EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

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EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

Postby Getupngo » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:16 am

Good morning all! Although it is 5 am mountain time, I've been up since 4 am, not of my choosing. With the advent of Facebook I've become a less frequent poster here, I'm afraid.

I am camp-hosting at Dead Horse Point State Park in Utah. A woman knocked at my door at 4 am ... complaining that her neighbor was running a loud a/c unit. She said she asked him to turn it off and he told her he had the right.

So I got dressed, went to her campsite and it turns out the guy in the offending Airstream trailer had shut the unit down.

It's an interesting question. Ten o'clock is quiet time. There are specific rules about running generators during that quiet time, but what about anything that disturbs a neighbor? The problem was that the complaining neighbor was sleeping in a pop-up trailer.

I think sometimes RV'ers can't tell the diff between an RV park and a state campground. In state parks we have mixed use and some campers have only a strip of fabric between themselves and a noisy neighbor, be it loud voices, a running diesel truck ("my kids just wanted to watch a video!"), noisy dogs, or, in this case, an obnoxious a/c unit.

Here it is SO quiet, 20+ miles from the nearest highway. Even during the day people in the c/g speak in low voices. There is a respect for this place.

Long story short: I was gloriously asleep, and now I am not.

Speaking of knocking on my door, two days ago an Austrian couple came to my rig, insisting they had made a telephone reservation here but was told at the visitor center that they did not. I called the 800 number they used to make the reservation and got Canyonlands NP instead! I talked to the park person because the couple's English wasn't good. Turns out the reservation was for Canyonlands and it was hard to find in their computer because there was a typo in the name. (Franz Marx)

So that day I earned my keep. When I arrived here, the ranger asked if I wanted them to take down the "camp host" sign so "people won't bother you." I was amazed at that sentiment. My primary service is to be here for the campers.

Even though I still am not gloriously asleep. And do not have any sweet things to eat with my coffee. :roll:

Have a great day, everyone!
Janice traveling solo in a 2008 Four Winds Windsport
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Re: EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

Postby Carolinagal » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:09 am

Good Morning Everyone !! Janice, it's so nice to see you here this morning, sure sorry about circumstances of our good fortune though. Hope the day doesn't feel really long. You're sure in a beautiful place, enjoy your day.

It's raining here has been since yesterday evening, nice, I've enjoyed hearing it on the roof and it's so much cooler this morning. I do need to dump tanks though , take trash out etc etc. My Sis and DH will be here this afternoon to pick me up and I have to try to remember everything I will need for however long. Sooo many years traveling with everything in its place when needed, now I'm living out of bags that are hard to keep organized. I'm just ruined (spoiled) I always forget something, better get at packing or I will be leaving a lot of stuff !!, :lol:

No real news, just wanted to say hello to Janice, always nice to see those who are not here often. Have a great day everyone, Donna, wishing you a Trouble free rest of your trip. Those on the road safe travels. Ks Gtg group, oh I forgot that Kansas wind its awesome and not in a good way :o

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Re: EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

Postby IrishIroamed » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:32 am

Good mornin' Janice & CArol and all that follow.

Sorry about the early rising today Janice, but interesting to read what types of problems camp hosts have to deal with.

Sorry to hear about Donna's shimmy problems on her first day out. Please be safe driving to wherever you may need to have the problem looked at.

Fun seeing the ladies at the KS gtg and seeing some names put to faces that don't have avatars (I know I'm guilty too, but I'm always taking pics not being in them). Looks like Barbie has food on the brain and is looking for food pics too (yet she stay so slim).

Took the new camera to the heron reserve yesterday afternoon to test it out. No herons, mostly cardinals and robins. Not sure if this is a female cardinal or something in the waxwing family. I bought the Sibly Birds book which is making me think waxwing, but I could be as clueless as usual.

Have a great day everyone. If you're on the road be safe, and KS ladies - stay out of trouble - NOT!

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Re: EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

Postby MandysMom » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:40 am

Morning all. Janice its nice to meet you via the forum, had heard about you. Sounds like you have a great place to work.
We in the Sacramento Valley/foothill area are in for another smoky day from the King fire. So will mostly stay inside with AC filtered air. Temps still in 80's here and no rain forecast so still late summer here. Have a good day all, and ESP fun times to those at the gtg's!
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Re: EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

Postby avalen » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:45 am

Good morning ladies,
good to see you posting here Janice. I'm also one of those that are awake soon as I wake up, if its anywhere near
4:30 I'll not be getting back to sleep for a few hours. However, those days usually give me a mid morning nap. :D
Have been out working on the fence already this morning, a trip to home depot and now its time to come in, cool
off and think about a nap after I eat something. My goal is to get the back portion of the fence finished off today
or tomorrow, then I can plan on the front portion by the driveway.
Appt at the dermatologist yesterday....doc said my elbow was healing nicely, he froze 4 more spots and I'm good
for 6 months now. Took a good dose of aspirin last night and woke up with no pain in my muscles today. I was
beginning to think the pain was here to stay. Hope to get some extra housework done today, now that my pain
is gone.
Off to catch up on posts and fb, ya'll have a great day and be safe. Enjoy the gtg. :D
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Re: EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:44 pm

IrishIroamed wrote: Looks like Barbie has food on the brain and is looking for food pics too (yet she stay so slim).

I am always thinking about food! Luckily, I was blessed with a very high metabolism! :D

Yes, Janice, great to see you on here again! Was wondering where you've been and what you've been up to.

Just got off work. Yesterday was a bad day for me. My manager scheduled a curling iron style for me to do and she knows I am really bad at them and hate doing them. Well, half-way thru it, my client started screaming at me that she looked like a witch (with a lobby full of people overhearing this!) and kept saying how awful her hair looked. :o I looked at the stylist next to me with pleading eyes and she agreed to take over, since she is very good at that sort of thing. By then, I was mortified and shaking. :oops: Cut myself on the next haircut and nothing got better from there. I am extremely good at haircuts but nothing else, so that is why I don't work at a full service salon. I like to stick with what I am good at. Hopefully, my manager won't do that to me again! :roll: (The lady loved her hair style after Deb finished it! She came back this morning to get it redone for a wedding and went on and on about how much everyone loved her hair at the grooms dinner last night. I am glad she was happy about it.)

We have a nasty storm heading this way in about an hour. Sometimes they fizzle out by the time they get here tho. Something to do with the large lake I live on makes them fall apart or split and go around us. Glad I have a garage so my Jeep doesn't get hit with hail, altho it could use another bath!

Looking forward to the updates from the happy Kansas cows, er, gals, I mean! :lol:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: EARLY Saturday ... not on purpose!

Postby JudyJB » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:53 pm

I know it is way late for a posting, but I wanted to respond to Janice's thoughtful questions.

I agree that noise must be a problem for people in popup trailers. On the other hand, it would depend on the temperature. As an older person, I really need AC at night and cannot sleep if it is warm outside. It seems like a solution would be to put popup trailers in the tent area, although I know that isn't always possible.

Luckily, I have nearly always been in places where it cools down at night and I can turn off the AC, but I will definitely think of the noise in the future.

Oh, and your story of the wrong campground reminded me of the time I took a cab from the airport to the wrong hotel. Actually, I have done that more than once!! So far I have not gone to the wrong campground.
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