
Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby carolb » Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:15 am

G'morning all :)

Barbie, finally a camping trip :P Yes, you need that RV--so much easier to "up & go"! Martha, have a great trip too. I'm jealous :oops: Crikey, still dealing with appts for most of Aug, so won't go anywhere til Sept...

BJ, looking forward to hearing how Toby is doing with his day-schooling. I've always been told "dog training" is really "people training," so I hope the "dog trainer" will work with you to teach you how to work with Toby! Is that a jumbled sentence or what :roll: Anyway, keep us posted.

Coffee is hot! Y'all have a great day & be safe always 8-)
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Re: Tuesday

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:33 am

Good morning, Carol, and all that follow...
Still raining on and off in SW TN, but weatherman has it getting better with some sun today....and hopefully, lower humidity.... :roll: Heat, I can take...it's the darn humidity that gets to me.... :roll:

And up early again this morning...well, I do love my naps, so will try to sneak one in today.... ;)

Okay, more coffee for me....then sort the laundry for wash day...

Have a great day, all...
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Re: Tuesday

Postby Oma » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:32 am

Good morning Carolb,Rvgrammy and all who follow.
Headed to the doctor with DH for a check up. He had a total knee replacement about 6 weeks ago. Hopefully he'll get a good report.
Looking kind of dreary out this morning. Perhaps our daily rain will come early today.
Not a coffee drinker so it'll be Oj and a bagel this morning.
Wishing everyone a blessed day.
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Re: Tuesday

Postby Colliemom » Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:09 am

Good Morning ladies,

Dreary day here today . Rain in forecast. But we need it, so much welcomed. Lori, I was wide awake at 4 a.m. this morning too. You must be getting contagious :lol: Actually was doing a project in my head. Need to stop doing them in my sleep and start doing them when I am awake :roll: Have been toying around with a "Campsite Occupied" sign project. Plan to start on it this week and see if it pans out. Too damp to paint he wood today. Carol, you sound like you are really antsy to hit the road. Maybe you should come to KS and bring Peggy along with you.

Well, Sassy's visit to doggie doctor turned out about what I expected. Her eyesight is definitely getting worse and she figures she figures probably a month, maybe 2-3 and she will be totally blind. But she doesn't think it will be long. At this stage she said it usually starts going faster. Plus she also noticed the dementia that makes her go in corners and just stand there. Arthritis in hip is getting a little more stiff as well. Her hearing is almost gone as well, which has been the cause for about a year now. So unfortunately the odds are stacking against the poor girl. So no long trips for us the rest of this year. Might take that trip over to the Great River Road though as it's close to home and won't take a long time to do. As her sight gets worse, it will become more difficult and even dangerous for her to get around. The risk of her getting hurt becomes greater. So will see how it plays out the next month or so.

I have my checkup this afternoon too, so not getting into much today. Hate it when appt.s fall in mid afternoon. Hard to really do anything, although I can go to town and pick up a few things. But also kind of lazy today too. So..... Dinner is in crock pot, Swiss Steak. Trying new recipe. So that's done for the day.

Okay, enough rambling. Cereal, milk, toast, blueberries, eggs, bacon available here today. Help yourself, but you are going to have to fix it as I already ate :lol: Have a nice day.
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Re: Tuesday

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:16 am

Good Morning All, I think that is Peggy in site 43 or 44 for the KS GTG. Maybe she should go get Carol and bring her on down.
Another busy day in store for me today. There is always so much to do when returning home after a vacation. Yes, I'm retired, however, I still call it a vacation when I go away from the condo. People pay expensively to come here and go into a hotel with a swim pool. I live here!!! I got back into the pool with the Aqua Jogger yesterday. It felt so good.
Just found out my great nephew will be in the marching band at OK St this year...Wonderful!
Drive safe, lyn

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Re: Tuesday

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:19 am

Good morning everyone... rainy and dreary here also
was awake most of the night listening to the rain on the roof of the
RV.... Had to go over to the hospital At 7:30 a.m. For my mammogram
and have not done much since A little on the tired side today but I will mess around
and get more ready for the big yard sale on the 23rd... My whole neighborhood is having one
Lot of people show up for that one.... and I might have said this before but this is the last yard sale here....!!!! My sister said she might be up this afternoon and do a little quit sewing.. well I better get out of this chair and get busy... have a fun filled day andbe safe donna
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Re: Tuesday

Postby Carolinagal » Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:58 am

Good Morning Everyone !!! Donna, sounds like you're dragging this morning too. I can't seem to get a good start. I slept good last night, so not sure what the problem is. Thinking it might be the pile of laundry waiting. Did mine yesterday,,have a huge pile of DD's to do today, all that folding of small items, really off putting :lol:

Seems everyone has something going, besides laundry :roll: Oma, so nice to see you posting and when I saw your location this morning you aren't far from me at all. I'm in Lake Wales, actually south off of hwy 27. You never know how close to a Sistah you are on this forum. I'm not driving right now or would suggest we meet up. If you did want to visit, PM me and I will tell you exactly where I am at.

Ok gotta get this lazy thing moving here, here is Maggie looking at me and I see it's time she needs to go out again. Hope you all have a great day, stay safe Please and enjoy your day.

CArol :)
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Re: Tuesday

Postby Oma » Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:12 am

Carolinagal- I have sent you a pm, I think 8-)
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Re: Tuesday

Postby chalet05 » Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:26 am

Good Morning from St. Mary, Montana,

CArol, I have so much laundry to do and haven't looked yet to see how far and steep the walk is down to the laundry room! :)

How I hate RV parks now that I have discovered boon docking! People have more respect for fellow campers in WalMart lots!!

Having learned I can't take the truck and camper on the Going to the Sun Highway in Glacier NP, I'm considering going down to East Glacier and renting a car for a day. There is a free shuttle and a paid bus tour, but I like to be able to stop for photos, etc. when I want and without dodging others. Not a control freak or anything!

Better get a move on - have a good day everyone!
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Re: Tuesday

Postby IrishIroamed » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:01 pm

Mornin (barely) ladies.

Sue - I had a dog that went blind literally overnight. Read up and discussed at length with the vet on condition. Dogs can get along very well being blind. Seems the hardest thing for them to relearn is stairs (mine never did). And if he got off kilter in the house, I'd bring him back to his water dish to get his bearing again. Hoping Sassy can still get around (even with some dementia) if it does happen.

(((hugs))) to Sassy from Zorro.
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Re: Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:44 pm

Just a quick late note. Been very upset with Verizon because I am doing the same things online, even less, and using up more Gig. Used 20 last month! $$$$ Cannot afford this but have to have it for work.

Gorgeous campground for next three days at Salt Creek in Very Northwest Washington, but discovered I was roaming to Canada. Was online immediately with Verizon and they first said my JetPack could not roam and then after 20 minutes said oops, yes it can and you just used $50 of minutes there in data. :x II turned it off immediately, and they will rescind it, but I am getting tired of constantly being on the phone with Verizon. Am in town now sitting in Walmart parking lot online in U.S.!! :)

Heading south in a couple of days so situation with Canada at least will be solved. Cannot even use my phone because there is no service other than Canada where I am at in campground, but right on ocean and view is incredible!!!

Other problems with microwave tripping breaker. Got to run now back to only RV service place in town so they can look at breaker. If microwave is shot, will get a small cheap one from Walmart and put it on counter until I can get back to real civilization. Bathroom circuit is also tripping causing a lot of my plugs to not work. If it rains, it pours......

Have fun all at GTG.
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Re: Tuesday

Postby Liz » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:22 pm

JudyJB wrote:Just a quick late note. Been very upset with Verizon because I am doing the same things online, even less, and using up more Gig. Used 20 last month! $$$$ Cannot afford this but have to have it for work.

Gorgeous campground for next three days at Salt Creek in Very Northwest Washington, but discovered I was roaming to Canada. Was online immediately with Verizon and they first said my JetPack could not roam and then after 20 minutes said oops, yes it can and you just used $50 of minutes there in data. :x II turned it off immediately, and they will rescind it, but I am getting tired of constantly being on the phone with Verizon. Am in town now sitting in Walmart parking lot online in U.S.!! :)

Heading south in a couple of days so situation with Canada at least will be solved. Cannot even use my phone because there is no service other than Canada where I am at in campground, but right on ocean and view is incredible!!!

Other problems with microwave tripping breaker. Got to run now back to only RV service place in town so they can look at breaker. If microwave is shot, will get a small cheap one from Walmart and put it on counter until I can get back to real civilization. Bathroom circuit is also tripping causing a lot of my plugs to not work. If it rains, it pours......

Have fun all at GTG.

Be sure to check out the tide pools at low tide while you are there, Judy. I loved that cg too.
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Re: Tuesday

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:31 pm

JudyJB wrote:Just a quick late note. Been very upset with Verizon because I am doing the same things online, even less, and using up more Gig. Used 20 last month! $$$$ Cannot afford this but have to have it for work.

Judy I am having the very same problems....going round and round with Verizon...this has been going on for several months...this month they said I use 50% of my GB's in 5 days!!! no way could that have happened I was not even on it very much in that time period...I am at my wits end ...I did google the problem and found it is a wide spread problem.....
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Re: Tuesday

Postby chalet05 » Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:31 am

Ladies, I highly suggest you check for worms or viruses on your computer. Grandson's friend used free trial of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on mine. Since then Verizon is not showing the unbelievable usage. I have always used Norton Security, but it didn't catch everything.

JudyJB, Salt Creek is a favorite place having grown up in Port Angeles. Connecting to cell towers in Canada was an issue with AT&T years ago. With AT&T, I would be not far from where WalMart is, call my daughter on the west side of town and it would go to Canada tower.
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