And it's Tues Afternoon

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And it's Tues Afternoon

Postby Bethers » Tue Mar 19, 2024 2:49 pm

Follow up eye appt. Everything's going ok, but eye is still slightly more swollen than they want so I had to go pick up another drop from the drug store. They say not a big deal, but one reason surgeries used to have more time between eyes. So hoping this brings it in line. Otherwise my 2nd surgery could be delayed. They don't believe that'll happen but give me all the possibilities. They are happy otherwise with the surgery. I'll be going back Thursday for my pre surgery visit. Fingers crossed.

Stopped at HEB for the new drops after Walmart didn't have it in stock. Then purchased some of their prepared meals. I love their coconut shrimp and they had a big package, so will be dividing that up and freezing into portion sizes. Yum. Got some other meals, too but did myself proud and didn't over do.

So now being lazy on another cool day.
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Sun, wind and cold March 19

Postby Redetotry » Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:07 pm

Guess we are having afternoon tea instead of morning coffee today. It looks so warm out but the wind is wicked. I've been following Tina's suggestions about how she is getting in shape and I thought of something I've been meaning to mention especially about back care I learned in yoga. Most Americans bend over incorrectly. If you bend over and your lower back is shaped like a cashew your are probably having back pain. I learned in one of my first yoga classes that the first thing to do before you start to bend over is to stick your butt out so you are sway backed, then start to bend. I found an article at this link that explains it more. ... eir-spines. If anyone is interested in this or other good yoga positions and you use Skype, I'd be happy to show you this and other positions to keep your body flexible. All of the ones I would show you are exercises you can do in a chair or standing.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Re: And it's Tues Afternoon

Postby JudyJB » Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:59 pm

I'll respond to you, Beth, because yours was saved a few minutes earlier.

I had my eyes done in early summer 2019, and they were originally going to do them 2-3 weeks apart until I told them I was teaching online and needed to see. They finally agreed to do them a week apart, but I do know they were worried about infection and such. But even then, the week in between was the hardest because of the vision so different in one eye.

Did a bunch of laundry today and discovered I had to iron in the cuffs of several of the new shorts I bought. I really don't mind, but it is a bit of effort I would prefer to skip. Almost everything is now folded and put away. I am here in WP Franklin only one day--headed for 12 days at St. Lucie Lock & Dam and have one of the best spots overlooking the river. Only 9 RV camping spots here, so hard to get, but I have noticed that the snow-bird crowds are starting to slow down.
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Re: Sun, wind and cold March 19

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Mar 19, 2024 4:54 pm

I got back from my camping trip yesterday afternoon and I was pooped. Too much fun. lol Thursday night we had grilled brats and bloody mary’s at someones campsite. I know better than to drink tomato juice and the drink almost made me sick. I refrained from bloody mary’s for the rest of the campout. We had a nice campfire going and it started sprinkling so I went in. We had rain off and on all weekend but there was a pavilion we could rent. Everyone chipped in and we rented the pavilion Friday and Saturday. My sister found out I was camping and she showed up on Friday. I am so afraid she will fall out of the camper and the side step wasn’t working. She out weighs me by at least 75 pounds. If she’s there I miss out on some of the activities because no one want to put up with her and her smoking. Friday night the local fire department was selling fried fish dinners. Most of the women like to play LCR(left, right, center) so they had a big game going. They put 3 picnic tables end to end and had 25 women playing. The winner won $75. They were getting pretty loud. I’m not into many games. Saturday night we had Frito pies with chili. There were too many snacks and desserts.

Luna did good for her first real campout. She is learning that she doesn’t have to bark at every little noise. That campground was noisy. The only problem is that we have to walk a mile to find the right spot to poop in. lol We got in a lot of walking.

Saturday two of the members arranged for 4 men from a fly fishing group to come give us lessons. That was interesting. Since I have dislocated my right shoulder twice I won’t be fly fishing.

I would like to have one trip that I didn’t have trouble. When I got to the campground the side step wouldn’t come out. I started checking and it looks like the compartment that fell off a year ago is coming loose again and it must have pulled some wires loose. Everything worked when I was plugged in but the coach batteries were dead on Monday. I was going to leave on Sunday but was trying to to decide if I should stay until Monday. One of my friends called and said they were going to eat lunch at one of the well known restaurants in the area. Since it was raining off and on I decided to stay and go eat. If I would have had trouble it would have been easier to get help on Monday instead of Sunday.

Irmi, Maurice is 20 miles North of where I live. It’s some land Harold wanted to buy incase we needed to move farther inland. Someone cuts hay on most of it but I have to mow a lot around an old trailer that my son moved over there. His stuff is still in the trailer and I need to clean it out but just haven’t. Subdivisions are moving that way and I’m hoping someone will want to buy it.

I don’t remember being told someone needed to be with me for 24 hours when I had cataract surgery. My son will have to take me for my colonoscopy or they won’t do it if someone isn’t with you. I have plenty of cats to take care of me too. There are 3 that want to lay on me so I can’t move.

Sheila, best not to take a chance trying to walk on ice.

Cheryl, hope you can get your problems with the trailer fixed. When we got this house we kept having leaks in the roof. It had a years warranty and they kept sending someone but it never got fixed right. It wasn’t long before we put a metal roof. One of the hurricanes messed up the metal roof and it had to be replaced.

Tina, glad you had a good trip to Florida. If you slow down thru Louisiana sometime give us a call. I could go to one of the RVW rallies for the eclipse but don’t think I want to deal with the million people going to Texas. Most of the campgrounds filled up a year ago. And I’m not going anywhere until the motorhome gets fixed again.

The wind has finally calmed down here but it’s only 65. The weather people kept saying it was going to be in the 30’s last night but they sure missed that. It only got down to 43. I’m glad because they have started planting rice here. It rained 2 1/2 inches while I was gone. I need to mow again but guess I will let it dry up a little.

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Re: And it's Tues Afternoon

Postby snowball » Wed Mar 20, 2024 12:25 am

took mom to the drs office today her big fluffy bandage is down to a band aide a big one but it will hopefully be easier to change need to get some more as well as an antibiotic ointment can't seem to find the one that I had don't know where it went to... afterwards picked up the mail then went to DQ to get hot fudge sundaes that changed when we drove up to the speaker and it said free ice cream cones hmm free cones as apposed to 7 for hot fudge sundae's? I will do free anytime and will go back another day for the hot fudge sundaes they also have the shrimp basket will need to take mom for that before summer comes and they take it off the menu.. we then to a ride out to the elk refuge of course saw the elk but actually went out to see if the big horn sheep were still there.... saw two don't know if that is all that is there and the other's were out of site or if not many came this winter but can say we saw them
did I mention that we saw a rabbit in the yard the other day???
finished up my scripture reading after we got home... then reheated supper finished up the adobo and fixed an salad...
hopefully the swelling is going down Beth and that you will be able to have your other eye done as scheduled...
you all have a great day
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Re: And it's Tues Afternoon

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:01 am

Got a couple things done, or at least partially done. I put my agents new sign out. It needed to be taped to the front of the metal For Sale sign I got from the office here. I taped the top side on but ran out of the clear packaging tape for the other 3 sides, so I need to pick some more of it up tomorrow before it gets windy and blows his sign off.

Then I finally got to the ceiling plexiglass panels. There are three of them. I cut the window film for one of them, then mixed some mod podge with water and brushed that on the panel and put the film on that. It took quite awhile before it dried enough to stay on. I did get it put up finally. It looks pretty good and I think it will work out well. I have to do the other two but I think I will pick up some Elmers Glue to use instead of the mod podge and then make it a little thicker to put on.

Here is what it looks like with the one panel in place...(the original panels were orange :shock: ).

The wavy lines on the panels make it look a little more decorative, than just plane frosted panels.

Good night...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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