great Thursday morning....

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

great Thursday morning....

Postby grammynmaggie » Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:32 am

Good morning everyone.... beautiful day here in northwest Pennsylvania
I hope the rain is over basement is so damp and wet beginning to bother me
and the fan that I keep down there quit working yesterday so we'll have to get a new one today
I have a whole list of things I need at the grocery store so I will unplug and then hit the road to the grocery store..... also will be back to painting after a break yesterday.... I made a couple blog posts
in the last few days on both of my blog if you want to take a look.... have a fun day and stay safe
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:34 am

2nd morning with an internet in southcentral PA is sunny right now, but the weather channel has us at 90% chance of rain today and temps in the upper 80s... :roll: Ernie's helping a friend to finish a work project in another friend's our "home improvement" project is on hold until this afternoon....the 5er is now 3 years old so we can now do right now we're changing out all the window treatments....will take photos when done...

Other than that, not much going on here....this place will be full starting today as the seasonal campers have started coming in and from what I hear, all the "weekend" sites are reserved for the weekend, too....glad we're back by the field with no "drive thru" roads....keeps it somewhat quiet for us.....Oh, just remember, better make sure I have Benedryl for Spinner this weekend....He doesn't do well with fireworks....

Okay, better stop so this will have a chance to post before I loose the signal...still have coffee and some toast for ya'...

Have a great day, all...
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:55 am

Good morning
We're getting a much needed two day break in the oppressive humidity/heat just in time for the holiday. Was surprisingly pleasant having coffee on porch this morning. Too bad it won't last longer.
Enjoyed catching up on your blog, Donna. Kitchen looking good and you'll be finished with all that work soon.
No big plans or anything exciting going on around here. Still fighting some computer problems. Ugh! May switch to another task so I can actually accomplish something before the week is over.
I've got to get back down to the campground to get a few more things out of Magic and generally check on things there.
Have a great day.
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby gingerK » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:22 am

Mornin' to all!

Still soggy here in Il this morning. More showers last evening and night so we couldn't get all the trees cleaned up as we wanted to. Using the tractor was genius; we got a lot more wood moved than just using the wheelbarrow! With the bucket on the front it carried a lot of logs to the lumber pile and we only got in three trips before it got too wet. Still more trees to cut up and haul but at least we got the fence back up and the gate fixed.

Cleaning house and garage today as we are hosting a Fourth party tomorrow. Deep fried turkey and Italian sausage with peppers and onions on the grill. I have to make potato salad and baked beans and everyone's bringing a dish to pass. Will be about 20 of us, I think. DH will set up the tables and chairs in the garage later.

Not much else to report here, should probably get going on cleaning (yuck). Everyone have a good and safe day.

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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby Colliemom » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:33 am

Good Morning Donna, Lori, Sarah and all.

Donna, glad your house is progressing along nicely for you. You will be done before you know it. Long lists sometimes have a way of getting shorter each day. Hang in there. Been there done that.

Lori, so glad you see you posting of late. Hope you have a great weekend at the park even with the crowds coming in.

Sarah, morning coffee on the porch sounds peaceful. Weather here is chilly, low's for tonight are going into the upper 30's, but I'll take it. No heat, no humidity. Highs in the upper 60's to mid 70's is perfect summer weather for me. I'm loving it.

Looks like those of you along the eastern seaboard are in for some hurricane weather. Hope it's not too bad and you don't get rained to death. I see they even moved the Boston Pops Fireworks up a day due to the impending hurricane weather. Guess mom nature has decided to throw her own 4th of July party, not the kind we would plan, that's for sure. Keep safe all.

Waiting for company to arrive later this morning, early afternoon. Best friends from downstate area. I stood up for their wedding 50 years ago. Boy time has flown. Seems like it was just yesterday, They are going to have a little informal celebration in Sept., but I will be at GTG in KS at the time. So coming up to celebrate 4th with me instead.

Okay, all the news on ths front right now. Getting antsy to get back on road with my TT, but parks are really busy right now. So made reservations back up at my favorite resort for a week. Sassy will like that as she can run around off leash for a change. Then will work on a trip someplace when I come back.

Probably won't be on here for a couple of days, so want to wish all of you a Grand and Happy 4th of July.
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby Carolinagal » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:38 am

Good Morning, Overcast this morning, but cooler, I have the windows and door open , nice breeze coming in. We had a terrible storm yesterday evening, poor Maggie, she does not like all that thunder and lightening, This week end will not be her favorite either, with all the fireworks.

Donna, looks to me like you are coming along nicely. I like the colors you've chosen too, for the kitchen. Lori, always nice to see you post, doesn't seem like you've had your 5er that long, my how time flies. Seems we were all waiting with you to pick it up. Sarah, like you I don't have all that much to say this morning. If I did something I might :roll: :D In this heat, it would have to be very early morning or late evening that I would venture out to do anything, if I had the chance.

Looking for more storms this evening and that I could sure do without, rain ok, but its the rest Maggie and I, don't like.

Have a nice day everyone, stay safe,
CArol :)
Good morning, Sue, you snuck in. Hope you have a good time with friends and enjoy your week end too
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby avalen » Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:47 am

good morning ladies :D
finally got through the day yesterday without fighting with the circuit breaker.
Will see what today holds. Not doing much of anything today except clean up cat hair, it seems to be
a daily chore :( I just don't do well with cat hair and she seems to shed badly, more so since I put her
on indoor formula she isn't shiny anymore so when she's done with this bag she's going back on the
stuff I used to have her on.
I've got nothin else for ya so will get off here and get my bath. Ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby Liz » Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:03 am

Enjoyed reading your blog, Donna. I found the Ridley trademark associated with old wallpapering tools, so maybe your mystery item has to do with wallpapering. Surprised Sarah didn't know.

I am at the OR gtg. We had a nice gathering last evening, but I forgot to take a picture. Will try to get one today. I got a peek inside Nikki's RV. I love the renovations and decorating she has done inside. Beautiful!

Laundry project for me today.
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby dayspring39 » Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:59 am

Good Morning... coffee is so good and much needed... got my Keurig working again did the vinegar bath... born to live another day!!!
The motor for my sleep number bed would not work and when I was trying to get it hooked up a lot of air escaped yikes!! No bed in bedroom until the new motor arrives...
Pulled out the hide a bed after finding out I could not sleep in the chair... now why can I sleep in the day time in the chair but not at night... will all be ok when it arrives in maybe 10 days...
It was cool yesterday and last night... will be in mid to high 70s today and tomorrow... perfect weather for the holiday... have not heard from Margie but maybe we will do something not sure... they have been working so hard with others getting one of the church houses ready for a new staff member with 4 children... many changes in the past year since our pastor retired... most are good...
So good to see Lori and Soos posting...
Have a great day and mufflers on the ears...
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby SoCalGalcas » Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:05 am

Good Morning All, I'm off to the library today. Finished the books I have at home. Donna, loved your blog. Barbie, that is a great site you suggested. The items are a bit expensive for me tho. I'm still gathering info. To the Oregon ladies, are you going to fix the Khaluah (sp?) treats for your visitors? I hope so. Both my dog and cat will be huddled in the bed with me if we have noisy fire works around here. As fireworks are illegal in SD we probably will not have many. PetCo Park shoots some off every once and awhile. Here comes the sun out after burning up the morning gloom! lyn

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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:26 am

Good morning (barely!)!
Got to bed late last night and then couldn't fall asleep :roll: So slept in later this morning. Working this afternoon, evening.

Our annual Taste of Minnesota is usually in St Paul on an island on the Mississippi River, but the island is under water so they moved the festivities out here just west of me to a county fair grounds. I never go to it because I hate driving into the Twin Cities with all the traffic and trying to find parking, etc. But I think I will go tomorrow since it is so close to me and check it out. They have some good bands playing tomorrow night.

Weather is supposed to be good all weekend, in the mid 80's, dry and sunny. Finally! The lake has only come down about 3 inches so far, so it will be a quiet weekend on the water. Usually, 4th of July is absolutely crazy on this lake with a million boats and drunk boaters. This year, with the no-wake restriction, it will be very quiet. I know a lot of people took their boats and jet skis up north to use this weekend where they can go fast on those lakes.

Hope you all have a safe holiday weekend whatever you have planned!
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby bluepinecones » Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:30 am

Liz…. You are correct about Donna's mystery item being related to the wall paper industry..
Found one for sale on EBay [url]Ridgely Trimmer Co[/url]
Was trying to date it but best I came up with was early to mid 1900s.
The Ridgley Trimmer Company is located in Springfield, OH. It is the only factory in the world devoted exclusively to making tools and supplies for the benefit of decorator, painter and paper hangers.

Probably more than you wanted to know but I get carried away with antique/vintage items sometimes. :roll:
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Re: great Thursday morning....

Postby grammynmaggie » Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:36 pm

Great Sarah.. that was my first thought also Wallpaper .... there are two of them
and I thought maybe laying a board across them to cut wallpaper or paste it... but I felt the wood
was too thin and fragile to put any pressure on it... is that what they were used for Sarah do you know or were they use for something else and wallpapers?
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