the planter box yesterday. 2x4’s and cedar fence boards. I want to remove a section of railing on my porch and then move the step and side rails over to that spot, so entrance is in middle of porch. Going to take out the shrubs andrelandscape with flowers etc. on both sides. Then put the removed railing where the current entrance in the side is. Just want to change things up. Eventually will change shutter color as well. Am debating about seeking somebody to do the porch project. I’m excited about that change because I think it’s going to look really nice.

So I guess I should get my day started here. Want to clean my bathroom and go over the kitchen. Then I will finish up my generator wire sign that I am making and also finish up the casing installation around the one bathroom door. I am glad to see that all of you are doing well and everybody seems to be keeping busy. Have a nice day everyone.
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Re: Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:13 pm

Good morning Sue and gals!

Slept good last night. Woke up at 8am and saw that the 40+ diesel pusher across the street was getting ready to head out. Watched them back out which was challenging with these narrow streets. I went over to watch them hook up their car. It looks pretty easy compared to hitching a TT.

I then painted the bare spots on the deck with the primer. Will let that dry all day and then paint the color over it in the early evening (no more tape involved!). Need to remember not to step on the wet primer when I go do more laundry today. :shock:

Otherwise it will be a golf watching day. It is really nice out this morning, cool with a light breeze but is supposed to get back up to 93* later. I checked the weather for Tucson next week and it will be in the low 90's when I get there.

Tiger Woods didn't finish playing last night before it got dark (they had a 2 hour delay yesterday morning due to a thunderstorm), so he had to go out early this morning to finish that round. On Fridays, they cut the group down to the top 50 scorers for the weekend. If you don't play well enough by then, you go home for the weekend. At this point, it is a big deal for Tiger to make that "cut". Will see if his stamina can hold out now. He probably only got a few hours of sleep last night before getting up early to play those last 6 holes from yesterday, and now he has to play another 18 today. Not easy for even the best fit players.

Need to get something to eat before taking my morning meds.

Sue, glad the pups are doing pretty well. Sounds like you have a busy summer coming up! You never run out of projects!

Have a good day!

On edit... I just realized it is Friday, not Saturday!! :roll: I need one of those clocks that tells what day it is! (I guess if I read the subject line more carefully, I would have figured it out! :roll: Oh well! I gained a day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby JudyJB » Fri Apr 12, 2024 3:26 pm

Did my income tax and submitted using Turbo Tax. I know there are new free methods, but I am most familiar with this one, so I used it again. Whew! I was worried about owing money to the feds, but I am getting a refund from Ohio that is almost exactly for the same amount. Yea!!

TOday is a beautiful, sunny and relatively cool day. Very little wind, so I even put my awning up. Got to run and get my second load of clothes out of the washer and into the dryer. Only cold water here, but the dryer turned out to be free because the lever you push in with the coins on it was stuck. After trying to pull it out several times, I pushed the start button and it worked!!! Did not want a load of wet clothes.
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Re: Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Apr 12, 2024 7:54 pm

Cloudy day today but no rain so far, but it is coming. Worked outside and inside today. Had to spiff up my house it needed it. Vacuum, dust, wash kitchen floor, laundry. Made a meatloaf for dinner. Gave some to my neighbor and she gave me some banana bread, good trade. Went to Lowes early and picked up my textured paint and some potting soil, so hopefully this weekend I will paint. Lowes is just way too handy, it is right next to the entrance to my mobile park LOL and then Home Depot is just down the street from Lowes, crazy.
Nothing much new here. Judy glad you are getting some cooler weather. Barbie hope you get your deck done before the hot weather comes. I have part of my bathroom taped off but am not to the painting stage yet. I learned years ago to pull my tape off when I am done and not to wait very long. So guess you learned that too. Amazing what we can learn as we get older ha ha I have watched lots of videos on repairning VOG walls. I think I am doing it right. We shall see. It is only my bathroom wall on either side of my shower that was damaged when they took out the old garden tub. The tub was 4 inches wider than the shower. I had extra flooring and so that was fixed right away but the paper tore on the walls. So that was a learning curve. I am used to spackling sanding and painting in that order. Not with these walls. No direct sanding of the walls, just the mud that you patch with. I am hoping the textured paint does the trick, we shall see.
Tomorrow is another get something accomplished.

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Re: Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby Bethers » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:02 pm

I, also, did some inside work today. When they replaced the dogs in here, it was not showing that the old one had an outside storage door that must have been under it. I figured that out and opened it from outside and realized nothing was done to anything inside. Because I thought I'd keep this sofa for awhile I just planned to put in some insulation and found a white foam insulation sheet that I could run across the wall over the other insulation. I never expected to worry about it being seen. So I put that all up today and put this couch back in place. Then I started cutting the silver stuff to put on all the windows. I got what I think will be the most difficult one done and will do the others tomorrow. As to the wall behind the sofa, I might have to reconfigure it when I replace this sofa, probably sooner than later. I'll worry about that when the time comes.

Scheduled moving the tt to the new site for this coming Wed. I'll plug the C in at this site for one night and make sure it's all ready to go then leave next Thursday. Two guys and the manager will come by on Wed to help get the tt and steps moved. It should be an easy, painless move. Fingers crossed.

Karen I think that was a good trade for the banana bread! A woman here got a gigantic package of fish sticks from a local kitchen yesterday and tried to get me to take a whole box. If I had a big freezer with room I might have taken it so today, she came over with just a freezer bag of them for me. I had some for dinner. Very good.

Sue I'm glad your girls are ok. You're right, it's always something.
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Re: Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:37 pm

Good evening gals.

Well, Tiger did make the cut so, yay! :D I can watch him the rest of the weekend!

I have my last load of laundry drying now. I will then pick out outfits for my trip now, so I don't accidentally wear those things before I leave. I made out my list of things to pack, things to do before I leave, shopping list, and directions for my route. I plan to turn off the I-10 before Phoenix and go down to Gila Bend and catch the I-8 back over to the I-10 in Casa Grande. I have taken the I-10 thru Phoenix before and swore never to do that again!

I was looking for a notebook to write out my lists, in my bedroom, only to find a bunch of dirty clothes in there that I had stashed there before the last showing! Luckily, I didn't start my last load yet so thru it in with that. Also found the notebook in there.

Tomorrow morning I will wipe down the "path" and do a coat of the paint. It is super windy out today so I don't want to get dust in the wet paint. I did remove all the blue tape from around the railing posts and the side of the house. Will just need to do a few little touch-ups here and there later.

Got acid indigestion again tonight so am not feeling too good. Maybe I have gastritis? :? I still need to put my clothes away but that can wait until tomorrow. Have a couple shows to watch tonight and then will get to bed early. Hopefully, it won't be quite so windy tomorrow so I can finish painting in the morning.

Sunday I will get the rest of my outside stuff done since it will be a lot cooler that day. Really need to clean out my car! :shock:

Have a good night...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:12 pm

We had another beautiful blue sky day. Not too hot. I checked the lake level at Toledo Bend and it's full pool. If my sister had called about going fishing I might have gone to the lake. She is such a pain to camp with I'm not volunteering. I decide to go fish at the pond. I caught some good size perch but didn't feel like cleaning fish. The weeds are taking over the small pond again. I mixed up 2 gallons of weed killer and went and sprayed the weeds. I went to the pond on the mower so I could mow the road to the pond. Eddie has the cows shut out of the pasture with the ponds so I had to open and close 3 gates to get there. My knees are so sore from getting on and off the mower so many times.

Barbie, I'm glad you like to watch golf because it's like watching paint dry to me. lol Guess it depends on what you like. My mother went to one of our horse cuttings and ask if that was all they do. It was different people and different horses but they all try to do the same thing.

Sue, you sure stay busy with all your projects. I wish I was as ambitious.

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Re: Windy, Rainy Friday

Postby snowball » Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:18 am

today was go to the store day stopped at the post office and mailed off the check to pay what I owed on taxes and mailed off mom's (my brother did hers but she needed to sign it so it had to be mailed) so that is done for a this year
actually didn't wear my jacket and was comfortable thinking it was around 50 it was windy but was a warm wind makes a lot of difference.... also got gas had to laugh my total was 42.42 don't see it that way very often
think I need to find a repair person the dishwasher isn't totally draining all the time sometimes it like every other wash it will drain but the last two it's not completely drained hate to do it I guess I could ignore it as long as it doesn't spill out on to the floor :o my dd suggested that I call the grandson but he is a busy guy but it is a thought... and he could come with his family and I could see how the hat will fit :? sounds like a win win to me
Beth will you be going into Mx before you leave or while in AZ?
Sounds like everyone has a lot of projects going it's still too early to do anything outside... although more ground is showing up
you all have a great day
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