Happy Friday

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Happy Friday

Postby carolb » Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:39 am

G'morning all :)

The 22nd--down to the last month of summer already! For me, a happy thing, since it means I'm closer to leaving for my winter trip & for many, just 3 1/2 weeks til the midwest gtg!!...Sarah, could cause to celebrate, & offering continued prayers for your niece :D

All is well--having the c'oscopy was like a spa day for me! Three hours or so on a gurney, not having to lift a finger for anything :lol: And that's the last of all my planned August dr/vet/vehicle appts, so I'm good to go--will take a leaf-peeper trip later in Sept--will miss you Anita :(

May be a day of rest for me, somewhat. Might try to putter around the yard between expected scattered showers. Guess Donna is still sending her weather this way ;) :lol:

Y'all have a great day & be safe always! 8-)
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:29 am

Good morning Carolb... And everyone else... Rain for sure
But today should end it... But I will have to set up for the yard sale in the rain anyway
No rain tomorrow for the actual sale...son is coming at three p.m to help with big stuff
went to aGTG with gang of girls for dinner last night .. I used to work with them at the hospital.. had a blast
I just realized this morning I have not seen some of them I'm almost 20 years... but it seems like
just yesterday that we were all working together... well its going to be a long busy day... better
get at it.... have a fun filled day and be safe...donna
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby bluepinecones » Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:58 am

Good morning
Have to take Nicky to vet in a little while for the surgery to remove a growth from pad on a back foot. Of course I'm a nervous wreck about that as vet not sure what it is or how much of the pad may have to be removed. As far as I know now, will be able to bring hime home this evening. Dogs look so pitiful in those big cones but he will have to wear one to keep him from chewing the bandages off.
Spent much of yesterday at campground getting Magic serviced. Have a couple of question about that - will post in Maintenance thread. I got way too hot down there as I was outside most of the time and heat index was 103. In addition to the service, I had a cover added over the Fantastic fan so now I can use it in the rain. I had requested adding gutter spouts too but tech said there is no gutter so could not attach them.
Driveway is full of cedar needles and a few leaves so it is in need of blowing. The cedar needles badly clog up the drains but after being in the heat so much yesterday, think I'll ignore them for now and stay inside as much as possible this weekend. Plenty of things inside that also need attention, including trying to figure out a route to KS and places to stay along the way.
Donna - I hope your yard sale is a rousing success and dry.
Have a good day and stay cool.
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:30 am

Good Morning from Chadron, Nebraska - I'm sure you all know just where that is! :lol:

Fort Robinson is just up the road and that is where I am heading. Very cloudy!

Carolb, glad you got a good report! I'm going to miss fall colors probably so enjoy them for me.

Sarah, keeping a good thought for Nicky!

Donna, good luck with the yard sale. Glad I never have to do that again!

Have a good day and safe travels!
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby Othersharon » Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:43 am

Good morning all. Sounds like lots of things going on for everyone! Donna, I don't envy you setting up your yard sale in the rain! We've certainly had plenty the last few days. I started out to run some errands in town and then planned to head over to the fair yesterday afternoon....got the errands run but by then it was rainning so much I just went home! Texted my friend at the fair and she said it was bad there too. She texted me when it stopped so I headed over...in the rain! it started again! I managed to find a parking space in a very grassy area and no slick mud to fight later when I was ready to leave! A very good thing, been stuck before! Luckily there are lots of helpful people around to help push! So spent the afternoon and evening sitting in their tent watching people and visiting. Of course the big decisions had to be made...what to eat. I got my french fries, egg roll and apple dumpling! I know, not very healthy but it is Grange Fair week! By tonight I'll be over it! Then we decide what cook and bring in. BF has a microwave, hot plate and frig in the tent so we manage. Kinda reminds me of camping in the rv! Couple of times yesterday I wished I had mine out there! But it would take years on the list to get a space. Tent list is so long a wait they aren't even taking names anymore. They are passed down from generation to generation. We are fortunate to have such good friends that share their tent with us. It's like a gtg for us! I'm planning on leaving for South Carolina next Fri after we empty the tent out so will be getting a late start. Not sure what my chances will be to get into a campground that night since it's a holiday week end but guess there's always WalMart! Don't want to make any reservations since I don't know how far I'll get the first day. My concern is keeping the dogs comfortable. I don't need to be in SC until Sun so it'll work out, I'm sure.

Carolb, glad you did so well with your test! My doctor keeps pushing for me to have one done but so far I've avoided it. Guess I should just do it but....I can always find a reason to put it off. Sarah, hope everything goes well for Nicky.

I have coffee, yogart and some fresh fruit if anyone wants breakfast. Have a great day and be safe if you are on the road. And stay cool if you are in the high temps!
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:13 am

Good Morning from Copper Harbor, MI

Found out this park has WiFi and I have a great signal here, so thought I would at least check in. At Ft. Wilkins State Park way up in the Keweenaw Peninsula of MI. Can't go much farther north from here or will be in Lake Superior. Maybe 7 miles. This town is the last outpost in this ruggedly beautiful area of the Upper Peninsula. This is a nice state park, there are two campgrounds here, one east and one west and Ft. Wilkins itself right in the middle between them. There is a lot to see and od up here. I have been taking a bunch of pictures and will posted some after I get back home.

I'm supposed to leave here tomorrow and move down to Van Riper State Park, but sure do hate to leave. Tempted to extend and cancel one night at Van Riper, shall see how things go today. My neighbors are also here and we had dinner at their campsite yesterday. They are camped in a private campground with full hookups. Howevver, I'm not impressed with the place and for $42 a night, I will just stay right where I am at. I have a water spigot right across the road here for water for Sassy, the laundry room has a big sink and I have been getting gallon jugs of hot water from there, rather than use my propane to heat water in here. Saves on both water and propane. I can use either my own "john" or the parks, so I'm happy.

Will play catch up on here later on this evening as time to get out and moving. Small shops to explore in Copper Harbor, not a very large place, but has some small shops and stores ranging from artistic, photographic, souveniers the like. A lot of crafts people and artists/photographers display their works here. Then will spend time exploring the fort itself.

Weather has been mixed bag. Two days of heavy rains and misty conditions at Indian Lake, foggy, misty here when I got here, cleared out yesterday afternoon and we had sun, cloudy again today, so who knows what will be laer today.

Well, enough chatter, got to go. Talk to you all later.
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby Redetotry » Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:46 am

Good Morning, It is another hot one, through the weekend expecting heat to be 105-110 when humidity and dew point figured in, guess who is staying inside!! I'm bored so I'm cooking, brunch is biscuits and gravy with eggs help yourselves. Yesterday I made a cobbler from seedless concord grapes and posted the recipe. It was so good and the grapes were so sweet I only added 1 Tablespoon of sugar and it was perfect.

My neighbor sent me and interesting link today to early RV's and people camping in FL back in early 1900's. Love the fold out bed. Their campsite is on a big pile of leaves or some type of heavy vegetation. Looks nothing like your site Dawn, which by the way looks really great with all the shade. http://www.theshelterblog.com/recreatio ... s-and-30s/

Thinking of Vickie today as she picks up her new puppy. I know what she is in for and hope she is rested up for the challenge! :) :) I still haven't gained back the weight I lost the first week but I sure feel better. I was beginning to wonder if DH and I were going to survive the experience. Note of caution, don't be fooled if she sleeps all the way home she is just storing up energy.

Thinking of you and Nicky this morning Sarah and hoping for a good report.
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Re: Happy Friday

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:13 pm

:lol: :lol: Carolb! You are the only person in the world who could compare a colonoscopy to a spa day!!! :lol: :lol:
(I need to get one scheduled after my trip in September :roll: )

Didn't get to the fair yesterday due to the heat predictions, so I stayed home, got up at 9:30am, fell asleep on the couch at 10:30am and didn't wake up until 4pm! :shock: Must have needed the sleep! Slept a full night again last night.

Didn't know that Vickie was getting a puppy. What kind? Hope that goes well!

Ava, have been thinking about you with all the flooding in Phoenix this week. Hope all is well with you there!

Have a good evening! :D
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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