St Patrick's Eve March 16th

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St Patrick's Eve March 16th

Postby IrishIroamed » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:12 am

Mornin' ladies~~~
Just spent a few minutes catching up. Other than the good news of Beth's TT getting moved, seems there have been a bit of trials lately for you ladies, with a bit of good news sprinkled here and there. I should take notes as I read, but it is what it is.

Dealing with a few issues at the mobile. Being a squeaky wheel. Have contacted the park, who installed it, the manufacturer, and the main office of the management company through their Contact Us site. I knew from inspection that the roof shingles weren't installed correctly on a section, no big deal, minor repair. But it's identified other problems. The shingles are no longer available, and no tar paper was put on, so no water barrier. Also have a leaky windrow identified during a couple of steady rains.

Also found 2 big cracks in the siding, that run diagonal from 2 different windows. One of the cracks is on the leaky window. Personally I think the house was torqued or twisted when installed.

Then saw that the installer built the porch stairs poorly. The structural issues have been documented and forwarded to mfgr and mgmt companies. Waiting to see what they say.

I had 2 estimates done for the roof, and one told me about the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. If the roof, window, cracks and stairs aren't fixed, I will file a complaint. I have 2 years to do that, but hopefully won't have to go that far.

On bizarre odd news, the mattress I bough is to big for the bed I bought! Stupid overstuffed mattresses made nowadays. It's heavy and it's wedged between the headboard and footboard. Can't make the bed! Back to the store visit. The don't do returns once order is delivered, but store manager approved an even exchange.

Other than these fun to deal with things, the house is livable if I buy food. :lol: Punkin has been there everyday, but doesn't quite know what to do with himself. He's happier in the camper in the bed.

Sorry for the rant. But looks like I may not be hitting the road in April like I planned. Hope you've all survived any bad weather.

Keep positive. As Gram used to say, I woke up breathing, so it's a good day. <3
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Re: St Patrick's Eve March 16th

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:16 am

Oh, Cheryl, how frustrating! I hope they all get their act together and come together to right all these wrongs! But I will say if you're delayed, that's the best time, for me, to be in Arizona. The flooring cacti are spectacular. I'm going to get to Arizona in mid April for a couple months.

I spent a good portion of yesterday at the tt. TY came with. He met our closest neighbor and we went for one walk there. He discovered he can use his nose to see out the windows behind the curtains. Before he met the neighbor, I was out talking to her and she asked my dogs name. That's when I discovered him spying on us. I did my paperwork and paid and am official there now. Hooked up water and sewer. Wow, it's so much easier to clean with running water. I did gain so much respect for those in earlier times filling buckets, etc. Yesterday the shower got cleaned again in literally no time. How we take so much for granted! And, yes, I played with the floor again. Left the loose carpet pieces down. Even not cut or placed correctly, it looks so much better than the ugly, dirty flooring. I may go back over today or tomorrow (or both) or may not lolol. While I'll miss some at this park, I'm enjoying spending some visiting time here. And I don't know how much I'll do either during the surgeries, etc

Sheila, first eye gets done Monday, 6 am. Second eye the following Monday. I always heard about all the eye drops, but had no clue the extent. Wow, coordinating them is crazy. One 5 times a day, another 4 times a day, a third eyelid wash lol. And the drops never get done together. So pretty much giving one or another every hour or so.

Time for a walk. I hope everyone has a great day.
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Re: St Patrick's Eve March 16th

Postby JudyJB » Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:04 pm

I had forgotten the drops, and yes they were a pain!!! I had four different ones, but at least they each went in at the same times each day! And be prepared for bright lights hurting your eye. I had to keep my black mesh curtains and my front privacy curtain closed all day.

And speaking of glasses. As I mentioned earlier, I wear mine all the time but they are basically bifocals with just a tiny bit of correction on top and transitions so they act as sunglasses. Well, the other day it was really hot, and I had taken off my glasses to shower, but before I stepped into the shower I went into my living area and put my AC part of the thermostat on High. Later, it just kept getting hotter and hotter inside, so when it hit 92, I double checked the thermostat. Apparently, without my glasses, I had set it to Fan instead of High AC!! Reset it, and rig cooled off quickly. Makes a big difference when you can see.

Made some crepes for lunch, and now going to go outside to see where the alligators and birds are. There are a lot of alligators down the little creek where it gets wider near a small dam that controls the flow. Saw them last night but did not have my binoculars with me.

Found out a couple of days ago that this part of the campground has a boil water advisory because the chlorinator is not working right, so I went out for groceries yesterday and picked up a couple of gallons of water and a bag of ice. I had been spending a lot of effort making ice the previous days, but had to dump it all in the sink!! So now I have good ice and water. I also figured this was a good time to shock my fresh water tank with chlorox since it has been so hot lately. (It was 88 yesterday!) I will refill the tank today and that will get rid of the extra chlorine. I have kept my tanks in good condition since I bought this rig new, so have always drunk the water.

Son worked three days this week, and seems to be doing OK. At least he is able to eat almost normally and is gaining some weight.
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Re: St Patrick's Eve March 16th

Postby Redetotry » Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:09 pm

Warm and sunny today and everything is in full bloom I'm still crossing my fingers that we don't have a hard freeze. Cheryl I'm so sorry to hear about all your issues with your new home! Sounds as though you need a refund!
Beth did they also tell you you can't bend over for I think 5 or 7 days. With your appointments so close together that will be hard especially if 7 days. The drops are a pain but when I had cataract surgery they gave me a chart where you marked off each dose every day. I also had drops to use 2 days before the surgery. A wash for your third eye? I had to look up third eye in humans I had no idea what it was. I hope all goes well.
Judy I think I'm also going to need glasses. I just made an appointment because my vision is deteriorating. I had cataract surgery in Febuary of 2022 and my vision was great but has steadily declined. I'm so happy to hear your son is doing well. I just read online where someone had kept an alligator in a pool inside their home for many years and it was so tame the kids swam with it. The authorities found out about it and took it away. I'm not sure if story is true but...I know I would not want to be anywhere near one.
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Re: St Patrick's Eve March 16th

Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:58 pm

BJ, I meant the third idea wash for my eyelids. And, yes, I started eye drops yesterday and will be doing them for a month. I like that there isn't so much time in between surgeries. Of course, that would change if they had a problem Monday or see something at my follow-up on Tuesday. I'm expecting all to go well. Judy, my schedule specifically keeps the drops from being used concurrently. I just looked online if it would be ok to do them together and it's recommended not to, to have at least half an hour in between. I guess doing them together the second often negates what the first is used for (washes it out).

I have a mental note of something I want to take to the tt. But I never can think of what it is when I'm not doing something else, like now, when an interruption wouldn't be a problem. But let me get busy on something and it pops right in my mind and I think, as soon as I finish whatever I'm doing. Then I finish and it's gone again. It's something minor but it's getting frustrating. Yes, I should have written it down. That would be too easy.
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Re: St Patrick's Eve March 16th

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:42 pm

Good afternoon, another nice afternoon here. Worked out in the shed organizing things and taking inventory on what I need for the summer. Charging my saw so I can prune my tree tomorrow. Puttered around for a while out there as it was so nice out 70 and slight breeze.
Leftover sheet pan chicken and veggies for dinner. I thought about going to the nursery today to look at some yard plants but then talked myself out of it as it is only the middle of March. We could still have some frosty overnights. Might check the sales and see if anyone has garden soil on sale. Also want some shredded straw for my other raised beds and pots. I did order a bag of vermiculite and perlite for my raised beds and it will come this week.
Sprayed my weeds yesterday so will see if my "natural" method works on all of them. It works well on small new weeds instead of the older bigger ones so might have to use my commercial weed killer after all but will give it a few days.

Finished for the day, now time for a nice frosty mocha

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Re: St Patrick's Eve March 16th

Postby snowball » Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:01 am

the day is close to being over... been busy fixed bk got ready to go to the store dd moved mom's car she was going to go with me until I reminded her that she would have to coral the kids she decided staying home was better... went to the store should have done it yesterday it takes forever to cut pork loin or whatever cut of meat it was that I got... into pieces small pieces... 1 inch size or there about not even sure what weight of meat I got it looked like it would be enough and it was just barely enough for dd to take some home as well as enough for mom and I for dinner Monday night as well as enough rice think all enjoyed it... it's yummy next time I might take the time to do it the way it says for pork instead of following the chicken recipe :lol: needless to say that consumed most of the day roasted cauliflower and carrots wasn't a combo that I'd ever thought of but it worked had onions in it as well and my greats really liked the cucumber dd says I need to make them again she laughed when she read the recipe prepare and put in refrigerator for at least 30 mins but better overnight there is a big difference between those times... the few I got oh and need to remember that the grandson reallllly likes grapes... I bought some thinking that I'd better get these eaten rather than toss them away none left
I have a bunch of clothes I need to fold probably won't happen today I am tired!!!
still need to run the dish washer
so that was the day here niece came over and changed mom's dressing it's still weeping a bit... mom is still complaining of it hurting I kinda think she just focused the hurt she feels into that area instead of putting the foot rest up she was using the seat of her walker to put her feet up... then complained of her foot being cold (it didn't have a sock or blanket on it) told her if she used the foot rest she wouldn't be as cold and it would support more of the leg and knees.. she is finally doing that for now
you all have a great day I like what Cheryl said can't remember it now but when I read it liked it.. Cheryl hoping you can get all the areas' attended to to your satisfaction.. the place I went to formulated their meds that you could opt for so it was one drop so many times a day don't remember now how many times think 3 but not sure... I am so glad I opted for that particular option
came home from the store with a new toothbrush mine has always stalled and this one was on sale so got it ... if it stalls will think it's the brand :roll:
that is too bad Barbie that someone you work with is so toxic glad she called and apologized
again you all have a great day
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