Voting Day Tuesday

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Voting Day Tuesday

Postby Colliemom » Tue May 05, 2015 6:33 am

Good Morning everyone,

Election day here in MI. Biggest thing is a proposal to raise the state sales tax to 7% and raise money to fix our sadly crumbling roads. But I don't think it will fly as it has a bunch of other things attached and all the money isn't going to fix the roads, some will go elsewhere. Feeling is that they could come up with something better. End of the day will tell.

So other than heading to the polls sometime today, I don't have anything special on my agenda. Couple of little projects for the trailer I would like to work on. Took trailer to dealers yesterday, so that's getting serviced and ready to go. Grass could probably use a cutting, but not rushing it. We did get rain yesterday morning for a short bit, but things are drying up already.

Cheryl, good job on the backing up process. Eventually it will come easier and don't worry about jackknifing. If it looks like you are going to, just pull back out again. Don 't worry about blocking up he road for a bit while getting into your site. All RVers go through that and are more than wiling to wait. Donna, sounds like you had a nice day yesterday. Maybe one of those table mounted magnifying glasses can help with the needle threading too.

Going to wish you all a nice day and head out of here. Washing done, time to put it in dryer. Neighbor and I were talking about walking to polls about 2 miles, so will see if she is still interested and if not will take gas can for tractor along and go fill it up while I am down there.
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue May 05, 2015 7:03 am

Good morning Sue and all....cloudy and rainy here highs in low 80's...the almost tropical storm is causing all this .... I am going to try a magnifying glass see if it works..then I will buy one that hooks on table and is lighted...went to Aid to Animals yesterday Maggie need fea/heart worm meds....could only get the is time for a yearly test for heart worm before they will give them...I ask why need test when she has been on them all year..they said you never know what happens...told me a story about a dog that test positive after a year of taking them...long story short...lady came in and told them when cleaning one day she found all the pills behind the sofa...the dog put them there ...guess he didn't like them...and who says our doggie fur babies are not smart.... :) so have appointment on Wed. for her test and distemper yearly shot... worked more on loading back bay after getting it cleaned out...since I don't have to work on the house this year...I plan on making stuff that I can sell at a craft show...I need to make some $$$ ... I am thankful that God gave me this talent ...and I need to get busy using it anyway my supplies I will be taking with me..another thing I am so very thankful for is my health... my body is healing and I feel so much everyone have a fun filled day and B safe... donna ;)
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby Liz » Tue May 05, 2015 7:20 am

Good morning all! Too bad politicians can't just vote on one issue at a time, Sue, or at least not try to hide things in a bill related to something else.

Donna, I'm so glad you are feeling better. You are so creative with your crafts, it's nice you have something you enjoy doing that will also help bring some income.

Nan and I are leaving the Outer Banks today. We will stay at a PA cg on the mainland a couple days while I get my permanent crown put on my broken tooth, then plan a route around the megalopolis of DC, Baltimore, Philly, and NYC. We have changed our minds about going to DC. I really do not like driving in big city traffic. So why create stress?

It's going to be another beautiful day here, hope the same for all of you.
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby JRKERMIT » Tue May 05, 2015 7:29 am

Good Morning
it is another beautiful day here in TN. So outside chores it will be toda And a few things done inside the rv. Yesterday I bought a new battery and put it in the rv. I went out to start her Saturday and she would only start using the emergency start. I think she probably had the original battery in her. Sow now she cranks right up. We also bought some baskets to put in the cabinets to hold food etc

Donna what kind of crafts do you make?
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby bluepinecones » Tue May 05, 2015 8:09 am

Happy Cinco de Mayo
Been AWOL for a few days, nothing interesting to report lately. My porch redo is progressing painfully slow - everything seems to take me much longer to accomplish that I think it should.
Most of yesterday afternoon went to my annual eye exam, then waiting for my vision to clear back up after all the drops.
Had to make an emergency trip to Wal-Mart over the weekend as my coffee pot died. I'm not much of a shopper and don't go there often. After this trip have concluded that perhaps I should not go unsupervised. Ended up buying several things that were not on my list.
Meeting a friend for late breakfast then to get some local strawberries, first of the season. Tree guy coming later; two more have to come down due to lightening strikes.
Weather is near perfect - sunny, warm and dry. Very welcome after such a chilly, wet April.
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby Redetotry » Tue May 05, 2015 8:27 am

Good Morning All, Thought we were going to have some clouds this morning but see the sun has come out. Supposed to be in the 80's all week :( I wasn't through with spring! We went to the most wonderful wedding over the weekend. Three hundred guest and the sit down dinner at the reception was fabulous. BBQ ribs and smoked chicken at the famous 17th Street BBQ. The wedding guests were from all over the US and even Scotland. A man from Scotland was in full Scottish regalia and was a big bear of a man with shaggy white beard and hair. He was so nice and some of the parts of his attire were over 100 years old and had beautiful silver attachments. He had on the blouse with the full sleeves made from wonderful off white linen and three knives in various locations. One sticking out from a stocking,and a couple on his waist. The bride of course was beautiful and the ceremony which only lasted maybe 4 minutes was one of the most moving I've been to.
I sold my Subaru and the man is picking it up tomorrow and now I can't find the Sienna van I want. Honda Odyssey's are on sale but...I want a Toyota Sienna. I have seen what I want on a dealer's website but when I inquire they say oh, only the ones that say IN Stock are here the Available ones we can trade another dealer for. Good Grief!! I would buy local but they are unwilling to deal on price and are way out of line on their prices. I'll be sharing DH's car or driving Elsie for awhile.

Donna if Maggie has been having distemper shots all along ask your vet if it is necessary. Most vets only give them occasionally, mine haven't had any in several years. You can have a titer test run and that will say what her level of protection remains. People are realizing some shots do not need to be repeated every year. In Illinois you have to give the rabies 1 year or three year shot though they don't accept the titer tests for rabies here. I have used the monthly Sentinel pill for fleas and heartworm for years, it makes the flea unable to reproduce but does not kill them. It is well tolerated and have never had a problem. A good shampoo with Joy, Ivory or Dawn dishsoap or Johnsons Baby Shampoo will kill fleas. I try to stay away from as many chemicals as possible for me and the dogs!
The reason they are making you test for heartworm every year is that they don't work as well as they used to and while you might have given every pill she could still have contacted heartworm.If the vet doesn't have proof that you have been buying and testing each year the company won't pay for treatment.
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby Carolinagal » Tue May 05, 2015 10:22 am

Good Morning Everyone !!! if I dwaddle on this too long, it won't be morning, pushing it here :roll: I was thinking last night, that things are coming along too slowly here too, Sarah. Of course, this last week, not sure if it was a bad case of allergies or a cold, but it sure hit me hard and Sat. finally just gave in to it. Watched tv and slept, watched tv and slept :o and still slept through the night. Needed a total day of rest, I guess. Still not good, but am able to do a certain amount each day, where I feel like I might be getting things accomplished. Neighbor boy, came over and ran the bushhog over the back area and got it back down to where its mowable again. Then last evening he came over and mowed it and the rest for me. Only thing is he does not do certain areas and close to building or walk areas are ones he leaves, the one out back by ramp is most important. Maggie can walk down it and I don't have to carry her and you can see that means a lot to her, just the way she walks, dislikes being picked up each time she needs or wants to go out. Some of the weeds there are as tall as my head, so I need to get out there with clippers and clear that area. I have not heard from the guy I was counting on to really help me clean up this yard and get rid of some of this shrubbery or at least push it back where it looks nicer around here. He said he was really busy for 3 wk ends after I got here, well, hopefully I will hear from him soon.

No real news, just thinking of everyone, hope all are well, and that travel plans are moving along smoothly for those who plan to get on the road soon. My thoughts kind of went that way this morning too, but until I get more done here, have to be patient on those plans. Hope all are well and that spring has finally sprung and winter has LEFT. :D

Have a good day all, stay safe,
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby chalet05 » Tue May 05, 2015 10:38 am

Good Morning,

I try to keep up with everything happening. I have had my 3 weeks in the hills near Hollister, CA. Heading to Yosemite today for a couple of weeks.

Cheryl, I can relate to the backing, but at least you are getting practice! I had intended to, but it didn't happen. I backed the SS trailer into a site for the first time Sunday. Wasn't pretty. Sue, your sewer hose holder is very well done! Kathleen, sorry you are in so much pain. CArol, so happy you are home, but so much to do! To everyone, I enjoy your posts.

My 16 yo granddaughter is still fighting a Crohn's setback - 7 months now. Another trip to the doctor today and my daughter is hoping they will admit her to the hospital. They have tried so many drugs since the original ones quit working. I hinted to my daughter that maybe they should see another doctor, but she's okay with the things they have been doing. She's a nurse so I trust her judgment and if she wasn't happy, we'd know about it! All prayers would be welcome.

Be well and safe travels!
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue May 05, 2015 12:35 pm

It's up to 82 this morning. Last night we had a couple of showers blow through and they left the wind. I decided to burn some papers last night and ended up having to watch the fire until it went out because it was too windy. At least the wind will help it dry up around here.

I have to bring the dog to get his 6 month heart worm shot this afternoon. HIs appointment was at 10:00 and yesterday they called and changed it to 3:30. I'm glad I didn't have to set my alarm clock to be sure I was up and dressed to bring him. He use to be on the once a month treatments but he turned up with a positive test one time. The vet ask me if he chewed the treatment or swollowed it whole. You know dogs, I'm sure he just swallowed it. He put him on the 6 month shot and wanted to refund the remainder of the pills. I ask if it would hurt him to do both and he said no. Every month I would take the treatment and cut it up into little pieces. The next test he was OK. I should have given him a bath yesterday because I'm sure he has been rolling in cow poo. He will just have to ride to town in the kennel.

I get very aggravated at the politicians because of the way they waste our money. They can't let us vote on something that would pass if they didn't attach what they are trying to sneak by. Our governor wouldn't accept the Medicade money that came with Obamacare so our charity system is just about gone. The latest on the news is that the hospitals want to get together to put up the matching money so Louisiana can get the Federal money. We'll see where that goes. Our governor has delusions of granduar about running for president. He couldn't win if he could run for governor again.

Liz, too bad you can't make it to DC. I passed close to there one time and that was enough. I think most people camp in nearby campgrounds and take shuttles to see the sights. I would like to do that sometime. Maybe park close and take a bus tour in DC.

Sarah, everything I do seems to take a lot longer too. If they gave awards for procrastination I would be in line for an award. :roll: I have had about 7 years of tax boxes in the floor for a month that I need to get papers put back into and put the boxes in storage. My son will be staying with us for a while and I don't want him helping me. He has had back surgery but still insists on picking up things that he shouldn't.

I decided to extend my flower garden a few feet and started that project yesterday. The fire ants have built around some of the stone edges and have made them fall over. I need to dig up part of that and redo it. I should have run a string because the new edging is not in line with the old part. I don't guess anyone would notice it but me.

I made my reservations for the RVing Women rally in Biloxi for June. We had a nice time there last year. My sister has Friday off this week and wants to go to the lake. I am going to a rally with the Getawaygals the following week end so don't know if I can get away with two weekends in a row.

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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby dayspring39 » Tue May 05, 2015 12:49 pm

It was Good Morning but I got a surprise visit from my grandson Tim! he cannot do some things yet at work but he is healing...
I gave him the ribs from yesterday... they upset my stomach... and I gave him a box of K cups... he said he will mow my lawn for me but will come back this evening to do it when it is not as humid...
I forgot to eat my breakfast and saw it on the burner when I went into the Kitchen... so heated it up and am having it for lunch... the blueberries have a bit of bite to them... like they are not completely ripe...
CArol hope you get things squared away in your home... years of accumulation are hard to part with...
Carolb take care of yourself...
Have a great day.... enjoy the all too early summer weather!
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby MandysMom » Tue May 05, 2015 1:18 pm

It's good to hear what everyone is doing. I have to admit, the title about voting confused me, as we don't have any elections scheduled here over the next year that I know about, until primaries next year. Weather here,in 80's but supposed to drop back into high 70's and maybe even a few drops of rain Thursday. We are slowly working at decluttering here, depending on how hubby feels. I hate that he still has so much pain from the radiation to his face, as well as the fact that he really only can eat mostly food he purees. We see his surgeon next week but he admitted last visit not much he can do. They are,good at getting the cancer out, but not much good at dealing with the consequences of treatment.
Anyhow I stay busy with paperwork for sons social security and Medicare and taking people to medical appointments and going to Curves weekly, but not much time or energy to clean up craft room and start card making again.
Have a good week all.
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby beazle » Tue May 05, 2015 1:38 pm

No voting here, either, but Martha: your governor and his goofy decisions sounds EXACTLY like to one we have here in Wisconsin. Ashamed to even admit I'm from here sometimes.
Rainy day here so I'm going up to the attic to sew, and a sewing conference in Beaver Dam this weekend, so I'm happy.
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue May 05, 2015 1:57 pm

Working a split shift today. Was supposed to rain today but so far has been sunny. We need rain really bad here. Most of MN is in a severe drought now. Hopefully it will rain the rest of the week as predicted.

Played golf last night and did pretty well. In fact, I scored lower than any time last year, so a good start.

I am still waiting for them to start working on my studio apartment. They keep telling me "soon". Haven't seen any progress yet...(crickets chirping...).

Been looking at pop-up trailers on CL but they are a lot more money now than they were over the winter. I wish I knew then what I know now, and bought one of those I was interested in when I had the chance. I missed out on some really good deals back then. Will know for next winter to jump on something! Maybe I will be able to find a good deal on a little hard-sided trailer instead. If I can sell my Jeep this fall and get a Cherokee that can pull more weight, I can look into those more. Meanwhile, I will have to do the tent thing again this summer :( .

Have a good day! :D
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Re: Voting Day Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue May 05, 2015 3:06 pm

My first day since last Friday I didn't have to be at the store at 6:30 and the employee working called at 6:32 that she couldn't get the alarm turned off. Of course the alarm company had already called, also. So down I went and got it off. I'm having them come out and try to clean or replace the key pad, as necessary ... not sure when they'll be here. It was touchy last year, but I always got it to work, and I still can this year, but it's getting worse and needs some tender loving care. Hopefully after they do that, I'll be able to have a real morning in :) I didn't stay, though - took Peaches with, left her outside, then walked her after. Been an easy day for me - I've been down to the store two more times and will go once more, but that's going to be normal all summer.

I'm going to dinner tonight with one couple here - to the new Mexican restaurant - hey, it is Cinco de Mayo!
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