Wednesday , March 6th

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Wednesday , March 6th

Postby Colliemom » Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:23 am

Morning. Sunny but chilly here. 33°. Been having beautiful Westher though. Broke record with high of 68° on Tuesdsy, but cld front came through, drowned us in rain most of Tuesdsy night and now temps are around 50 ish. Normal is upper 30’s, so still above that. Snow is gone.

Nothing new here. Just doing same old. Kitchen cleaning on agenda this morning and then back to my big DP canvas. Almost across the upper half. This is 20x24, so once get to the end of the upper part, it will be half done.

Painter coming this afternoon to start on bathrooms. I have all the preliminary stuff out of her way. Mirrors, wall decorations, switch plates etc.

Beth, glad the managers know you are leaving. Nice the husband offered to move the trailer if need be. Hope all your appts. And surgeries go well. Elda, thanks for checking n. I to have been wondering how things are going. Hang in there. This too shall pass, even though things feel insurmountable at times. Barbie, hope the cancelled showing gets rescheduled. That happened to me when I had my house listed. Office forgot to call me and let me know agent was bringing out some people. I had gone to town and they were there when ai got home. But I kept my house in stdging mode at all tines, so no problem there. Just that the dogs were in house and I always take them with me when there was a showing. They were the people who wound up buying the house. Made an offer in the spot. So, if you don’t mind a little advice, keep your house in showing mode all the time, because you never know. Unexpected things happen. It’s a pain, but saves time and energy. And might just pay off. Shirl, nice you found a local small honey business to support. I like to support small businesses whenever I can.

N d to get moving here, get my kitchen done and run tne vac or painter will be here before I know it. Have a nice dsy all.
Last edited by Colliemom on Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wednesdsy, March 6th

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 06, 2024 10:12 am

Good morning Sue. chilly here too 33 but will warm up to a balmy 46
Anita your plans sound very exciting. I love planning trips I am sure you will have a great time. Sure hope your brother gets good results from his chemo. Also thinking of Velda and Chris, long slow recovery for sure. Sue hope Molly is still on the mend, keep us posted. I am starting to prep my bathroom tomorrow. I am doing it myself tho...silly me. Sheila should be heading back home, sure hope she doesnt have too much snow to deal with on the ride home. We are over our "snow event" yesterday we got 1 1/2 inches and it took most of the day to melt. At least it wasnt rain and I didnt have to shovel it.!!! Today is Bunco. I enjoy it but it sure is not a game of skill. My neighbor is hosting it this month so I only have to walk next door LOL
Beth I bet you are looking forward to getting your home away from home all situated. I hope you like this park and will be comfortable there. Post a few pics of your new park when you get situated.

I managed to get caught up on a couple of the shows I like to watch yesterday. I watch them on Paramount Plus and Peacock they are available the day after they air on prime time tv. ABC doesnt have a stand alone streaming channel so luckily I only watch one show live with my antenna and it comes on at 8pm so I can manage to stay awake til 9 LOL I cant pause, record or rewind the live show. I am so spoiled. I am an early to bed early to rise kinda gal. Was up at 4 this morning but I usually like to sleep until around 5 or 5:30 I love my mornings. Not sure why but I was wide awake so just got up. Emma does whatever I do LOL sleep late so does she, up early she is with me...silly dog. Of course as soon as she potties, and maybe eats something she is back to sleep.

Not sure what dinner will be tonight. Something easy for sure as we dont get done with Bunco until about 4pm. I have salad fixings or lots of do ahead meals so will see what I feel like.

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Re: Wednesday , March 6th

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:16 am

Morning Sue, Karen and all who follow. Anita, love your travel plans and would enjoy making them.

I had a text from my eye clinic this morning confirming Friday's appt. Good thing I read it through as it showed 9:30 am and I have 10:30 on my original paperwork. So I called and yes, it was changed. I wonder if I missed understanding that when someone called me on Monday (before I had my hearing aids in). So good thing they texted. Unlike Karen I'm not a morning person but it is what it is. Lol the surgeries should be even earlier, but I expect that.

We did hit 91 yesterday with very high humidity and no breeze until late afternoon. There's a little breeze today which should help some. TY and I got a good walk in this morning.
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Re: Wednesday , March 6th

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:53 pm

Karen, I have trouble remembering what stations shows are on but just realized I watch a few ABC shows. They're on Hulu. You'd laugh at me when I want to see something, bouncing around the various streaming services to find the show I want.
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Re: Wednesday , March 6th

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:08 pm

We had a nice meeting last night and some of the 4-H posters were amazing. There are some talented kids. We had a casserole for the dinner. It had shrimp and rice and I'm not sure what else but it was good. Also cake and cookies. Tonight I have a Meetup meal at a Greek restaurant. I have had Greek food before and wasn't too impressed. I looked up the menu online and don't know what most of the food is. It's next door to my favorite Italian restaurant. I'm going to ask that it be included in our rotation.

What I didn't like when I watched my son's roku TV was trying to find something to watch. I can't remember what shows are on when or on what channel most of the time. I like the guide on Direct and miss it when I watch regular TV.

Most of the storms and wind went North of here yesterday. All we got was a little rain and thunder. It's already up to 85 today. We have more rain coming on Friday. I looked up the weather for the campground we are going to on the 14th. It's suppose to rain on Friday and be in the 60's Saturday and Sunday.

Velda, take care of yourself. There's a reason that sometimes patients out live the caregivers.

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Re: Wednesday , March 6th

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:41 pm

Beth I used to have the "seek and ye shall find" method. Now I made a list with the days of the week and what show is on which day. Added the channel next to it. I watch ROKU, Peacock, Paramount +, Pluto, Tubi, heck I jump all over so it is hard to remember what I was watching where. But I now have that problem solved LOL

Had my Bunco ladies group this afternoon. Was fun. I couldnt do it every week but we only do it every other week so that works for me. No rain today and a little bit of sunshine but still chilly out there.

Was going to have taco salad for dinner but opted just for tacos. They were good. Now I need to check my list LOL and see what I will watch tonight. Probably the shows from last night FBI, FBI Most wanted. I stayed up and watched Will Trent so only have 2 current shows to catch up with. I have some other shows going on but I can come back to them anytime and often do when it is a slow night for the new shows. ha ha

Time to just relax now

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