Sunshine Wednesday

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Sunshine Wednesday

Postby Colliemom » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:29 am

Good Morning fom the thawing 45th,

Another sunny and mild day on tap here. I'm loving it. My drive is almost totally clear of snow and the snowpack is gradually going down. Miss Molly has discovered she can walk on top of it now. I can't keep her inside these days :lol:

We spent the entire afternoon outside yesterday in the 50 degree weather. Really enjoyed that. Even unzipped my trailer cover and opened the door for an afternoon of fresh airing out. Trailer Is sitting on ground which is turning to mud and a huge lake forming in front. Ground too frozen for snow melt to go down and also a bit low due to stump being ground out last summer. So cleared away a bit more snow and am going to haul it out of there onto black top drive today. Then can work inside if I want without tracking in mud. Course I'm expecting another last hurrah from winter yet.

Carolb, hard to believe your winter trip is almost over, but new adventures awaiting and people to meet. Aice, sounds like you are enjoying CA. Liz is getting ready for spring/summer travels. Glad to hear about upgrades coming to McIntosh. I love those Phoenix Cruisers too. Wish I could afford one.

Well time to move along here. The day is starting. Might run into town or might not. You all have a great one ;)
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Re: Sunshine Wednesday

Postby Othersharon » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:11 am

Morning all. A foggy morning here! Actually started early last evening and got thicker as time went on. I wrangled an invite to dinner at young son's last night! He called earlier to ask how his dad made Italian chicken so I told him I'd come help! It's something we had every so often when the boys were growing up and it was always the potatoes that were the favorite. Cholesterol city but oh so good! For a first time, he did good!

I still have a fair amount of ice around but it's slowly melting off so the floods aren't so bad now. The ice in the back driveway is the slowest since it doesn't get the afternoon sun. Out front the grass area between the sidewalk and street is all melted and now I can see how much stuff the snowplow threw up on the grass. It's always a challenge to get it raked off before the street sweeper comes by!

Saw Lori's post this morning, hope you're able to get a handle on what's making you feel bad. Sue, glad you're getting some nicer weather. I can just imagine the pup is enjoying it. I went out again and started Lola the other day and so wanted to uncover her! But, like you, don't think this is over yet! I have a pile of stuff in the dining room that needs to go back in her and I'll be glad to get it back where it belongs! Soon! At least the snow is melting from around her! Need to get ready to head out, I have an eye appointment this morning then shopping with sister in law later. Yep, I like to shop! Or at least check out a couple of favorite stores! But have to be in the mood! Right now I'm just glad to get out and about! Be safe and have a good day.
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Re: Sunshine Wednesday

Postby Redetotry » Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:35 am

Good Morning, Yes Sue, after the snow comes the mud... :( my floors speaks of the change, it is strange though they don't seem to want to go out as much since the snow and cold weather is gone. I think I will wait a couple of weeks before I get Elsie out, I paid for the month so might as well leave her since I don't have any travel plans. It is a beautiful foggy morning here, I so love the fog, it makes me think of being by the ocean. I think I need a nap, I didn't sleep that well last night I need to remember to turn the furnace back now that it is warmer I get too warm.
My cousins came over to play Mexican Train last night and we laughed ourselves silly. If anyone joined in they would have to not be serious about winning, half the time we can't remember whose turn it is.
Toby is outside barking at the neighbors company guess I should get him. Hope everyone has a good day.
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Re: Sunshine Wednesday

Postby avalen » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:43 am

good morning
raining here this morning but sun should poke through sometime today. I'm appreciating that Arizona sunshine and can't wait to get back to it.
Ya'll have a great day, be safe, be warm and be healthy.
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Re: Sunshine Wednesday

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:23 am

BJ, I have never played Mexican Train but have watched people play. I was at one rally where the women were from different areas and seemed to play differently. I told them they were making up the rules as they went along. I don't pay attention so never know when it's my turn. That really aggravates serous game players.

It isn't raining now but there is a big area in the gulf so we will probably get more. I need to go to town so need to get a move on or I will get rained on.

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Re: Sunshine Wednesday

Postby dayspring39 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:12 am

Oh what a beautiful morning! will be in the low 60s today... milder weather for several days... even if winter gives us a last blast I know it is about to be spring...
Have been trying to figure out how to port my numbers to my new tracphone... may end up doing one at a time... Kelsie comes to help today so maybe she knows how to port them...
so glad to see Lori posting hope she is doing better soon...
I am anxious to find someone to fix the roof of my MH... or at least give me estimates... it is way beyond me...
Not much happening here... need to pick up a bit and take care of the dishes...
Have a great day everyone...
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Re: Sunshine Wednesday

Postby bluepinecones » Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:27 am

Mid-day here at Hardee Lakes - the last full day for 3 of us as we scatter tomorrow. Soos left this morning.
Sad to be turning north so soon but was happy to get a spot at near Irmi (with her help). Will stay there a few days while I decide where next. I do need to get back home by the end of month.
Have a great aftenoon
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Re: Sunshine Wednesday

Postby judi » Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:03 pm

Rainy here in Oregon today, but it feels good. When it stopped for a few moments I ran outside with my dog for a quick walk. I hope everyone is getting at least a few signs of spring.

Tax time!!! I always get anxious about taxes. I tried to use Turbotax but it wouldn't let me enter certain details so I gave up and made an appointment with an accountant. Lately it feels like the money is just slipping through my fingers...

I'm going to take a nice nap today - after doing some errands. It's a good day to grab a blanket and take a snooze.
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