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Traditional Meals

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:30 pm
by Paulette
Just wondering if any of you have any traditional meals that you prepare for New Years? I used to do a corned beef and cabbage. It was one of my Dad's favorite meals. Now he is gone and I don't think my kids like corned beef, so this year I'm going to roast a pork tenderloin and some veggies.

Re: Traditional Meals

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:55 pm
by dcricket
I don't have any traditional meals. I looked up traditional meals on the internet and cooked em up a couple years ago (black eyed peas, greens, and one other thing I can't recall at this time), but DH and the rest of the clan were not overly impressed and relayed they'd rather be poor the whole year versus eating black eyed peas and collard greens. I enjoyed them. Oh well...maybe that's why we aren't millionaires by now. ;)
So this year I did make a pork tenderloin roast in the slow cooker, awesome juices I made into gravy, and then cooked up some basamatti rice and mixed up a batch of fried rice. All came out purdy good if I do say so myself.

Re: Traditional Meals

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:43 am
by Barbzeee
oooooh now I know Cricket (Donna) my hubby being he's from Ms..his is.. Black eyed, Corn bread, Greens and Hog Jowls..omg !! yeah I don't do the last part of it.. I put pork roast in there.. but in my family..Italian..we have Lasagna..cause it's got all kinds of goodies in it...LOL as far as the wealth too...we is just happy we made it through the meal....

Ok, I'm anxious to hear the others ....I'm starting to get hungry.....

God Bless


Re: Traditional Meals

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:41 am
by avalen
Have never done a "traditional" meal, but when I think about it, seems I've more often
than not ordered up Pizza Hut on New Years as by then all the leftovers were gone
from Christmas dinner and everyone always wanted something different, Pizza!
But that was then and this is now, kids are gone and grown and to tell ya the truth
pizza sounds mighty good! Its been too long since I've had pizza.

Re: Traditional Meals

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:35 am
by Orchid
My family is Irish/German. When my parents were living, we always had corned beef and cabbage. That was the Irish tradition. Eating cabbage on New Year's Day was supposed to bring you luck. My brother carries on the tradition. I don't like corned beef. But I do like sausage and sauerkraut, the German in me, I guess. So in past years I've had that instead of the corned beef and cabbage. Cabbage is cabbage, right? This year though I didn't have any cabbage as I had made Asian cole slaw for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm about cabbaged out! Gosh I hope I'm still lucky this year. Cheryl

Re: Traditional Meals

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:39 pm
by Nasoosie
I don't remember any traditional New Year's Eve dinners, but we DID have a traditional Christmas Eve dinner.....designed to allow the person in charge (Always Mom and Grandma in my house) to relax, avoid dishes, avoid cooking, avoid planning and avoid set times to eat.


2 cans concentrated Campbell's tomoato soup (See below for this year's update)*
As much extra sharp cheddar cheese that you can melt into the concentrated soup

Heat the mixture in a Fondu pot
Dip crackers or whole-grain crispy toast into the mixture
Serve with paper plate and paper napkins

And that's it!!! People can eat all night, if they so choose! Wrap and eat and wrap and eat!

*This year I used chunky primivara souce instead of the mild soup, and we agreed it was a definite improvement!